STEAM Announcements & Updates 2013 V - Message Modbot for Good Time 1-800-555-READOP

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Well guys, I'm starting my trip to Cologne, Köln, in a few hours. Won't be able to visit this thread much till I'm back. I'm sure you'll all miss this doge, but know... that I will miss you even more! No more useless steam discussions at 3am for the next few days... welp.

I'll make sure to steal some steam keys off Gaben. Don't you worry 'bout that.

C-catch you guys later...

Have a good trip my good fellow GAFfer! Remember to take photos and get some of that "swag" merchandise and above all, have fun. :)


Seeing that a new Broken Sword game is coming out soon, what's the verdict on Sleeping Dragon and The Angel of Death? Do they manage to capture the sense of globetrotting that made the original games great?


It doesn't help that it looks like an extremely mediocre game. At best. That's why everyone's waiting for big sales.

By "everyone" you mean anyone that is missing out on the most refreshingly non-standard third person shooter of the generation then you are correct.
So, did anyone bite on the IR bundle? How's Retrovirus?

It's a Descent-like six-axis shooter but a bit slower paced. Level design seemed fine and I sorta like the aesthetics although I'd have preferred something even closer to Tron. I still haven't figured out where the ammo is though. It mentions "cycles" but I can't find anything on the HUD. Maybe I'm too stupid.

I'd say it's... decent.


Because I want to cure cancer.

That's not even the best choice!



Are we seriously arguing about the new X-Com game? I is a spin off of the X-Com and I heard the shooting mechanics for it are excellent

I still need to play X-Com: Enemy Unknown


Why play an Xcom third person shooter when you can play an actual Xcom game released last year? Or even better...the originals!

I played Saints Row 4 when it was called Saints Row The Third in 2011.

That's neither here nor there though. I hope everyone is happy with their purchases.


Are we seriously arguing about the new X-Com game? I is a spin off of the X-Com and I heard the shooting mechanics for it are excellent

I still need to play X-Com: Enemy Unknown

I just realized that the review embargo is up and the scores aren't very encouraging. Jim Sterling isn't the only one that doesn't like the game.


Enjoy your trip, Dawg! Cologne is a pretty cool place :) if you get the chance and have a day to spare, try to visit Aachen as well. Neat little place.

Too bad about Salsa, and just when Monk returned! Oh well.

Anyway, I'm kinda glad (and not sure if surprised) that The Bureau is getting shitty reviews, it justifies my not preordering it, plus I want to save my AAA game budget for Watch_Dogs (The SR games never did much for me). I'll be happy to grab it during a sale though, and if I'm pleasantly surprised then all the better. Maybe the Binary Domain comparison is actually a good thing!


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
It's a Descent-like six-axis shooter but a bit slower paced. Level design seemed fine and I sorta like the aesthetics although I'd have preferred something even closer to Tron. I still haven't figured out where the ammo is though. It mentions "cycles" but I can't find anything on the HUD. Maybe I'm too stupid.

I'd say it's... decent.


Enjoy your trip, Dawg! Cologne is a pretty cool place :) if you get the chance and have a day to spare, try to visit Aachen as well. Neat little place.

Too bad about Salsa, and just when Monk returned! Oh well.

Anyway, I'm kinda glad (and not sure if surprised) that The Bureau is getting shitty reviews, it justifies my not preordering it, plus I want to save my AAA game budget for Watch_Dogs (The SR games never did much for me). I'll be happy to grab it during a sale though, and if I'm pleasantly surprised then all the better. Maybe the Binary Domain comparison is actually a good thing!

Salsa died so that Monk may live.

Edit: I snagged a copy of Might & Magic X. I want to fire it up tomorrow but I really should get Rayman Origins out of the way before Legends hits.


It's a Descent-like six-axis shooter but a bit slower paced. Level design seemed fine and I sorta like the aesthetics although I'd have preferred something even closer to Tron. I still haven't figured out where the ammo is though. It mentions "cycles" but I can't find anything on the HUD. Maybe I'm too stupid.

I'd say it's... decent.
I think I might wait to see what the unlocked game is.


Metro skin update, fake Dark Souls Facebook message, The Bureau with cards, and Salsa got banned.

Why does all the interesting stuff happen while I'm asleep?

Ahahaha I googled "neogaf salsashark" to find his profile so I could see his recent posts and it auto-completed for me "neogaf salsashark banned". Either this is a really common search term or I had googled that before.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Metro skin update, fake Dark Souls Facebook message, The Bureau with cards, and Salsa got banned.

Why does all the interesting stuff happen while I'm asleep?

The Dark Souls Facebook post was a Photoshop job. The news post on the AoE Online site about GFWL being shut down come July next year was indeed legit, though.


Enjoy your trip, Dawg! Cologne is a pretty cool place :) if you get the chance and have a day to spare, try to visit Aachen as well. Neat little place.

Too bad about Salsa, and just when Monk returned! Oh well.

Anyway, I'm kinda glad (and not sure if surprised) that The Bureau is getting shitty reviews, it justifies my not preordering it, plus I want to save my AAA game budget for Watch_Dogs (The SR games never did much for me). I'll be happy to grab it during a sale though, and if I'm pleasantly surprised then all the better. Maybe the Binary Domain comparison is actually a good thing!

Ah, I really wish I could explore more of Germany, but I'm only going one day and my day is pretty much filled with presentations.

09:00 ARMA 3
09:30 DayZ
11:00 Wolfenstein
13:00 The Witcher 3
16:00 Elder Scroll Online


Use Spotflux to unlock the game. You can disable it once you're in-game; you won't be booted back to the client or anything of the sort.

On a completely unrelated note, I was browsing The Last of Us OST uploads on YouTube and one of the suggestions was a major spoiler. Thanks, Google!

So..will using this get me banned from steam?


I think it was for violating the whole "don't post in a thread just to say you're not interested in the news" type of deal.

My interpretation is it's ok to say you're not interested as long you actually explain why. Posting a gif or just saying "lol don't care" wouldn't be ok.

I can't fault him for posting that though. A regular Fable game would get the same reaction from me let alone an online only game.
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