LocoMrPollock said:Pulled out my disc, these aren't on the PS3/360 collection:
Eternal Champions
Bio-Hazard Battle
Crack Down
Ecco Jr
Galaxy Force II
Gunstar Heroes
Light Crusader
Virtua Fighter 2
Wonder Boy III
yeah, ill bite for gunstar, eternal champions & wonder boy. i'm an old-school sega whore though, they get me everytime around this price.
^any chance they'll honor this and toss in TJ&E when its steamable again? sonic games getting added in would be keen too.
and yeah, dreamcast collection for $20 sounds alright before i figure bass fishing = throwaway, crazy taxi is a lazy port, so its just sonic adventure (which ages poorly) and space channel 5 part 2 which is awesome, but not for that price, i think.