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It's impossible to never see a dragon because the dragon attack at the very beginning of the game is what sets everything in motion. ;)

Well, I don't count Alduin as a dragon, per se. :p

Plus, if you start Skyrim with the "Live Another Life"-mod, it is possible. My next character is going to be a Dunmer spellblade living on Solstheim.


How many money have you guys made/spent in the Market?

I sold 2 CS:GO items combined for 2,95, so that's pretty awesome. Haven't sold any of my 40 cards yet, because there are still like 50 of the summer cards being sold for 10 cents


How many money have you guys made/spent in the Market?

I sold 2 CS:GO items combined for 2,95, so that's pretty awesome. Haven't sold any of my 40 cards yet, because there are still like 50 of the summer cards being sold for 10 cents

I probably made over $150 already

the beggining of it was pretty crazy. Got around $60 with shit you wouldnt get even $5 if you sold it now
Ubisoft still hasn't put up the Blacklist download on uplay *cries* They even had the tweet that said it'd be up on PSN, Steam, and Uplay and then it didn't appear on the latter :/ Not sure about PSN.

I probably made over $150 already

the beggining of it was pretty crazy. Got around $60 with shit you wouldnt get even $5 if you sold it now
Yeah, early market days were insane.

Edit: The Bureau: X-com is how the new game is listed so it's in the B section but the trading cards are listed as X so they're at the end of my inventory. So horribly inconsistent ;-;


Hey guys, I have a question about Big Picture mode. Does anyone know of a way to auto switch your sound devices when starting/closing big picture? I have 2 sound devices, internal sound card and my Samsung TV's HDMI audio, would be great if i didn't have to manually switch these each time. I know this isn't a feature in Steam, was just wondering if anyone had a script or something to do it. Cheers :)
Somewhat enjoying SR4 but things like car modding and upgrading seem rather pointless now. I suppose that was bound to happen with all the superpowers.
So about that new hate game. It's a sequel, no? How good was first game?

It was kinda boring to be honest.

It's some sort of a visual novel but without the feeling of progress found in others. Instead you're reading through a database of letters with an AI looking over your shoulder and commenting on it.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Enjoying SR4 but things like car modding and upgrading seem rather pointless now. I suppose that was bound to happen with all the superpowers.
This was my biggest concern after seeing trailers and such. Being unrestrained allows novelty/humor to max out but it can lead to a Michael Bay effect on gameplay design. Hard to hit that sweet spot between boring by convention (GTA) and boring by being nothing but crazy all the time (Just Cause 2)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Rayman Origins seems to be a tad buggy. Yesterday I ran into an issue where a level didn't generate correctly, effectively blocking off a small passage intended for mini-Rayman, and just now I completed the final level of Gourmand Land but wasn't taken to the next world.
It was kinda boring to be honest.

It's some sort of a visual novel but without the feeling of progress found in others. Instead you're reading through a database of letters with an AI looking over your shoulder and commenting on it.

I don't really agree that there isn't a sense of progress. As you get access to more files, more of the bigger picture gets revealed and can be missed on any given playthough if you react in a way one of the AIs doesn't like(via the conversations) or choose not to invesitage any one subject in-depth.

I enjoyed it, the themes of the game incredibly interesting and the history created is well done but I feel there are some weird things that set it back in my mind. Despite being about the horrible oppression of women via a heavily patriarchal society, you can dress up the AIs(or at least one of them, I forget) as you please without any real consequence. Although if you dress up one as a Maid she berates you for a bit and it can actually affect the ending. The thing that really bothered me is there are endings where you basically take the AI as a love interest which is just completely out of place. Then again, the achievements poke fun at this quite clearly so it seems it's actually a parody of visual novels in general but I felt that felt tonally inconsistent with the rest of the game.

In any case, worth playing through and it only takes a couple of hours.

it's okay

i thought digital a love story was better than analogue tbh
Digital would have been one of the sweetest stories in gaming if it didn't go off the rails horribly in the last bit. Really found it ruined the game's story completely, or at the very least I didn't enjoy the direction they went.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Has this been discussed? Should Steam learn something from Origin?

And yes. Despite the policy applying to just EA games at this stage, it's a significant step forward for consumer rights as far as digital content is concerned. I'd say, "I'm surprised Valve didn't try something similar sooner", but the company has a rather disagreeable history of only offering post-release refunds in cases where there's mass outcry (e.g. The War Z) or its arm is twisted into doing so by users quoting verbatim legislation applicable to their cases, so I truly hope that EA's move here lights a fire under Valve's arse.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Little Dew, Mini Motor Racing EVO, and some shitty games

Groupees can get some nice bonus games tho
I don't really agree that there isn't a sense of progress. As you get access to more files, more of the bigger picture gets revealed and can be missed on any given playthough if you react in a way one of the AIs doesn't like(via the conversations) or choose not to invesitage any one subject in-depth.

I enjoyed it, the themes of the game incredibly interesting and the history created is well done but I feel there are some weird things that set it back in my mind. Despite being about the horrible oppression of women via a heavily patriarchal society, you can dress up the AIs(or at least one of them, I forget) as you please without any real consequence. Although if you dress up one as a Maid she berates you for a bit and it can actually affect the ending. The thing that really bothered me is there are endings where you basically take the AI as a love interest which is just completely out of place. Then again, the achievements poke fun at this quite clearly so it seems it's actually a parody of visual novels in general but I felt that felt tonally inconsistent with the rest of the game.

In any case, worth playing through and it only takes a couple of hours.

Digital would have been one of the sweetest stories in gaming if it didn't go off the rails horribly in the last bit. Really found it ruined the game's story completely, or at the very least I didn't enjoy the direction they went.

What you unravel might be thematically interesting but has relatively little bearing on the present story. It's just small-scale interactions with
the two
AIs which I didn't really find that engaging at all.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist

And yes. Despite the policy applying to just EA games at this stage, it's a significant step forward for consumer rights as far as digital content is concerned.
If something doesn't work out—you aren’t riveted by the storyline, or sucked in by the action, or even just if the game doesn't play well with your video card—we’ve got your back.
...or if it is completely busted for everyone like sim city
What you unravel might be thematically interesting but has relatively little bearing on the present story. It's just small-scale interactions with
the two
AIs which I didn't really find that engaging at all.

I don't really agree, at large the events you uncover form a broad picture of the society they were based in but the
two AIs
are very intricately linked to what you uncover and take part in much of the documents. Your post before last made it seem like you didn't finish the game so you should do so at some point. They bring it all together.



And yes. Despite the policy applying to just EA games at this stage, it's a significant step forward for consumer rights as far as digital content is concerned. I'd say, "I'm surprised Valve didn't try something similar sooner", but the company has a rather disagreeable history of only offering post-release refunds in cases where there's mass outcry (e.g. The War Z) or its arm is twisted into doing so by users quoting verbatim legislation applicable to their cases, so I truly hope that EA's move here lights a fire under Valve's arse.

It seems to be a great move by Origin. I hope Valve will do something similar. It's a great way to test whether a purchased game is good or bad or runnable


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
It seems to be a great move by Origin. I hope Valve will do something similar. It's a great way to test whether a purchased game is good or bad or runnable

In the past I said that I'd trade in my RU copy of Dishonored if given the opportunity... but these days...


And yes. Despite the policy applying to just EA games at this stage, it's a significant step forward for consumer rights as far as digital content is concerned. I'd say, "I'm surprised Valve didn't try something similar sooner", but the company has a rather disagreeable history of only offering post-release refunds in cases where there's mass outcry (e.g. The War Z) or its arm is twisted into doing so by users quoting verbatim legislation applicable to their cases, so I truly hope that EA's move here lights a fire under Valve's arse.

Competition is good. Being able to refund, trade or sell a digital game is obviously where things need to go.

I will say though that like all EA things, I'm quite dubious. I'd suggest this represents more of a switch for them away from single player games towards multiplayer and F2P IAP extravaganzas. Case in point the dropping of online passes before the original reveal of the xbox one DRM and their "special partnership".


Saint's Row is listed in my client as released Aug.20 and I have it preloaded, but I sill can't play it. I made my account in Canada and used it there years ago, but have been living and using steam in South Korea for the last 1.5 years. I always assumed my region remained the same, due to my billing address and payment method staying the same as well.

Any chance my region has been changed, despite seeing NA release dates?


Saint's Row is listed in my client as released Aug.20 and I have it preloaded, but I sill can't play it. I made my account in Canada and used it there years ago, but have been living and using steam in South Korea for the last 1.5 years. I always assumed my region remained the same, due to my billing address and payment method staying the same as well.

Any chance my region has been changed, despite seeing NA release dates?

So it's a mixture of a few things. The Steam client is probably pulling back the US listings for some things. If you click through to the actual game page, you'll note that there's a little notice saying when its out in your region.

As for the games unlock time? That's all IP locked, not account locked. So, you'll have to wait till whenever its out in South Korea. In the meantime, go find some cute Korean girls and I'll be jealous sitting here in Scotland.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Saint's Row is listed in my client as released Aug.20 and I have it preloaded, but I sill can't play it. I made my account in Canada and used it there years ago, but have been living and using steam in South Korea for the last 1.5 years. I always assumed my region remained the same, due to my billing address and payment method staying the same as well.

Any chance my region has been changed, despite seeing NA release dates?

Use Spotflux to unlock the game. You can disable it once you're in-game; you won't be booted back to the client or anything of the sort.

On a completely unrelated note, I was browsing The Last of Us OST uploads on YouTube and one of the suggestions was a major spoiler. Thanks, Google!


Uh, I just received a weird email from Valve:

Subject: "Steam account - Query account by CD-key‏"

From: "Steam Support ("

Dear Steam User,

This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration. It is being sent in response to a query made by a Steam user to discover all account names associated with this CD-key.

Steam account name: copons

You can use the above account name to log in to Steam. If you can't remember your password, click on the "Retrieve lost account" button on the Steam login screen.

The Steam Support Team

What the hell is this? They talk about a CD-key but they don't say which one. Also, it doesn't seems fishy, as all links are correct and none of them send you to some login form....


Uh, I just received a weird email from Valve:

Subject: "Steam account - Query account by CD-key‏"

From: "Steam Support ("

What the hell is this? They talk about a CD-key but they don't say which one. Also, it doesn't seems fishy, as all links are correct and none of them send you to some login form....
Somebody tried to redeem a cd key you've already redeemed. Nothing to worry about!
I don't really agree, at large the events you uncover form a broad picture of the society they were based in but the
two AIs
are very intricately linked to what you uncover and take part in much of the documents. Your post before last made it seem like you didn't finish the game so you should do so at some point. They bring it all together.

Oh, I finished it. I just didn't end up liking it as much as you :)
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