Grimrock looks like time move without your input on a tileset. I hope not because ew.
Definitely worth that price. I got K&L 2 for around a fiver and really enjoyed it. It doesn't really try to be much more than a standard third person shooter but as one of those, it's a fun ~5 hour experience.
Age of Empires Online = GfWL title?
If so, does it install a client for it, or is it just an account login?
If you currently have AOEO installed and you want to switch to the Steam platform
Update and uninstall your current game then reinstall via steam. This will ensure the most efficient uninstall process and make reinstalling from Steam much smoother.
The Steam version WILL include the GFWL platform (i.e. you still sign in with a gamertag etc).
Is that official advice or just your own. Not that it doesnt seem like good advice if its the latter.
Nikopol and Twin Sector to the person who can tell me if you can turn off bloom in Grotesque Tactics.
There's a bundle with all the important DLC at 66% discount:
It seems the alliance MS made with Valve could be bigger than I thought. 360 Steam functionality annoucement at E3 anyone?
It isn't an alliance so much as it is Microsoft begrudgingly accepting the irrelevance of the GFWL Marketplace.
But what about Origin?
Nikopol and Twin Sector to the person who can tell me if you can turn off bloom in Grotesque Tactics.
Sinistar discrediting other reports with the REAL INFO.It's the glow intensity slider that controls it.
Sinistar discrediting other reports with the REAL INFO.
Both keys are yours if you wish to have them.
I did not see that.
All civilizations and boosters for US$ 16.99!!! Shame that I did pay US$ 25 for all of those minus the Celtics at GFWL marketplace some days ago.... still have to play it. (But it should be worse to the people who bought th subscription for US$ 100).
Now I am considering to double dip just for the sake of Steam.... anyway to transfer your GFWL licenses to Steam?
Whoa, did not expect to see age of empires online on steam.
Maybe Microsoft is kinda almost sort of starting to get it?
It seems the alliance MS made with Valve could be bigger than I thought. 360 Steam functionality annoucement at E3 anyone?
thanks I think i'll consider this. I wonder if patching will go through Steam as well?
Wasn't this established back when AOE3 and Fable came out?
Whoa, did not expect to see age of empires online on steam.
Maybe Microsoft is kinda almost sort of starting to get it?
Hmm, Tropico 4 updated. Any idea why?
So is the Age of Empires Online for Steam a Games for Windows Live title still, or did they get rid of that for the Steam version?
Gears 1 next, plz.
Woke up this morning to see an email from Steam. It was all in spanish so at first I thought it was an odd spam attempt then I saw who it was from.
Thanks so much for DOTA2 RelaxMX!
Okay so Leon Belmont PMed me first but had no confirmation (had to ask his friend) until after Chairmanchuck who didn't have complete confirmation but close enough I would say since he saw the pissed-off-ness of owners.
In this situation, I feel it is right to let Chairmanchuck get first pick between the two games and Leon Belmont will get the other one.
And now I must also decide what to do with Grotesque Tactics...
I just want something that doesn't look like it was made by a bored high schooler in 1997.
You call it "useless padding", everyone else calls it "graphic design". There's such a concept as white space you know. I agree with the other guy that Steam Compact is really ugly.
Are they still sending out DOTA 2 invites or just CS:GO? Still haven't been able to get either =\
They're still sending out DOTA 2 invites, I got mine monday.
I know someone is going to be happy seeing this as a daily, they were wanting to play this game and asked about it a while ago. Whoever you are, grats!![]()
It's been on my wishlist since June 22nd of 2011.