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STEAM announcements & updates 2013 - Year of the SteamBox

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Mini prize give-away: Sleeping Dogs - (5 Copies to give away)

1. Natural Selection 2

I had always heard how revolutionary the original NS was. The sequel was announced so long ago that I told myself I would just wait and dive into the notoriously deep series with it. I waited, and waited, and eventually forgot about it as other games came and went. During that span the Left 4 Dead series was released to huge acclaim. I played the everliving fuck out of its Versus mode, which opened my eyes to how fulfilling asymmetrical multiplayer can be. Fast forward many years to Natural Selection 2's release. Due to the sheer amount of time it spent in development I went in with tempered expectations. There was little more than a murmur about the game on GAF, and I was worried that it would take a lot of grappling to fully understand. Any reservations I had vanished as soon as I joined my first game.

The marines play familiar enough that I had fun immediately, and my experience with the Tribes games meant jetpacking around and shooting at high speed targets felt very natural. I also have a lengthy history of playing RTS games, and although I am in no way ready to sit in the commander seat I have picked up on the strategy side of the game quickly. The complex, winding maps with random spawn points for each team, in addition to the many tech tree options available, means no two games play out the same. As an audiovisual experience it is superb, drawing you into the well-realized universe.

All of this gushing comes without spending more than a trivial amount of time playing the alien race, which is half of the game! The learning curve for the melee-focused aliens is clearly steeper, and a more intimate knowledge of each map is required to succeed with them due to the fact that they can crawl through vents and scale walls. I am super excited (and somewhat nervous) to learn their massively different style. It sure helps that the community is easily the friendliest I have ever encountered. Voice chat is universally used by each side's commander, and despite my clear noobishness at the beginning I almost never sensed an ounce of anger from those directing me. I know that when the time comes to dive into the aliens I will be spared the insults that are the norm in multiplayer communities these days.

In short? It's fast-paced, beautiful, immersive, well-balanced, and features some amazingly dynamic team play.

2. Oculus Rift

I am going to have to parrot most of the others here. Don't have much to add except that this type of hardware is going to be the standard a few iterations in, and I would beat up anyone's grandma to play the aforementioned Natural Selection 2 with it right now.


My favorite pc game from 2012 would have to be Guild Wars 2. This game totally blew me away. It's pretty different from other mmos (no trinity system, dynamic events, etc.) and i think that is one of its strengths. It's also awesome how the game has been updated every month so far to keep players active (Mad King, Fractals, Lost Shores, Wintersday). I know it's got me hooked. There's also the fact that i wouldn't be as close to my friend if it weren't for this game (as nerdy as it sounds). She's amazing. Bonding over a game like this? Yup. Anyways, I've clocked about 1151+ hours in the game over a span of 4 months. c:

In 2013... i guess i'm looking forward to Metal Gear Rising. Looks really fun and after playing DmC i'm craving action games again.

Thanks for the chance! I missed that steam deal when it was 91% off for like 30 minutes, so i really i want the game! lol

Just want to say, I fucking love your avatar. Cassadee Pope <3
Mini prize give-away: Sleeping Dogs - (5 Copies to give away)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
My favourite game of the year, easily. Ever since playing the Jagged Alliance 2 demo, all those years ago, I have been hooked on TBS games. There is something great about being able to take your time, manoeuvre, plan the perfect strategy and then watch it all go to hell when it's your enemy's turn. "That's XCOM, baby!" as Jake would say. The two step approach to each of your unit's turns is a masterstroke imo. It gives you enough flexibility to formulate a strategy, but also gives off an element of risk. Do you make the extra move to get some eyes on the enemy? Do you take the shot, knowing that if you miss there is a good chance you will die? These decisions will make or break you, especially when playing on ironman difficulty. Losing one of your men or women who have been with you for the past 15 hours is a massive punch to the gut. It can all be going fine, then BAM! One mission can turn your campaign on its head. I appreciate this about the game. In an age where most games are quite easy to beat and coddle you with quicksaves, checkpoints, etc, ironman mode says to hell with that!

The enemy AI is generally strong and merciless. The art is nice; the Chryssalids strike fear into my heart whenever I see them. The only thing that bothers me a little is the appearance of shots going through solid objects (without having any effect on the object). It's a very minor thing, so I can forgive it.

Overall, it's a stellar entry in the TBS genre and I'm so glad to see it do well on Steam. Long live TBS'!!!


As for the second question, I'll go with Watch_Dogs as my most anticipated game. The E3 demo was unbelievable; it stole the show. The ability to tap into technology should make for interesting gameplay possibilities -- as evidenced by the "traffic light crash" in the demo -- so I really can't wait to get my hands on it. It also looks incredibly smooth in terms of animation.

Anyway, thanks for the giveaway.


Mini prize give-away: Sleeping Dogs - (5 Copies to give away)

Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition was undoubtedly my favorite PC game of 2012. Played it a year earlier on PS3 but never got around to beating it, low FPS in some areas did not help. When the PC version came out and Durante's DSFix released soon after, I was convinced I had to upgrade my system to play this the way it was meant to be played. Such an awesome game, only recently did I delve into the online part, after spending 80+ hours pretty much single-player only. I love a good boss-fight, and many games seem to be lacking in that department these days. There is a reason Shadow of the Colossus is one of my favorite games ever, and Dark Souls was the first game (I guess along with Demon's Souls) that truly made me enjoy boss-fights again.

I'm very much looking forward to Dark Souls II obviously, but other than that I would say I'm most curious about what Telltale is gonna do with The Walking Dead. This was my favorite game right after Dark Souls last year, I was blown away by the characterization and storytelling. The ending was just amazing, and I can't wait to see what Telltale will do with the second season; a continuation of the main story or a totally new setting and line of characters?


Mini prize give-away: Sleeping Dogs - (5 Copies to give away)

1. Dota 2

I'm not even sure I can count the game as such, seeing as how it has not been released yet, or that the beta was underway sometime in fall 2011 but played this game day in and out in 2012 and hell if it doesn't deserve my nomination.

I got into the beta towards the end of December 2011 and I've got about 900 hours logged on Steam thus far. Coming from zero Dota 1 experience, and HoN, this game was a fresh and much-needed look into the genre for me. The amount of work being done on this game by the devs still blows me away today. I had grown tired of HoN, and all but stopped playing it when I got into the beta. I've learned so much since then, its almost hard to quantify or put it into words. Dota 2 also introduced to me the world of competitive Dota, something Valve nurtured with their latest International and with the addition of team pennants, and the monthly/weekly tournaments. No two games are alike in this game. Every game, every match is different. There are hundreds of situations, so no matter what, you are always learning. You can play well, you can play terribly, but the satisfaction never disappears. Seasonal events have made it a blast too <3

2. Day Z standalone

I spent a good amount of time in the Arma II mod back in the summer with a large GAF crew, and those were some really good times. Overtime, I did lose interest in the game, but I've kept a small watch on the development and although I could give this spot to Occulus Rift or Watch Dogs, I feel that out of all three, I would probably want this first.

I'm really looking forward to Day Z on a totally new engine with revamped UI, while retaining the features that made it so much fun; a persistant world where death meant everything, and of course - zombies. I really hope Rocket is able to hammer out some fantastic stuff in the upcoming months because I'd love to be able to get to doing Day Z things before the end of the year.

I don't buy many games, and I certainly don't play very many either; so trust me when I say that I'm really looking forward to this, and am fully going to be on the Day 1 hype train when it departs.


Mini prize give-away: Sleeping Dogs - (5 Copies to give away)

I was going to do this at the start of this thread... but yeah.


How to enter:

1. Talk about your favourite pc game from 2012
2. Talk about the game or PC technology you are most look forward to in 2013
please don't say Steambox

Lets say a minimum of a 100 words so we don't spam the thread. Competition closes in 18 hours from this post, winners will be chosen after that.

Good luck!

Edit: Just quote the first line, not the whole damn thing.

Just over an hour left.


No Steam Overlay support, so no screenshots (or rather none that I can upload to the game's hub). :(

You can actually manually upload them to Steam and then upload them to the game's hub, just takes a bit of work.

Add the pictures on the following path (create folder if it doesn't exist):


(Easier way to find the path is to just open the screenshoot manager from any game in your library that you've taken pics and click on "Show on Disk", that will take you to the folder of that particular game, you can find the ID of the game you want by going to the store page of it, it will be on the URL as such: store.steampowered.com/app/*gameID*)

The pictures might need to be on the following format YYYY-MM-DD_XXXXX (XXXXX being a number, usually starts on 00001 and goes from there, though I don't think it particularly matters).

And add a thumbnails version of the same pics with the same name and the size 200x112 on:


The pictures will need to .jpg


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
You can actually manually upload them to Steam and then upload them to the game's hub, just takes a bit of work.

Add the pictures on the following path (create folder if it doesn't exist):


(Easier way to find the path is to just open the screenshoot manager from any game in your library that you've taken pics and click on "Show on Disk", that will take you to the folder of that particular game, you can find the ID of the game you want by going to the store page of it, it will be on the URL as such: store.steampowered.com/app/*gameID*)

The pictures might need to be on the following format YYYY-MM-DD_XXXXX (XXXXX being a number, usually starts on 00001 and goes from there, though I don't think it particularly matters).

And add a thumbnails version of the same pics with the same name and the size 200x112 on:


The pictures will need to .jpg

Ta, I didn't think of that, despite being aware. I'll give it a shot later.


Mini prize give-away: Sleeping Dogs - (5 Copies to give away)

1) XCom Enemy Unknown - This was the only game that was worth every penny i paid for it. I bought it on release and since then it has been great for me. I had some steam issues with achievements and it recording my time played but that's all irrelevant. The game was the actual prize. From the start until I finished the game I think 10 times or so I was addicted. The emotional roller coaster this game puts you through is just incredible; From having that gut-wrenching feeling of losing your very first soldier to that feeling of awe and awesomeness when your max rank team rips through enemy squadrons like they are paper. Now I was not very old when the original xcom came out so I had no experience with it, however I did go back and play it after finishing enemy unknown, and I can tell you the game is just as faithful to the originals if not better. All in all this game (IMO) is the best game of 2012, and probably the best strategy game for 2-3 years now.

2) Omerta: City Of Gangsters – I Don’t know I think maybe after playing xcom I am now addicting to games of this genre (squad based or hero based top-down strategy). Hopefully it’s not as fail as kalypso’s last year game legend of Pegasus (?, don’t remember exactly). Judging from the trailers it looks awesome and I already have it preordered in my steam account :).


Mini prize give-away: Sleeping Dogs - (5 Copies to give away)

1. Xenoblade Chronicles went from being one of the last cool games on the Wii to being a mind-blowing experience. I didn't know anything about it, so I got one of the very few remaining game+controller packs in my area in Spain. Then when I tried it for the first time, I played for like 7 hours straight. The vast maps, the sidequests, the music, even the story (successfully destroying many japanese RPG cliches). I have now 40+ hours on the game and I still haven't finished it!

2. Oculus Rift. This kind of innovation should really become a standard. I prefer this WAY more than 3D screens, that eventually get obsolete after a year or so. The OR is an entire experience, not an add-on.

Thanks for the giveaway man! :)


Aww. :(

Edit: My Nancy Drew screenshot fails to upload, too. Reducing the file size worked. ~400KB was too high, apparently.

Size shouldn't be a concern, someone I know just uploaded a ~500K picture a week or two ago using this method, infact last year I uploaded a 2,02MB picture of Witcher 2 this way(Steam overlay wasn't working with the game at the time).

Most likely just an unrelated Steam error, had ocasional errors in the past uploading pictures despite those being taken with the overlay.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Size shouldn't be a concern, someone I know just uploaded a ~500K picture a week or two ago using this method, infact last year I uploaded a 2,02MB picture of Witcher 2 this way(Steam overlay wasn't working with the game at the time).

Most likely just an unrelated Steam error, had ocasional errors in the past uploading pictures despite those being taken with the overlay.

Maybe there's a file size limit relative to the dimensions? The game renders at 640x480.


Morning y'all fellow GAFfers.

I've been playing some Sine Mora and I know it's a game that did not get much love in here but I'm really liking the art style. The fact that is in a different language I know nothing about it's interesting too and the soundtrack is just good to chill with the slower cutscenes.


Ha! After only 4 months of waiting for my account to be activated today is the day. This historic MLK day, this historic first post in what will be many from yours truly. I've lurked this thread (but never stolen any codes) for quite some time and I've already grown quite fond of steamGAF. The impressions/reviews here are golden and I trust them far more than any other media outlet on the rest of the internet.

That said, I'm working my way through my backlog trying to wash the fantasy rpg thing out of my mouth (played skyrim and dark souls back to back). Last month I finished Far Cry 3 which I enjoyed and now I'm working on Deus Ex Human Revolution.

I'm finding Deus Ex HR to be pretty decent, I'm not sure how it stacks up against the original having never played that. This though feels like a cyberpunk Mass Effect 2 but with a stealth angle. I've heard horrible things about the boss fights in this; I've only done the first one with Zeke so far and it was a conversation... I'm hoping they don't all go like this.


Any idea when the price for RE6 will go up?
So odd that it has a preorder page but no preorder button. I guess capcom is deciding if they should charge 60 or 50?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Any idea when the price for RE6 will go up?
So odd that it has a preorder page but no preorder button. I guess capcom is deciding if they should charge 60 or 50?

That's anyone's guess. I wouldn't expect it any later than a few weeks from release, though (i.e. the beginning of March).

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I expect Capcom to be horrible with RE6 sales-pricing and Based Amazon Tony to only be able to manage so much so I raised my breaking point a bit higher than usual. I don't want to fail the Capcom test, but there is no way I am paying 40-60$ for a port that late and I realized on my 3rd run of RE5 that I fucking hate the last half of the game.
Ha! After only 4 months of waiting for my account to be activated today is the day. This historic MLK day, this historic first post in what will be many from yours truly. I've lurked this thread (but never stolen any codes) for quite some time and I've already grown quite fond of steamGAF. The impressions/reviews here are golden and I trust them far more than any other media outlet on the rest of the internet.

That said, I'm working my way through my backlog trying to wash the fantasy rpg thing out of my mouth (played skyrim and dark souls back to back). Last month I finished Far Cry 3 which I enjoyed and now I'm working on Deus Ex Human Revolution.

I'm finding Deus Ex HR to be pretty decent, I'm not sure how it stacks up against the original having never played that. This though feels like a cyberpunk Mass Effect 2 but with a stealth angle. I've heard horrible things about the boss fights in this; I've only done the first one with Zeke so far and it was a conversation... I'm hoping they don't all go like this.
Welcome aboard, I also had to wait about four months for approval. Well, by that I mean more like a year and four months...

When you're done with HR I would strongly recommend trying out the original. It plays very differently in a lot of ways like mutually exclusive augs, actual melee combat, more items to use and ration for alternative routes than hacking, and oh! You aren't automatically well versed in using a weapon, in fact without leveling up any of the skills you really really suck at shooting. It also has some swimming, but no one cares about that. I'd say if you're the type that doesn't let older visuals impair your ability to play something, you should give the original a shot.

Oh, and about the boss fights in HR; Ezekial isn't one of them.


So I just got a code for Europa Universalis III: Chronicles from Paradox just for being a subscriber to their newsletter, I already own it though so first to quote gets it.
Only ask if you are actually going to play it or attempt to play it :p
So I just got a code for Europa Universalis III: Chronicles from Paradox just for being a subscriber to their newsletter, I already own it though so first to quote gets it.
Only ask if you are actually going to play it or attempt to play it :p

Is it a RTS? If so, I'm in, heh.


Welcome aboard, I also had to wait about four months for approval. Well, by that I mean more like a year and four months...

When you're done with HR I would strongly recommend trying out the original. It plays very differently in a lot of ways like mutually exclusive augs, actual melee combat, more items to use and ration for alternative routes than hacking, and oh! You aren't automatically well versed in using a weapon, in fact without leveling up any of the skills you really really suck at shooting. It also has some swimming, but no one cares about that. I'd say if you're the type that doesn't let older visuals impair your ability to play something, you should give the original a shot.

Oh, and about the boss fights in HR; Ezekial isn't one of them.

Thanks for the input, I have the original, and older visuals don't put me off at all, I missed out on many older pc games that I one day intend to get to (I'm over half way through half life source). I'm just a bit ADD right now, rotating Deus EX HR, XCOM and Scribblenauts Unlimited currently.


I just saw Strike Suit Zero is only 3 days from release. Holy shit, I thought it was coming much later. Being a fan of Macross and space arcade games I'm totally hyped for it, really hope it will be good.
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