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Staten Island Grand Jury Does Not Indict in Eric Garner Case

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If they can hear you, they can shoot you.



In a lot of these cases there is a somewhat cloudy version of the events. It's based on conflicting eye witness cases etc. Even in Ferguson.

But this is clear as day. Wtf at the non indictment. THE VIDEO IS CRYSTAL CLEAR


This is just so infuriating, how do we stop this madness.

Any minority in this country is exposed to this constant threat.
Do people vote on whether or not blacks will be gunned down without trials by police?

Some would say that is what the law and order platform (many Democrats as well) is about. Look at any large urban political race and you'll see law and order promoted, especially in cities with large Black populations. The platform leads to Blacks being heavily policed and the police getting all the benefit of the doubt when killing them.


Him resisting is what prompted the actions of police.

An illegal technique was used as a result of him resisting arrest. This should have resulted in an indictment at the least. Saying resisting arrest has nothing to do with this situation, being the action that started the whole thing, is moronic.

Cops are trained to deal with this. He used a technique that is banned. So while yeah, he shouldn't have resisted arrest, the bigger issue is not him resisting arrest, but a cop using a technique that he shouldn't have. And continuing to use it after the guy stopped resisting.

Saying if he didn't resist, then he wouldn't be dead...is totally victim blaming. Because what should have had happened is, if he resisted he should have been detained and not killed by a banned technique. Him resisting never should have led to this.


( ≖‿≖)
These fights on CNN dang.

Also violent Americans please don't move to Canada with your violent ways ;_;


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Secondly you don't think a cop murdering a man in cold blood is comparable to a rapist?

Do you think the intention of the officer was to take the guys life or do you think he tried to restrain him but the force of the restraint killed him?


Time to put the cameras on cops.

Time to replace cops with cameras held by robots?


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But you speak as if the problem is one that can be fixed simply. Our courts are complicit in their crimes and our legislators and their unions anoint them of being individuals that are above the law. I believe until society at large views cops as the "other," as cops do with citizens, nothing will change.

Yeah this is what bothers me. I don't know how the system is supposed to get fixed when it's as fucked up as Washington (in terms of how entangled and fucked it all is with corruption being interwoven).

It's why I don't even see things like riots or violence as an inherently bad thing, as I do think at a certain point, you have to do something. If voting doesn't work, if the people on the whole seem to accept it and aren't doing shit, then what else can you do.

This is a basic right to life. Everyone has the right to defend their life. Just because you are a cope, doesn't give take that right to defend your life away from that person.
Do you think the intention of the officer was to take the guys life or do you think he tried to restrain him but the force of the restraint killed him?

I think he used an illegal chokehold and killed the man. The intention is irrelevant when he's been empowered by a system to uphold the law. He should be held to a FAR higher account than a civilian criminal.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
White people give a shit. I'm white. The Ferguson announcement bothered me last week.I got into heated arguments with people in my immediate family about it. This bothers me this week. I'll always be bothered when a human being needlessly dies.

Trust me. We're here. I am tying to understand what I personally can do to help. But know some of us do give a shit.


Surprise twist. I'm a white guy too. However, I'm married to a beautiful black woman and have two amazing teenage kids. Perhaps unfortunately for them they have a darker complexion. So needless to say I've had to sit down with both of them and have 'the talk' about the police with them.

I shouldn't have to do that. None of us should have to do that. But we do it because we love our kids and don't want our kids to be the next black person that the police decides it's OK to kill.

Until society at large, and yes that means white people, give enough of a shit to do more than hashtag about it the problem will persist and my kids will have to have 'the talk' with their kids.
I thought juries were there to prevent these kind of things

(not a US system, so I'm not totally familiar with your justice system, but this seems fucked up.)


I think he used an illegal chokehold and killed the man. The intention is irrelevant when he's been empowered by a system to uphold the law. He should be held to a FAR higher account than a civilian criminal.

Yep. When a cop knows he's going to be protected and has a lot of rights to do whatever they want to detain someone, it empowers them to be sloppy and do whatever they feel is necessary (even if deadly or illegal) to do so.

If you know you are protected, then you are more likely to do what you want. I see this same thing with the "fear for your life" stuff. A cop doesn't have to fear for his life, but he can use that excuse if anyone challenges him. The fact that this protection exists, means that it gives cops that right to do what they want in the heat of the moment.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Whatever you say.

The evidence backed up the verdict, period.
The prosecutor handled the Michael Brown case inappropriately. He presented all the evidence instead of building a case to warrant prosecution. Like others said the different eye witness accounts should have been sufficient for a trial at least.
Mods should be all knowing, obviously.
So blessed and thankful to be a black guy in the USA.

I feel the cop got off easy on that one too. I'd have to read the entire case, but two years for "accidentally" using the wrong weapon?
Yes, it was a homicide but the grand jury didn't believe it was murder. Two different things under the law.

Killing = homicide. Killing illegally = Murder. Killing legally = Homicide too but justifiable. So, there is justifiable homicide which police officers can do under certain circumstances, a license to kill some would say. Civilians also have that license under self-defense clauses.

Anyways, I don't see how this didn't get an indictment. Yes, Garner was resisting but at one point he stopped and the chokehold continued. Not only that, but the chokehold is banned as far as I know. So this officer used an inappropriate move that caused the death of someone. At least a manslaughter should have applied.
Assuming your definitions are correct, wouldn't an officer killing a civilian using a banned move be murder?
I'm not sure that's fair or workable.
People with authority, especially a weapon, should be held to a very high standards. With great power comes great responsibility.
Do you think the intention of the officer was to take the guys life or do you think he tried to restrain him but the force of the restraint killed him?

Intentions don't mean much when you're a power hungry, callous individual with no regard for human life.

- He used an illegal chokehold on the guy

- The guy kept saying he couldn't breath

- There is video of an officer smiling while Eric Lays face down

- When asked why they aren't doing CPR he says he's breathing when he's clearly dead.


^ The piece of shit that murdered him smiling and waving at the camera at 6:50. He knew months ago that he wasn't going to get in any trouble.

Fucking racist country makes me sick.
Are those officers still on the NYPD? If so, have they had additional training on how to freaking handle situations?

Eric Gardner was upset, but he wasn't violent towards the cops.
Uh the law says you HAVE to let them kill you. If you don't let them, you're going to JAIL.

Not true. In practice, as we have seen, the courts will not be on your side. But according to the book, there are circumstances where it is legal to defend yourself.

Until the people start burning down the homes of people aligned with the blue mafia, there will be no change.

It's fucking tragic that things might have escalated to this point.
This shouldn't be possible. There's no he say she say here, there's unedited video. This should have got an indictment plain and simple.

Hari Seldon

I'd like to see riots but I'm pretty sure the NYPD is bigger than most countries standing armies so I dunno how well it would go.


It had been a while since I watchced the video.

I truly feel bad for anyone who says that he resisted arrest and warranted a takedown like this.
Good to know. I'll be moving out of Connecticut soon.

A good time to probably get out of this corrupted country.

It happens in Toronto too. Last year there was that mentally handicapped guy alone on a bus surrounded by police who was killed.
Wow, this country, man. Clearly all cops aren't bad, but the ones that are, the system can't/won't touch them.

Then where are all these good cops clearly speaking out that this was an illegal chokehold and it was murder? Instead of remaining silent or spinning it to support their dude?


I don't know who to be angrier at:the piece of shit murderers or the worthless grand juries. Seriously how can you watch that video and not at the very least think to yourself "this needs to go to trail."
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