Freedom = $1.05
bumping my thread about the shitty DLC stuff in MKX with this. thanks!
Not sure if want
Seeing rumors about a Humble Origin Bundle II, apparently with PvZ Garden Warfare and it's advertised in the game menu right now
What could EA put in Bundle that they haven't in last Origin Bundle?
What could EA put in Bundle that they haven't in last Origin Bundle?
What could EA put in Bundle that they haven't in last Origin Bundle?
Rougelike-ish. Words no longer have meaning.
bumping my thread about the shitty DLC stuff in MKX with this. thanks!
Rougelike-ish. Words no longer have meaning.
Can't confirm.
What could EA put in Bundle that they haven't in last Origin Bundle?
Sorry, it had me seeing red for a little while.hey now, that's funny
Not sure if want
Words are now meaningless-ish.
Steam keys for Crysis 2 and Dragon Age 2.
What could EA put in Bundle that they haven't in last Origin Bundle?
Not sure if want
From the makers of Sakura Spirit? How could it possibly be bad?
/s in case it wasn't obvious
So from what I hear, best to avoid MKX on pc for now?[/IMG
I say "Hell yeah" for DS2. Gladly take it.
...Is there anything that wasn't in the first Origin bundle?
...Is there anything that wasn't in the first Origin bundle?
Wonder what the chance is that they'll add the DLC for Dragon Age 2 as a bonus. Funny how this time Peggle is Origin only.
Funny thing is, as it stands, I doubt I'd buy the bundle. Hell, as good as the first Origin bundle was, I don't think I ever played a single one of the games from it.
haven't we learnt our lesson yet?
of course we haven't
EA has given a couple of these games away for free in the past year, I think (Peggle, Bejeweled 3).
EA has given a couple of these games away for free in the past year, I think (Peggle, Bejeweled 3).
What a terrible humble bundle. Shame EA.
Mass Effect 2, but not the first?
Really? MK9 was great.
No, the Origin bundles are always great. Worth the price for DA:O/DA2 alone, even if the latter is garbage.
Watch them throw in ME3 on week 2.