Isaac, why hast thou forsaken me? I can't get a decent run to save my life. Oh, sweet, lots of health upgrades! Not a single tears upgrade... Oh nice, lots of damage! Stuck at one red heart for the rest of the game... I can deal with it up until the womb or catacombs if I get shitty rooms (i.e. too many rooms with the fucking masks) but that's the point where you really start needing a few upgrades in all stats, or health and damage at the very least.
You say "has multiplayer" as if that's some throwaway feature no one cares about and that's automatically good enough by virtue of existing. I'd make a pretty sizable bet that WD's multiplayer is the typical kind of tacked-on, shallow, pointless thing that most "AAA" games have.The game probaly has like at least 5 times longer SP than COD and has multiplayer. Why is COD the one that costs $60 every year?