steam | April 2015 - Orange, you glad it’s morningbus? “No.”

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I found my videogame protagonist spirit animal
Yeah it was crazy, I couldn't even use the menus because it was so laggy and like 5 second delay on everything I did. But the drivers made it work great.

Great, I'll keep that in mind if I buy the game many months later haha.
I guess I'm fine with the official beta build for now.

Well, if I remember correctly there was a thread in GAF about every game should have buyable short-cut because adult have less time or yada-yada something like that.

That's sad, but I'm not surprised at the slightest. If there's a DLC on DoA5 to make me not always getting my ass handed by Gen-Fu, perhaps I will consider it.

The gaming industry is definitely heading that way, simplified everything.
Optional, of course.


Grand Theft Auto V peak 196,700. Damn over the weekend it will go above 200K.

Mmm looks like my prediction of 200k was pretty good. Even though Volvo killed cross-region trading, all alternatives not being on steam made people buy it on steam anyway.

Also apparently there's a huge influx of chinese steam users who took advantage of the 30 usd price point to jump into steam.


the whole "i don't have time for challenges/effort/whatever but I still want to play video games" was always weird as shit anyway, you're going to be spending fucking 30hrs in the game regardless those 3hrs of additional playtime from dying/learning to play the game isn't really going to do much, you don't want to put in the effort, it's ok, just say that.

edit: not talking about fatalities or whatever, i wouldn't even be mad if you don't have to look at a list and do those button sequences, it's always been a gimmick.
risk of rain got patched. multiplayer should be fixed.

Hey guys!

Risk of Rain version 1.2.8 is now live for Windows players and will be live for Mac/Linux hopefully later this week! This small patch has been mostly focused on improving the online portion of the game and other small bug fixes. Below is a list of most the gameplay and bug fixes that we did with the help of Leth from Chucklefish ( @griffinmatta )



Experience and coins are now invisible at low graphics settings
Steam Cloud Saving is now enabled (has been active for the last couple weeks already)
Bug Fixes

Item Storage Menu unlocks are now properly matched up with their achievements(syringe, scepter, laser)
Added in a catch for ‘draw_item’ bugs that were crashing the game
Optimized texture pages to reduce memory usage in game
Changed the way the online multiplayer connects to the host, should no longer get stuck on “forced item-sharing”
Added in a multiplayer ‘de-sync’ catch to make sure there isn’t one remaining enemy on the client side
Can no longer pause the game while hosting online and drop the connection
Hidden Damage Numbers no longer crash the game
Fixed the oDecoy error that would crash the game
Other general online optimization that should solve connectivity issues some players were having
- Pastuleio


I got whole albums of Animu music to blast on GTA Radio when I get back home. Nothing better than pulling heists while Card Captor Sakura plays on the radio.

you can't call something that was not expected to be a mistake. it's rockstars crap DRM thats at fault.

Well, I guess you're right. They didn't know that thing's going to happen.
By the way, he didn't ask for another key, just asked for help from R*. My memory failed me.

Not really. Good thing you can unlock them in the Krypt anyways...

I'm pretty sure they're easy enough.
I mean, I grew up with MK3 on my childhood and we can execute the fatalities just fine back then.
The reviews are good though, lots of 9 and 8.


I decided to play some of Zuma's Revenge again, this time on steam and I laugh every time at what devs consider easy, first of easy challenges - read easiest - 40K points. Doing it first time - 27K points, second time - 27K points, third time - 25K points, Popcap pls. (><)

Yeah, I talk about Zuma's Revenge in the GTAV topic, bite me!


its stupid how much better than previous GTAs V is

im still just like 5 hours into it but im surprised

all the usual trappings are there but this is on a whole other ball park. and they actually have an interesting story/characters now


its stupid how much better than previous GTAs V is

im still just like 5 hours into it but im surprised

all the usual trappings are there but this is on a whole other ball park. and they actually have an interesting story/characters now

Give Errant Signal's GTA5 video a watch after you beat the game.
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