I wonder if we get a new Humble bundle today? And I wonder if it will be something shitty like Stand Up Comedy Bundle #6
I wonder if we get a new Humble bundle today? And I wonder if it will be something shitty like Stand Up Comedy Bundle #6
I believe you mean English Tennis Classic.
How bloody hard must it be to get a licensed tennis game? Who do you go to? The LTA? The ATP or WTA? Top Spin seems to have died of death too.
Also, I think everything on ps4 will be able to be emulated in a few years right? I didn't realize that PS3 emulation was that hard though.
Well, like Jarod McChicken pointed out, DS II only shipped 1.2 million over 3 platforms over 3 weeks, so 1 million on only 1 platform is a ton for this type of game.
Three more titles are incoming to the second batch of the SEGA 3D Classics exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS. Featuring some of the most iconic games from SEGAs Genesis console, The SEGA 3D Classics Series will let fans relive SEGAs legendary console era and take them on a 3D ride through gamings golden age with 3D Streets of Rage 2 in July, 3D Gunstar Heroes in August, and 3D Sonic The Hedgehog 2 in September 2015.
What was the GTA V peak for max users? I'll grab the game on a sale down the line to see how it runs on my laptop, just curious on how bad it beat Skyrim.
what's xliveless?
sounds great (><)
Nope. Everyone and their mom buys a copy and market will be flooded.
Daily Sniper Elite III 60% off
- Age of Wonders III 66% off
- Metro Redux 50% off
PC release date was six weeks later. Also quite a few had already abandoned old gen by this point.
Anyway, here's some actually interesting non-PC news: More Sega 3D Classics for the 3DS!
3 is better than 2.I wanted to like Sniper Elite 2 so much but the dun and gun segments suck
is 3 better?
Metro Redux 50% off
It may return to steam which happened to pulled games before (Pat & Mat).That doesn't matter in the slightest. Supply is inherently limited and it will dwindle across time. Prices will go up as time goes on. And again, profit is 100% guaranteed. You will be able to sell it for more than you paid for after it gets removed, without a doubt.
It may return to steam which happened to pulled games before (Pat & Mat).
wish they would release a cart collection of them all. I don't like digital downloads on the 3DS because of the lack of an account system in place.
Age of Wonders III 66% off
If anybody wants State of Decay: Year-One for $19.99 paypal, pm me. (it's 33% cheaper if you own the vanilla).
no cross region trading/gifting, so you'll probably have to be in the US.
I'm happy Triumph is successful with this game, but I'm sure everyone realizes this just means no more Overlord games, ever.![]()
Why does AoW's success preclude there being another Overlord game?
So from what I hear, best to avoid MKX on pc for now?
Why should Triumph split the profits with Codemasters and Valve (Overlord), when they can keep the Codies part to themselves (they do own the rights to Age of Wonders).
So, Arthea, Humble Capcpcom today?
G2A and EVGA giveaway! Enter for your chance to win, great EVGA hardware is up for grabs
We all would be rich as Jasec now at least.
That G2A continues to convince popular legitimate businesses that it itself is legitimate is actually quite impressive.
Waiting paid off.
EDIT: Wait nevermind... I got confused and thought this was Dungeon of the Endless for some reason...
Normally the $19.99 Krypt unlock code would fall under "optional microtransaction" just like the Fatalities, but there was a patch implemented before launch that lowered the rate at which you earn tokens -- used to unlock Krypt features. Classic free-to-play model move.
You're not the only one, someone else confused those two when it had sale on Steam.
DotE can traded cheap because it is IGN Prime game.
You're not the only one, someone else confused those two when it had sale on Steam.
DotE can traded cheap because it is IGN Prime game.
Seeing rumors about a Humble Origin Bundle II, apparently with PvZ Garden Warfare and it's advertised in the game menu right now
Pick up the phone cause i called it
They ARE gonna kill the brand
840 EVO owners behold, another fix has arrived (edit: will arrive later this month):
Not sure if want