Stallion Free
Cock Encumbered
Why were guys so obsessed with the harder difficulties? There is no shame in playing on normal and it honestly reads like you guys ruined the game for yourselves by forcing your way through that experience.
Let's be best friends, shall we? Just yesterday I wrote on the OT for the game something along your lines.Would be nice to see Grey Matter get the greenlight.
Let's be best friends, shall we? Just yesterday I wrote on the OT for the game something along your lines.
I REALLY hope EVERYONE on this thread voted to see this greenlighted because it NEEDS to be. And I need it to be because I'm waiting for its arrival on Steam to go through it again.
If you don't know what game we're talking about, it's the latest game from Jane Jensen, amazing writer of the more than amazing series of adventure games Gabriel Knight. Never played those? Why, go to GOG and buy them asap, they're discounted right now if I'm not mistaken (I probably am though).
Gray Matter on Greenlight:
While you're at it you could vote for Cognition too. It's the upcoming game from the authors of The Silver Lining and it has been written with the supervision of none other than Jane Jensen. Also, I backed/purchased it on kickstarter so if it gets on Steam I'll get a free key thank you very much.
Cognition on Greenlight:
Quantum conundrum - only NeoGAF group - 3 hours!
Quantum conundrum - only NeoGAF group - 3 hours!
Quantum conundrum - only NeoGAF group - 3 hours!
Horrible endgame and horrible endboss. But I still enjoyed the game. It had semi-diverse surroundings, some really nice setpieces and still enough corridor-horror-dead-space-y-ness. Enough gameplay variations thanks to the anti-gravity bits. Isaac is becoming Iron Man slowly and I don't mind one bit.
Isaac should just shut the fuck up, but I didn't get too annoyed by the banter. I wonder if he's the same voice actor as Dead Space 1.
There were too many other people in the station and I never felt as alone as I did in Dead Space 1. Dead Space 2 is a pretty weak Dead Space in that regard but a solid game still. I still like the gameplay.
But fucking please, Zealot is really insane. I put 4 hours in the endboss alone because of the stupidIt's just really bad design, IMO. Dead Space 1's boss was far cooler. I went back to an older save, put the Contact Beam in my inventory and fucking did it in an hour.grapple OHKO that happen all the time. Even with the minions.
Change to detail view and you can see it on the right.
Quantum conundrum - only NeoGAF group - 3 hours!
Viking Battle for Asgard. Came out few years back on consoles. Now finally coming to PC.
I don't know what you guys have against the real Portal 2.
I don't know what you guys have against the real Portal 2.
Kim Swift is a traitor to the Valve cause.
Kim Swift is a traitor to the Valve cause.
At least Viktor Antonov gave us Dishonored, which I hope never, ever, ever gets any decent DLC.
I guess Viking is a bit more easy to port, since it was on 360 also. And made by PC-developer The Creative Assembly.Sega has been really trying to gain a PC foothold recently. Weird they picked to port this game over their cult classic Valkyria Chronicles though.
Why? I would be all over a Missing Link style expansion for it.
Why? I would be all over a Missing Link style expansion for it.
Wait, so it's not just a straight port? Hmm, this could end up being awesome.
A curious bloody blast from The Creative Assembly's past is coming to PCs next week. The Total War series creator's second console game, the hack-and-slash Viking: Battle for Asgard from back in 2008, is unexpectedly getting a very late downloadable release, seemingly jazzed up a bit.
Sega's Hardlight Studio, who one imagines is responsible for porting it, dropped the news on Twitter. Though the Tweet only mentions Steam, it'll also be on Gamersgate and presumably other stores too.
"It's looking really pretty," The Creative Assembly added, sharing a single screenshot. "We're looking forward to seeing one of our favourite games find a whole new audience."
Viking: Battle for Asgard is being ported by Hardlight Studios, a start-up Sega opened in early 2012 and made up of former Codemasters developers. It's unclear whether or not there will be any new content added or if Viking will be getting a significant graphical upgrade for PC. At this point, all we've got to go on is a tweet and screenshot from Creative Assembly: "It's looking really pretty - we're looking forward to seeing one of our favourite games find a whole new audience."
Next you are going to say that you love Quantum Conundrum.Missing Link was awful, really all the worst parts of DX:HR rolled into one awful spectacleathon
Interesting that Sega's not using Devil's Details for Viking. They were their go to port team for Sonic Generations and Binary Domain-the last two console>PC ports. If they formed this team to start porting some of the back catalog, though...
Wishful thinking @_@They probably got 'em porting Vanquish.
They probably got 'em porting Vanquish.
They probably got 'em porting Vanquish.
Low blow.Yeah, right after Valkyria Chronicles 3: Special Steam Edition I'll bet.
Today's Daily is 75% off Aliens vs Predator ($3.74).
Congratulations on it's 1 millionth discount!
Congratulations on it's 1 millionth discount!
I'll celebrate this momentous occasion by purchasing the DLC.
I'll celebrate this momentous occasion by purchasing the DLC.
Why were guys so obsessed with the harder difficulties? There is no shame in playing on normal and it honestly reads like you guys ruined the game for yourselves by forcing your way through that experience.
Multiplayer not a ghost town these days?
Quote for Max Payne 2
First time doing this, hope it works.
Today's Daily is 75% off Aliens vs Predator ($3.74).
I'd actually buy it for that price. The euro prices though is an (outrageous!) 4.99€! Can you imagine that, five euros for a game in 2012. I doubt anyone falls for that ruse.