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Staten Island Grand Jury Does Not Indict in Eric Garner Case

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Europe is more racist? Do Euro police kill minorities on a regular basis and we just don't hear about it?

Well black minorities are not as prevalent in Europe. Most European cops don't have guns. Cops are more likely to be held accountable due to the centralized nature of government.

But yes, I do believe Europe and the rest of the world is far more racist than America.


Thats not how it works.

The grand jury comprised of the jury refused to indict....based upon what the closed system of prosecutes and police officers instructed them to do.

In Ferguson, the prosecute brought up an ancient law that was overruled by the supreme court as an example of why the officer could be justified, and refused to correct that problem.

What did the NYC prosecutor tell the jury?

The grand jury is nevertheless comprised of 23 people in New York. 23. 12 of which need to vote yes. Assuming collusion and nefarious presentation of the evidence, they still must convince 12 of 23 people that charges are not warranted.

The public's bias towards police violence being justified and the willingness to put the victim "on trial", examining every single move for potential creation of a justification to use deadly force, is an enormous problem. This is more than "the bad corrupt people are bad and corrupt". Shit runs far deeper.


Good lord...

Or don't resist. Why would you practice self defense when you already saw people dying when they raised their hands when trying to get cuffed. Just put hands behind back and lay down. Don't try to walk towards a cop...wtf you have a death wish.

I plan to just go limp and collapse to the ground if ever confronted by cops. It's the only way...


Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The grand jury is nevertheless comprised of 23 people in New York. 23. 12 of which need to vote yes. Assuming collusion and nefarious presentation of the evidence, they still must convince 12 of 23 people that charges are not warranted.

The public's bias towards police violence being justified and the willingness to put the victim "on trial", examining every single move for potential creation of a justification to use deadly force, is an enormous problem. This is more than "the bad corrupt people are bad and corrupt". Shit runs far deeper.

They couldn't get 12 out of 23? Holy shit. Yeah. This is wrong.
This should have way more traction IMHO than the brown case.

I agree. This is far more clear-cut with definitive evidence of the cop's wrongdoing.

That's not to say the Brown case is any less important, however. The injustice in that case is just as disgusting as this one, but the lack of definitive evidence gives closet racists far more leeway in weaseling out of the conversation to divert attention from the real problem. Here, there's nothing anyone can focus on other than the police brutality.


So multiple eyewitness testimony can't get a police officer indicted and neither can video or a medical examiner's stated caused of death. Fuck this country.


So much for chest video cameras on police making a difference.

I don't know the implications of what rulings like this mean (whether the officer will be held accountable in other suits?),but either way it doesn't seem right to basically sanction this kind of behavior. Insanity.
You're kind of a disgusting human. Go ahead and continue victim blaming instead of the person who murdered someone.
He's disgusting for saying he personally doesn't resist arrest?

When you resist arrest, you give police the right to whup dat ass. Sometimes it goes too far. If something happens due to you resisting arrest the likelihood of the police getting indicted for it is pretty low.
Expected. He was a large black male. He was never going to receive justice in this country.

And Fuck anyone that will justify this shit.
Lime made a similar argument in another thread that blew up with people disagreeing with her. Forget the thread. Wish I could link it to see what the argument was being made. Persoanlly I don't understand why making "x country is more racist" arguments. Not sure what it accomplishes when we are focusing on a specific country and it's problems and how to fix it.

I think it's stupid because people are putting themselves into an argument where they try to downplay racism on their "side". And who the hell wants to do that? Our racists are better than yours is a pointless position to take.
prosecuters are basically saying an officer will not be charged if he kills an unarmed person resisting arrest. they are changing the rulebook that the police is better off killing an unarmed or unarmed resisting person even if they are in submission.


Does everyone here think I am for what the cop did? I'm saying the guy was surrounded by cops and he is like sure I'm just going to raise my hands when they try to cuff me. That shit is the dumbest Idea ever. Fun Fact: The cop is wrong and he should have been charged but I'm saying I would have just complied and not had choke hold come up.

I just think you're oblivious.

You don't understand that when you have to treat police like a T-Rex, then the countries justice system is broken, Thats where the focus should be. 100%. instead of placing all blame 100% on the PD that continually kills people, you're bending over backwards to pathetically try to claim that this man got himself killed. You aren't saying anything about the police, or the banned tactics, or the coroner.

Its an expected post from your pov. I can tell this simply by your reasoning to have your rights of due process violated. Its nothing novel, its the same opinion found in any bottom-feeding youtube section.

Pretending that this is a black and white issue of resisting or not is just as ridiculous as you coming in to bring it up. As if there is any weight in it. You shouldn't be killed unless you're an immediate threat to the safety of others. And even then, the EU manages to subdue people without killing them. But, yeah, keep pretending that I think that you're for police. Or anything other than just not having the honesty within you to discuss the paramount issue.
This has made me sick to my stomach. Do people really not have any sympathy for one another? What really gets me is during the video the one guy walks up to him and pushes his face down into the concrete after he is already on the ground and no longer fighting. What's the purpose?


We agree to disagree. When he was cuffing him and he pulled hands back that is resisting. It sucks he died but I've been stopped and stuff before and I just comply fuck nothing is worth dying for. I have a wife and soon to be kid at home.

So kill him then?


Well black minorities are not as prevalent in Europe. Most European cops don't have guns. Cops are more likely to be held accountable due to the centralized nature of government.

But yes, I do believe Europe and the rest of the world is far more racist than America.

You believe wrong. The rest of the world is a big place, and Europe is pretty diverse.
Yeah, I am really shocked by this one. Cops clearly using a banned technique and everything caught on video clear as day.

Open season indeed....


So much for chest video cameras on police making a difference. I don't know the implications of what rulings like this mean (whether the officer will be held accountable in other suits?, either way it doesn't seem right to basically sanction this kind of behavior. Insanity.

The only option for the family is a civil suit.

And quite honestly, I can't see how they wouldn't have a whopper ready to go against both the cop and the NYPD (given that a banned chokehold was used).


Good lord...

I plan to just go limp and collapse to the ground if ever confronted by cops. It's the only way...

Did you forget the Bart story of the man that already handcuffed on his stomach was still killed execution style?


Well, that one cop that was raping poor black women in Oklahoma is in the process of going through trial for doing that on duty. Maybe it's just "lesser" crimes with which they can be charged. Murder? No problem. Rape and pillage? You done goofed.
And even Holtzclaw (the OKC cop) was released to house arrest before the trial.

Keep in mind, this is after he's been publicly accused of dozens of counts of rape by victims.
Does everyone here think I am for what the cop did? I'm saying the guy was surrounded by cops and he is like sure I'm just going to raise my hands when they try to cuff me. That shit is the dumbest Idea ever. Fun Fact: The cop is wrong and he should have been charged but I'm saying I would have just complied and not had choke hold come up.

Can we stop with the shitty 'fun fact' nonsense?

It's the cops that decide whether or not a suspect is 'complying.' If your muscles reflexively contract because they're getting twisted around in unnatural angles (which is what happens when they try to cuff you, cops will interpret that as noncompliance and kill you, even if your intent was to comply.

'just comply with the cops!' is worthless advice that does not solve anybody's problem with american law enforcement.
I agree. This is far more clear-cut with definitive evidence of the cop's wrongdoing.

That's not to say the Brown case is any less important, however. The injustice in that case is just as disgusting as this one, but the lack of definitive evidence gives closet racists far more leeway in weaseling out of the conversation to divert attention from the real problem. Here, there's nothing anyone can focus on other than the police brutality.

So you're a closet racist if you agree with the Ferguson verdict now?

This case is disgusting.
Having served on a New York grand jury, the prosecution had to have gone so far out of their way to get a vote not to indict it sickens me.
Assuming you missed the initial story.


That's Garner on the left and getting arrested on the right.

Autopsy listed cause of death as “compression of neck (chokehold), compression of chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police.”

Despite the photos, the police union claims that a chokehold was never used and that the prosecution is a witch hunt.

Because officers would NEVER use a banned procedure! Amirite?

What a fucking joke. Seriously, what the actual fuck at the union.


Still not seeing the humor.

The fact that the people (I'm guessing citizenry, in this case) decide the laws. They don't. The officials the people elect do. And the officials can decide the laws however the hell they want. The third quote came off like America is a democracy like ancient Athens was a democracy. The people don't directly vote on legislation and I refuse to subscribe to the line of thinking that once you are an elected official you are still a member of "the people."


At this point, what does it take?

Voting Hylian..

because apparently non-negros can't value our lives enough to not vote for the murdering branch of the police department. We need people that look like us, in office, to remind people that we are human beings.


While 50,000 body cams is a good start, I don't see how it will achieve anything if being a cop is a free pass to murder black people.


Well Staten Island has the most Republicans out of all 5 boroughs, so I'm not surprised at all.

This kind of bullshit doesn't do anything besides mask the truth which is that a black man's life is worth the same everywhere in this country, less than everyone else's.


You believe wrong. The rest of the world is a big place, and Europe is pretty diverse.
You euros sure seem to not like romani we've had few of those threads in the past they never end well for Euro gaffers. Anyway euros have their own racism to deal with.
Prosecuters: the officer needed to shoot the unarmed man because he was threatening to the officer

Prosecuter: the officer needed to subdue the guy who was resisting arrest and if that killed him thats fine.

oh wait..
Best Justice system in the world......ffs


While 50,000 body cams is a good start, I don't see how it will achieve anything if being a cop is a free pass to murder black people.

I think it gets a lot harder to get away with this shit once all of these things are on tape. As we can see here, even being on tape is no guarantee, but it can't hurt.
Does everyone here think I am for what the cop did? I'm saying the guy was surrounded by cops and he is like sure I'm just going to raise my hands when they try to cuff me. That shit is the dumbest Idea ever. Fun Fact: The cop is wrong and he should have been charged but I'm saying I would have just complied and not had choke hold come up.

Going with this argument, if Garner would have never got out of bed at the time he did but instead wait an hour he'd totes be alive! <insert eyerolling gif here>


You're kind of a disgusting human. Go ahead and continue victim blaming instead of the person who murdered someone. A person who is supposed to protect the public not murder the person who's paying his salary.

"She was wearing the wrong outfit in the wrong neighborhood. It sucks she was raped and murdered but I teach my daughters to wear appropriate clothing and to never go out by themselves"

As a parent you do tell your daughter to wear appropriate clothing and never to go out alone. It's wonderful to live in an abstract world where a woman should be able to do whatever she wants without fearing reprisal, but the cold hard reality is that women have this shit drilled into their heads from the time they start physically maturing. As a citizen you crusade for change, but it's a cruel world, and as a parent you do and teach what you can to minimize the risks to your children. And that unfortunately means teaching them to do what they can to protect themselves. It's not victim blaming to tell your daughter to dress modestly and use the buddy system. Victim blaming is saying that your daughter wouldn't have been raped if she had been dressed more modestly and had used the buddy system. You can protect your kids while still blaming the real perpetrators.

In a similar vein, everyone knows the "talk" that Black parents have to give their kids to protect them from law enforcement. "Keep calm. Don't talk back. Do whatever the police say. Move slowly. Don't put your hands in your pockets." You can minimize the risk to your kids while still blaming the law enforcement system that treats blacks as criminals. I understand what you're saying, and in his statement it did come off as victim blaming, but I really think you overreacted with your nastiness.

While 50,000 body cams is a good start, I don't see how it will achieve anything if being a cop is a free pass to murder black people.

Right now it's a free pass to murder any citizen really. I understand the race complaint, but police are simply out of control in their dealings with alleged criminals. Things won't change until police are held accountable.
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