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STEAM | April 2014 - Insert witty title here.

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Seeing these dust or dirt or whatever the fuck they are in my computer case, I'm starting to question if my room is in a safe condition to be living in. D:


Unconfirmed Member
Is it worth upgrading my gtx550ti now or should I wait for some next big thing? (It might actually be a 560ti, I am going off memory)

Stuff runs fine but it was the one part i skimped on when i build my computer, with the promise to upgrade it before a certain time, and that time is today.

Right now we are at the crossroads of everyone waiting for Nvidia to begin announcing/releasing the 800 series and for the new crop of games that are designed for the current consoles (PS4 and Xbox One) to start releasing on PC. Even if the 800 iteration is marginally better (likely outcome) than the current 700 series, they will force the prices of the 700 series to depreciate. And with the new games able to be tested, everyone can gauge what exactly is necessary to run games at certain specifications. So unless you really are exasperated by the performance gaps between what your 550ti delivers and what you desire, I would wait a few more months; at least to see how games stress the current crop of cards. Otherwise, a 780 should be a good investment.

AMD has the problem of Miners who are artificially keeping stock low, so gamers switching to their current and future lineup have there own unique problems.

Because the PS4/X1 utilise "off-the-shelf" components, more than a few people were convinced -- and convinced others -- during the pre-release phase that current higher-end PCs would be able to handle future PC games just fine. "The 2500K wipes the floor with AMD CPUs and the PS4's GPU is basically a 7850 so your GTX 680 will last you for a good while yet" and other similarly fanciful assumptions didn't take long to gain traction.

Hey, now. My 2500k is fine. (I probably have to replace my motherboard if I switch it....just let me have this)
Groupees' Retro 3 bundle is live. Steam keys are in bold while hyperlinks refer to Greenlight games:

Thanks for taking the time to write them up.

Another Perspective is worth a look, simply because it is made by a guy named Shaun Spalding. If you have ever tried to learn game maker studio, you might have used his tutorials http://www.youtube.com/user/999Greyfox/videos

I know I personally have, so I feel I can at least throw a dollar his way to try out his game.


ass creed 3 is weird

they make you play a long ass section of connor's dad doing a ton of shit and slowly recruiting each dude and all of that and then when it's connor's time to get some character developing scenes game's all like "nevermind that" and jumps all over the place
like i still don't really understand how he pays for the ship and crew lol

prolly not gonna make it before dark souls 2 tho, so i may drop it preemptively before i get too hooked and i'm forced to make a choice.

like i'm ignoring a lot of side content since i'm already trained in eyeing ubisoft game design bullshit before it hits me
Because the PS4/X1 utilise "off-the-shelf" components, more than a few people were convinced -- and convinced others -- during the pre-release phase that current higher-end PCs would be able to handle future PC games just fine. "The 2500K wipes the floor with AMD CPUs and the PS4's GPU is basically a 7850 so your GTX 680 will last you for a good while yet" and other similarly fanciful assumptions didn't take long to gain traction.

Yeah, I mean people with several years old hw can't run a game on Ultra and suddenly it's the end of the world? Did they expect to max out every game at 60fps till eternity? PC gamers have been spoiled a bit too much by the long lasting previous gen.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Hey, now. My 2500k is fine. (I probably have to replace my motherboard if I switch it....just let me have this)

It's been close to a decade since AMD has been competitive beyond the low end in the desktop processor space, so from a business perspective I can't exactly blame Intel for locking away its hex-cores and above behind the "enthusiast" paywall, but this behaviour is exactly why I opted to pay the ~$100 premium for the 2600K when I upgraded a couple of years ago -- although Hyper-threading isn't a perfect substitute for 8 actual cores, 4 cores that can each undertake two processes simultaneously is still better than 4 that can each only do just the one.

I've never hunted or sailed in AssCreed3.

I killed literally every animal I happened upon. You're welcome, farmers!


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I caught that JaseC. Shame on you

I'm sure I'll have to upgrade in a few years, but at that time I can pick up any game I missed for cheap and things like the Christmas steam sale will be glorious again (assuming regional pricing doesn't mess everything up by then).

There is no rush with amazing games like Droid Assault still to play.

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- No juniors, lurkers, all the good stuff

Droid Assault -- MB-59D4476B98E7D42C - Taken by The_Super_Inframan


I've never hunted or sailed in AssCreed3.
the bit of mandatory sailing i've had has been fun but hunting is your usual press-square-to-auto-do-thing-in-exchange-for-numbers.

base building is fun for me so i'll try to recruit everyone i can since looking at my upgraded base is always great

monteriggioni was awesome

Dr Dogg

Because the PS4/X1 utilise "off-the-shelf" components, more than a few people were convinced -- and convinced others -- during the pre-release phase that current higher-end PCs would be able to handle future PC games just fine. "The 2500K wipes the floor with AMD CPUs and the PS4's GPU is basically a 7850 so your GTX 680 will last you for a good while yet" and other similarly fanciful assumptions didn't take long to gain traction.

Ah the old war of numbers. It is apples to oranges in most cases but after reading about the physics tech in Disrupt, Watch_Dogs' engine and see the latest trailer I'm inclined to believe this is going to be a CPU monster.

Not many game titles use bespoke physic simulation and it's either middleware in the form of Havoc or Nvidia's Physx/GameWorks tools or something like. Watch_Dogs sounds like it's all going to do it in engine and on the CPU.

It's probably going to be like when I first built my current rig and fired up Crysis 3 and got to Welcome to the Jungle. Asides for the FPS sucking ropes in the earlier bits I had managed around 60-80fps through out on Ultra graphics settings and thought I was going to teat this game up. When I got to the first field my frame rate dropped to about 30. I thought it was too much as it was quite a big open area so dialed it all down to high and lowered the AA, nope didn't go above 30, I went all the way down to low and no AA, nope still 30. Only by lowering the resolution did I get the frame rate to go above 60. Turns out it was the grass and other foliage rendered in real time with CryEngine's physics powering each blade of grass. Found the CVar to turn it down from 8 to 3 and voila 60fps again.

That recent Watch_Dogs trailer showed real time wind simulation and lots of moving foliage. If that isn't animated and is being calculated on the fly... Oh boy!


Unconfirmed Member
It's been close to a decade since AMD has been competitive beyond the low end in the desktop processor space, so from a business perspective I can't exactly blame Intel for locking away its hex-cores and above behind the "enthusiast" paywall, but this behaviour is exactly why I opted to pay the ~$100 premium for the 2600K when I upgraded a couple of years ago -- although Hyper-threading isn't a perfect substitute for 8 actual cores, 4 cores that can each undertake two processes simultaneously is still better than 4 that can each only do just the one.

Yep, it's reminding me of the Pentium IV situation. But, I bought my 2500k for ~$100 when it was going for around retail so the price delta was a bit more severe for me.

I just want to chime in on the Dragon Commander conversation. Yeah, the political stuff is broken in the sense that you can essentially game everyone and just give them all what they want eventually. However, that sort of defeats the fun of the political stuff; going in with the desire to support one group and sabotage another, or trying to play with real-world ideals, or just picking what you think is the funniest sounding option is the way to go.

I blew through Dragon Commander using the auto-resolve function for as many battles as possible and toying around with the politics and had a blast. It's one of the few games in recent memory that tries to riff on current events without being completely embarrassing. There's some really hilarious writing in there.

The fundamentalist religious skeletons are a highlight.

Yeah the writing is generally good. Some of it has issues, but overall I enjoyed it. The bits with Yorrick were some of my favorite, but Trinculo also had some moments.


That recent Watch_Dogs trailer showed real time wind simulation and lots of moving foliage. If that isn't animated and is being calculated on the fly... Oh boy!

hmm I wonder if those can be turned off, it's not a golf game, I don't need wind simulation >_>

Dr Dogg

hmm I wonder if those can be turned off, it's not a golf game, I don't need wind simulation >_>

You can't have Chicago without wind!

To be fair there's no way to know how this runs or what amount of scalable options are available until the game launches. The latest trailer shows a mesh of a couple of city block and the wind paths and how it was interacting with buildings. Whether this is being calculated in real time or beforehand is unknown. Open world games usually have high CPU requirements but Watch_Dogs are a bit insane.

There's a part of me thinking it's all smoke and mirrors but there's a part of me that want's this game to be a monster.
Assuming you meant that seriously and aren't saying it with tongue firmly in cheek, points for taste, man. I've really enjoyed all the Puppygames stuff I've played.

A bit of both ;)

But yeah the puppygames stuff is all pretty decent. Not the most ambitious games perhaps, but they still deliver on the fun.


I wanna play a game right now, but I'm at work. When I get home, I got all these "shows" to watch, GAF to read/lurk and family to contend with. Rinse and repeat.


It's a secret that you play as Connor's dad.

i'm pretty sure that was spoiled like a million times during previews and trailers tho

kinda like the jill thing in re5

like i knew about it and i don't really follow this series too heavily

spoilertagged it anyways



i enjoyed him a lot more since his personality is less formulaic than connor's.

connor isn't bad so far or anything but he's angsty and clueless and that's just not so interesting

got charisma without it being ezio charisma, he's just smart, efficient and has a motivation and believes in it. he also has a mean jawline. connor doesn't even know what he's doing

Dr Dogg

Dunno if known but Crytek aren't going to work on alternatives for Crysis 1&2 MP:

I don't know how active they are these days. It's been about 6 years since I fired up Crysis Wars. Played 2 online for a bit around release but it started becoming a ghost town pretty quick so don't know how it stands after the DLC and the Maximum edition came out. Haven't even looked at 3's mp.

I wonder what will happen to the Steam Maximum Edition seeing as Crysis Wars will effectively be a dead part of the product? Will it get a rereleased as an Optimal Edition?

Edit: Actually thinking about it MP will still function over LAN so it's more of a Medium Edition then.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Dunno if known but Crytek aren't going to work on alternatives for Crysis 1&2 MP:

I'm not surprised. Origin's API only supports achievements and creating a custom solution for two old games that nobody bought for the MP would require too much of EA's money to be deemed worthwhile. Crytek could patch the games itself, of course, but again, it'd be throwing money away.
Games from groupees and indiegamestand

The LootCastle

Upgrade based tower defense game, where you pick skills for your "rooms" and try to stop the knights from killing your main skeleton lord thingy.
Nice graphics and functional gameplay, probably just lacking that "hook" to keep you invested.

Well worth a look.

Litil Divil

I seem to remember this game from a long, long time ago. But I don't remember much about it, so I either didn't enjoy it or I didn't put much time into it. Probably the latter, because it took me five minute to work out how to even attack (you hold down z and press a direction).

Yeah no.

Another Perspective

An indie puzzle game with a heavy "Braid vibe". Basically you move around a screen and collect keys to open the door. The hook is you often have another copy of yourself in the room which you can switch to. This copy can be used to make a platform for instance, but it also changes the "perspective" of the room, sometimes making some things appear and others things vanish.

It is all pretty clever and well designed. A bit slow to get started perhaps and the puzzle style will not be for everyone (quite a bit of trial and error I think).

But certainly worth a proper look.

Cube & Star: An Arbitrary Love

You are a cube, who rolls around on a sphere... crashing into stuff. Sometimes when you crash into stuff, other stuff pops out which you can collect. Then you move around a bit and find some other stuff to crash into.

Sometimes little bits of words pop up when you hit something. Sometimes it is in a strange gibberish language. Sometimes nothing happens.

I want to say there is some next level Fez/La Mulana shit going on here. There might be...or you might just be a cube rolling around adding colour to a sphere.

I can't say it isn't interesting...whatever it is. I don't even...

Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi

Seems to be a randomly generated first person... horror action survival thingy. In my first game, I spawned and was given a cane sword. Thinking this was a good start, I entered the first room and got two med packs. Things were looking up!

I then entered the second room and was attacked by three guys, with guns, and rather nifty looking hats. I died in about two seconds.

So yeah, the next run didn't go much better. I did at least hit a few jump scares this time and was attacked by a vampire thing that kept getting dropped with one hit...but kept getting up again. Then it glitched through the wall.

Maybe vampires are meant to glitch through walls after you smack them around a bit...maybe not.

Too rough for my tastes, but I've played worse.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So I beat a few games on Steam today, but there's one I want to talk a bit about and leave my impressions on. That game is Year Walk.


On my on-going quest to play every horror game ever, I finally got around to playing Year Walk. It originally released on iOS, and I had heard good things about it, but actually knew very little about it.

Year Walk is best described as a sort of stylistic adventure horror game. It's not really a hidden object game, but more focused on atmosphere and puzzles. The story of Year Walk is that you play as a man named Daniel, who lives deep in the woods. You are about to perform something known as a Year Walk, which is an old Scandinavian legend to starve before the midnight of New Years and wander into the forest and night to seek a glimpse of the future. However, there are trials, and strange beings that are said will try to apprehend you, as the very act of Year Walking breaks the two truths of our world, time and space. As you play you have to overcome these trials, explore the deep and progressively strange and unsettling woods, and over it all maybe piece together why Daniel is so concerned about the future to risk his life.

The atmosphere of the game is great. It's more unsettling, surreal, and strange than scary, but I had a constant uneasy feeling and yet fascination to events as they transpired around me. Everything dips into legends and myths from Swedish and Finnish tales, with a helpful encyclopedia if you're interested in knowing more of the origin of things around you. The whole atmosphere is backed by a fantastic soundtrack that, like the game, if appropriately off-kilter.

A few samples;
Oh The Joy


Year Walk strikes me as one of those games that sticks with you long after you beat it. The story isn't entirely surprising in how it plays out, but it's executed very well, and the details are a lot stranger and help make the whole situation far stranger than what actually happens. It's sort of like a classic folk-story in that what happens is somewhat predictable if you have any experience with stories of a similar kin, but that's not what makes the story interesting, it's how it's told and how everything comes to that natural conclusion. And Year Walk has a lot of depth, things to look into, and intriguing mysteries that stay in the mind long after you find out what ultimately happens.

Gameplay is pretty simplistic. You move left and right along a first-person 2D plane, and occasionally can walk forward or backward to another 2D plane. You interact with objects, and solve puzzles. The game isn't hidden item as what you can and cannot do is very visible and clear, but some of the puzzles are a bit tricky. My tip is to sometimes think outside of the box. Most of the answers are often more obvious than they may seem at first, none are too challenging, but some aren't pushovers either. I also heavily suggest you keep a notebook and pen handy, it helped me a lot.

It's a game with great atmosphere, an interesting experience that'll last you about two hours, and for many I imagine an interesting introduction to Scandinavian myths and folklore. If you have an interesting in atmospheric horror experiences, folk stories, or games with a surrealistic edge, I'd definitely give it a recommendation.


Hey everyone :)

So I finally finished AC4... it's the definition of a mixed bag. (I can elaborate if people are interested.)

Now, what should I play? I made a selcetion among my Steam games...
7 Grand Steps, Analogue AHS, And Yet It Moves, Bioshock 2, Brütal Legend, Deadly Premonition, Dear Esther, Deus Ex, DmC, Dota 2, Gone Home, Gunpoint, Home, Kairo, Lone Survivor, The Longest Journey, MGR:R, Miasmata, Psychonauts, Redshirt, Shelter, Spec Ops TL, S&S, To The Moon, Trauma, The Void, Year Walk?

(I realised I don't actually have Thieaf 2 ans System Shock 2, I'll buy them when they're discounted – happens often I think?)


Christ, I don't even have Brave New World yet, and they're releasing another expansion? BNW better be cheap as chips in the Summer Sale.

Civ V Complete(both expansions and all the dlc) has been 12.50 a couple of times already and BNW is 7.50 almost all the time.


After reading the Watch Dogs Ultra specs. I think I should be happy that I own a GTX 690 card. Seems like I will be able to play it on Ultra. :)


Now, what should I play? I made a selcetion among my Steam games...
7 Grand Steps, Analogue AHS, And Yet It Moves, Bioshock 2, Brütal Legend, Deadly Premonition, Dear Esther, Deus Ex, DmC, Dota 2, Gone Home, Gunpoint, Home, Kairo, Lone Survivor, The Longest Journey, MGR:R, Miasmata, Psychonauts, Redshirt, Shelter, Spec Ops TL, S&S, To The Moon, Trauma, The Void, Year Walk?

That one. That one right there.


spoilertagged it anyways

Thanks! While it sounds counterintuitive I think in cases like this its very well possible that people will know less about the game the older it is. I watched a bunch of marketing material, previews etc about AC3 and probably knew 'it' but forgot until I got around to playing.

Now, what should I play? I made a selcetion among my Steam games...
7 Grand Steps, Analogue AHS, And Yet It Moves, Bioshock 2, Brütal Legend, Deadly Premonition, Dear Esther, Deus Ex, DmC, Dota 2, Gone Home, Gunpoint, Home, Kairo, Lone Survivor, The Longest Journey, MGR:R, Miasmata, Psychonauts, Redshirt, Shelter, Spec Ops TL, S&S, To The Moon, Trauma, The Void, Year Walk?

If you need something short and focused after AC play Gunpoint, Year Walk, Gone Home or Dear Esther.


Pizza Dog
So I beat a few games on Steam today, but there's one I want to talk a bit about and leave my impressions on. That game is Year Walk.

Year Walk was spectacular on iOS, really interesting use of the medium. Glad to hear that the Steam version is equally entertaining for those that would prefer it there as it's well worth playing.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Hey everyone :)

So I finally finished AC4... it's the definition of a mixed bag. (I can elaborate if people are interested.)

Now, what should I play? I made a selcetion among my Steam games...
7 Grand Steps, Analogue AHS, And Yet It Moves, Bioshock 2, Brütal Legend, Deadly Premonition, Dear Esther, Deus Ex, DmC, Dota 2, Gone Home, Gunpoint, Home, Kairo, Lone Survivor, The Longest Journey, MGR:R, Miasmata, Psychonauts, Redshirt, Shelter, Spec Ops TL, S&S, To The Moon, Trauma, The Void, Year Walk?

(I realised I don't actually have Thieaf 2 ans System Shock 2, I'll buy them when they're discounted – happens often I think?)

Having literally just beat it, Year Walk should only take you about two hours to complete it if you choose too. Home, Dear Esther, and Gone Home are also pretty short (Home is about 2 hours, Dear Esther is 2-3, Gone Home is 3-5). I wouldn't recommend Home personally though, Dear Esther is love it/hate it (I liked it) and if you want a walking simulator that is more surreal, Gone Home is pretty good if you want a walking Simulator that is more down-to-earth.

Deadly Premonition is great, fantastic if you can accept the jank, but it is kind of long (first playthrough if you decide to try and not do side-quests is 15-20 hours, if you decide to do side-quests, which I'd suggest as they're some of the best parts of the game, it can add easily another 5-20 hours to your time).

Lone Survivor is great if you have a classic survival-horror itch, and should take 4-6 hours the first time, and some great replayability (some areas, endings, and side-quests aren't available until the second playthrough, and all the endings, minus 2, are drastically different and help you understand things better).

You actually have a lot of great story games there. To The Moon if you want a game that challenges how game stories are handled with very simple graphics, but very effective execution.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Year Walk was spectacular on iOS, really interesting use of the medium. Glad to hear that the Steam version is equally entertaining for those that would prefer it there as it's well worth playing.

It was very enjoyable, but I'm kind of curious how a few things may have differed between versions, as there's a few puzzles that were PC-centric. An example,
there's a puzzle where you see the letter U and N on a couple latches holding a stove shut, and if you look at the hint, it mentions keys, so I went through the whole forest looking for keys, but ultimately discovered you're supposed to hold the U and N keys on your keyboard to unlatch them.

But it translated very well to the PC and I felt they did a good job at making it feel like it was built for the platform, as opposed to it feeling like an iOS port.
Civ: Beyond Earth needs to be up for pre-order already. I have Dota hat moneyz ready and waiting. My Korean Communists are already on their way...


I love all of the science bonuses you get from great person tile upgrades with Korea/Sejong but gotdamn do I hate the iron turtle ships that replace the caravel for Korea. It's a late game trireme mashed up with a frigate that can't cross deep ocean tiles unless it's in your empires borders, it's fucking useless. I didn't have the world fully revealed until I researched satellites...and then discovered that my good Order buddy Assyria was kind of a war-mongering monster. Oh well, they were good for the research agreements and I got the science victory with Order cheesemint. Yuri-ka!
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