Hello fellow GAFfers, have anyone in here tried Haunted Memories? The first Chapter is on Steam and it's FREE so you can download it and try it for yourself. The game is in Early Access right now so bugs and other issues are expected.
So far it seems that the game have several problems. Frame rate is a known issue, if you play with the 360 Controller you may see your character auto-walk for a moment every now and then specially when you are turning around (which also have a strange animation).
The game seems to look good but I can't really comment on it since I do not have proper hardware to see it for myself. The audio is really nice, the sound of rain and the constant storms at night really add to the experience.
Saving your game is similar to the Resident Evil games, you found a Typewriter and you save your progress. At the start of the game you will have a Flashlight but you will need to get batteries when you run out of juice.
There's also the creepy feeling. I got scared twice out of nothing because I believe I was lost so I wanted to turn back but soon as I did BAM something was just besides me. There was also a moment that it was too creepy for me. Something was in front of you but it was a bit far way, it seems it was looking at you, just staring... I didn't like that, I was saying to myself "Just go away man, just go..."
I climbed a tower, for a really long time at the start of the game (turn left and climb the mountain). Yeah, don't go there.