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steam | April 2015 - Orange, you glad it’s morningbus? “No.”

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Yes, yes it is.

I was just asking on a general level. It's not like I have childhood memories wound up in the game or remember it like a distant parent, repeatedly pushing my boundaries of what I could do in the game and getting punished for it, hunched over the manual in the dark, straining to read in the computer screen glow.

That would be pathetic.

I don't think so. It's just that it doesn't compare favourably to VII.

It was playable after the big patch but is still a bad Ultima game. The big saving grace was Ultima IX which made VIII look halfway decent.

But the graphics! I'm not at all a graphics dude now, but there was a time when those simple, marginal upgrades just felt so massive and important.

Doom 2 blew me away.


A bit weird maybe. It became playable after the big patch but remained a bad Ultima game. The big saving grace was Ultima IX which made VIII look halfway decent.

There is no Ultima IX, as there is no M&M IX (¬‿¬)

actually it's not that rare opinion, about VIII, I mean.

But the graphics! I'm not at all a graphics dude now, but there was a time when those simple, marginal upgrades just felt so massive and important.

Doom 2 blew me away.

even Doom still looks very impressive to this day when one remembers how old it is.


I was just asking on a general level. It's not like I have childhood memories wound up in the game or remember it like a distant parent, repeatedly pushing my boundaries of what I could do in the game and getting punished for it, hunched over the manual in the dark, straining to read in the computer screen glow.

That would be pathetic.

When you have nostalgia a lot is forgiven if you like something.


But the graphics! I'm not at all a graphics dude now, but there was a time when those simple, marginal upgrades just felt so massive and important.

Doom 2 blew me away.

Well U7 looked much nicer than 6 while still being a step forward. 8 had better graphics but everything else was a downgrade, in comparison a tiny world, less interactivity, fewer NPCs, fewer sidequests, a story that made little sense in the context of Ultima's lore and so on. We now know that a lot got cut and the game was rushed towards release (thanks EA) but sure, it still offers more than many other RPGs at the time so if you went in without any expectations....


Well you 2 are off the hook. The rest, hmmm...

I own it on GOG, on combo CD and on floppy.
What do I win?

There is no Ultima IX, as there is no M&M IX (¬‿¬)

actually it's not that rare opinion, about VIII, I mean.

Funny story.
I played through all of UIX, only to notice near the end that I'd dropped one of the macguffins out of my inventory... somewhere in the world.


Ultima 7's viewing angle made me literally nauseous. It's so...unnatural.

I mean, look at this:


It's like playing a 2D isometric game upside-down.


What are you talking about? Ultima VIII was good :\

I'm not even surprised.
Now let's find out what kind of monster you really are.
What is your opinion of Ulitma IX?

Funny story.
I played through all of UIX, only to notice near the end that I'd dropped one of the macguffins out of my inventory... somewhere in the world.

That's why I never finished Ultima Underworld 1 and 2. Came right to the end of both and noticed that I had lost an important item. Same with King's Quest 4. Still salty about that arrow. Fuck Sierra.


I own it on GOG, on combo CD and on floppy.
What do I win?

Funny story.
I played through all of UIX, only to notice near the end that I'd dropped one of the macguffins out of my inventory... somewhere in the world.

you win one internets

talking about funny stories, here on gaf I met someone who likes M&M IX, not barely tolerates, but likes! World is indeed strange.
I never met anyone who likes it before (most still are trying to forget it exists), or Ultima IX, as we are talking about Ultima
... do you like it?

Holy shit, hardly 1000 people bought Dokuro on Steam, wtf is wrong with you peeps :/
You all want that Grandia and Lunar but ain't gonna drop dat cash on this GameArts release?

how that even make any sense? Dokuro has nothing to do with Grandia, or Lunar.


Nothing wrong with it!
Nothing, I say!

Yep. SteamGAF better not start shitting on Ultima VII.

Holy shit, hardly 1000 people bought Dokuro on Steam, wtf is wrong with you peeps :/
You all want that Grandia and Lunar but ain't gonna drop dat cash on this GameArts release?

I had Dokuro on my wishlist. Then I read that it doesn't have gamepad support and the controls are bad. Needless to say that it isn't on my wishlist any longer.


I'm not even surprised.
Now let's find out what kind of monster you really are.
What is your opinion of Ulitma IX?

That's why I never finished Ultima Underworld 1 and 2. Came right to the end of both and noticed that I had lost an important item. Same with King's Quest 4. Still salty about that arrow. Fuck Sierra.
I don't know about you but I'm an expert on Ultima fanbase. And U8 is liked by many. Where have you been?

Yay! An internets!

And I never did play M&MIX
very funny
I asked about nonexistant Ultima IX


Got a Snow closed beta key. I was really curious about this game so this is a pleasant surprise.

I'm still waiting for mine, also interested in a game.
not sure I'll find time for beta, tho (><)

Oh. I... sort of finished it, so it wasn't completely horrible, I guess?
Of course, this was back before I had internets and had to pay full retail for my games.

I knew it!
don't need to hide under the bush, you like it ;)


how that even make any sense? Dokuro has nothing to do with Grandia, or Lunar.

It's published by Gungho, the same company that made the survey :p

Yep. SteamGAF better not start shitting on Ultima VII.

I had Dokuro on my wishlist. Then I read that it doesn't have gamepad support and the controls are bad. Needless to say that it isn't on my wishlist any longer.

It has pad support now though.


It's published by Gungho, the same company that made the survey :p
It has pad support now though.

Looks like management needs better ideas. "What could help us break out on steam?"
"How about a game that even on PSvita pretty much bombed?" perfect.
Finally finished my dead space marathon. Played through 1 and 2 a few times, but it was my first time playing 3. I won't be playing 3 again!

Starts off great, the whole in space bit at the start is really well done, should have stayed there and never gone down to the planet. The weapon construction was fun, for a while, but got annoying towards the end. In fact the whole game is like that, starts off well but outstays it's welcome. Also, seriously, how many times does Isaac need to be separated from the rest of the crew by something breaking, falling over a cliff etc... At one point a ladder broke and I was separated from the group by a 2m cliff that I could have easily scrambled up or maybe someone could have given me a hand. Nope had to take the long necro infested way around.


New GOG Bundles
  • History Lessons 75% off (Europa Universalis 2, Europa Universalis Rome Gold, Hearts of Iron)
  • Pack of War 75% off (Faces of War, Men of War: Red Tide, Men of War: Assault Squad, Men of War: Vietnam)

Previous bundles are available again.


It has pad support now though.

It does indeed. But you have to use the mouse to draw the chalk-lines. Dunno, might get the Vita version one day. Or just forget about the game.

I don't know about you but I'm an expert on Ultima fanbase. And U8 is liked by many. Where have you been?

Over here where the true, virtuous Ultima fans dwell. We don't want to have anything to do with those U8-loving folks. Begone I say!

Ultima IX was horrible, but I didn't play much to be honest, it was just too different from VII and VIII so I lost interest super fast.

So there is still good in you. I feared the worst.

Dr Dogg

How can one not have the game on GOG already?

Bizarre at it may seem I know folks who think Steam is awful and wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

Origin will be installed on my PC over my dead body.

This more sounds like a the step in a sacrificial ritual.

I have all of them on GOG.com. I have played all untill Ultima VI and the firs Ultima Underworld. Have to play the rest when I have some time. It's amazing how the series have evolved throughout the years.

Speaking of Underworld, I'm really interested to see who Underwold Ascendant turns out.


I own it on GOG, on combo CD and on floppy.
What do I win?

I might read your posts once in a while :p


I'm afraid to ask... but I need to know. How many of you voted for Grandia 3?
We are getting 3, aren't we? (><)

Bizarre at it may seem I know folks who think Steam is awful and wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

I hope you aren't taking a bite of me. Surely I thought so, every gog-er or no DRM person thinks so, but all that has to be forgotten and forgiven by now!


Last thing I watched was Final Fantasy XIII review, and that was not so funny too. Than I stopped to follow him totally, from time to time I check his site to see if there's something interesting but nope.

The FMV stuff has been hit or miss. Mainly the shitty board games like the golf, hunting, and wrestling are terrible reviews. because there's really nothing to review there. Hoping he starts on 13-2 soon. No one cares about counter monkey or Wrestle Wrestle.
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