Darth Kupi
I specifically use MPC-KCP (Kawaii Codec Pack). All the MAD-VR preconfigured (if you want it) for optimal anime viewing.
What is MadVR and what does it do so well that everyone is raving about it here?
I specifically use MPC-KCP (Kawaii Codec Pack). All the MAD-VR preconfigured (if you want it) for optimal anime viewing.
Installing and configuring all that (with a tutorial) some time ago (coming from CCCP) improved the quality of videos by a huge amount. Anime never looked so good before.VLC has nothing on MPC-BE + madVR + LAV + ReClock + XySubFilter!
Prefect playback.
Eem, comedians?This is how WWIII starts!
This is how WWIII starts!
VLC has nothing on MPC-BE + madVR + LAV + ReClock + XySubFilter!
Prefect playback.
And who cares about remote!?
Installing and configuring all that (with a tutorial) some time ago (coming from CCCP) improved the quality of videos by a huge amount. Anime never looked so good before.
you just reminded me about those "business" calls from Hong Kong, or wherever that gang is located, they call and speak really fast especially introduction part that you never are able to hear or decipher. I always wonder, how can anybody fall for that? And if not, who pays for those calls, and how on earth they get so much info about companies.
What is MadVR and what does it do so well that everyone is raving about it here?
Okay, now you got me interested.
More or less the same arguement people get with FXAA and MSAA/TXAA, 60Hz versus 120 Hz, etc. but for video.
So I just got a call from 'Microsoft' telling me my computer was under attack right now and that they were calling to help me. Funny thing is that I'm at work, and sat in front of a Mac. Told the guy to jog on and then low and behold the phone on the desk next me rung, same type of call, probably same guy. Now I know this is as old as the hills and one reason we don't have a phone connected at home but I didn't expect these folks to be that determined to go through sequential numbers to infinity.
MadVR makes my low res porn look better.
Only 4 more hours until Westerado. Hnnnngh.
forget Westerado, WWIII about to startbecause of media players
I'll adapt to whatever the winners are using, don't care either way.
I'll adapt to whatever the winners are using, don't care either way.
VLC has nothing on MPC-BE + madVR + LAV + ReClock + XySubFilter!
Prefect playback.
High five!
So these showed up a little while ago. One for me and the rest for you guys.
Figured I'd raffle one every few hours so every time zone gets a chance, but maybe that gets a little too spammy? Let me know.
Anyway here's the first one
VLC has nothing on MPC-BE + madVR + LAV + ReClock + XySubFilter!
Prefect playback.
Yes. You should also always have multiple players to watch more porn at once.will changing media players improve the quality of my porn?
I don't know what this all means but I trust you enough to make this all later.VLC has nothing on MPC-BE + madVR + LAV + ReClock + XySubFilter!
will changing media players improve the quality of my porn?
I checked the guide I used (last updated 2013 sadly) and it says you'll get mostly the same results by using KCP. Anyway, this is what I used so it's a good place to start.
will changing media players improve the quality of my porn?
:O how did you get so many lol
Got it, bookmarked.
Will check it out later after my gaming session.
Just install KCP and set it to second highest setting and be blown away.
Huh, uh?! hekki was banned? What did he do?Not surprised at all at the _hekk05 ban. Was bound to happen eventually.
Our household has been bombarded with fake "IRS officers" threatening us in the past month. It's past tax day in the US so its stopped.Mostly of people are really easy to trick, my father other day asked my help telling there were viruses on his smartphone, it was just these stupid ads you get when browsing the web using a mobile device.
Our household has been bombarded with fake "IRS officers" threatening us in the past month. It's past tax day in the US so its stopped.
I like Gog and Magog.Gog has some good sales going on right now.
For those that like gog and steam
Huh, uh?! hekki was banned? What did he do?
omg I forgot to do my taxes (I am in Taiwan but a US citizen lol). What do I do!?
omg I forgot to do my taxes (I am in Taiwan but a US citizen lol). What do I do!?
he laid out a pretty bad opinion in a GG related thread.
Game over, man! Game over!omg I forgot to do my taxes (I am in Taiwan but a US citizen lol). What do I do!?
omg I forgot to do my taxes (I am in Taiwan but a US citizen lol). What do I do!?
Our household has been bombarded with fake "IRS officers" threatening us in the past month. It's past tax day in the US so its stopped.
File them late and if you owe money, pay the penalty. (Which is like 5% of what was owed)
Can't say I'm terribly surprised at the post, or the ban.For this post, I assume. The thread as a whole is a graveyard.
Preach.Also #team7zip is best team, no need for anything else.
That list looks nearly identical to mine. Spooky.List of applications
Yup, played it back when it was new on PS2. It's a fun little 3D platformer with a great soundtrack by virt.