Why the hell does this game
End with a metal song for the credits?
...and how the fuck was I judged 'evil' and my sins being greater when the game itself told me I did more good choices than bad?
That will definitely be interesting to see over time. The thing is, the bot accounts can still log in and appear online, they'll just be prevented from sending invites out. It'll probably take a couple of weeks for the bot operators to realize that those bots aren't doing anything and eventually shut them down. Of course if the bots themselves are being run through malware or something along those lines, those accounts may just continue logging in all the same.
The really interesting number in this equation, not that Valve would ever share it, is the number of those 125m "active" users that had spent less than $5 and are thus now restricted. If I had to guess I'd say it was probably between 15-20 million.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised to learn that in 8-12 months Steam had once again reached 125m active users, not that they would report that number. If they continue to post articles at regular intervals about their numbers increasing, I'd say something very fishy is going on.
Snow beta taken by bayonetta.
strider is pretty fun yo
Snow beta taken by bayonetta.
Valve usually reports numbers twice a year, right? And during special occasions. Though given they're launching multiple HW projects this year they might want to blow their horns more. We'll see.
Maybe it's not the number but the deeds?
Man, Jet Set Radio gets really good after the first couple of hours.
Man, Jet Set Radio gets really good after the first couple of hours.
Man, Jet Set Radio gets really good after the first couple of hours.
You're lucky Frost isn't here.
i'm surprised to see that game didn't seem to do well, i remember it was trending on twitter when it was announced
RIP in peace frost
Man, Jet Set Radio gets really good after the first couple of hours.
357.352 Grand Theft Auto V
Lords of Shadow 2 writing is Donte must Cry tier why am I watching these cutscenes
Somewhat tempted to grab Strider
Man, Jet Set Radio gets really good after the first couple of hours.
You can change your store region from the account history page if you have a history of cross-region purchasing, just FYI.
Yet doesn't show the states for me =/
It's pretty legit. Hover is pretty cool, but doesn't quite capture the intricacies of JSR
JSR = FF13-tier confirmed.
i'm surprised to see that game didn't seem to do well, i remember it was trending on twitter when it was announced
RIP in peace frost
Don't stop till you reach the top! (This song isn't present in the PC/PS360 version and I'm disappointed no one modded it in yet.)
I'm pretty surprised with the game. I tried Crazy Taxi, Sega fishing, and Space channel before and I think all have aged quite bad in terms of look and gameplay.
JSR in contrary is still quite fun, looks good, and reminds me much to GTA3.
If multiverse is real, somewhere someone is currently praising JSR:V for Dreamcast Four.
Someone in the other thread said the $5 Steam fee was 'almost extortion'.
Yep. Enough GAF for me for today.
It may depend on just how "recent" your last cross-region purchase was.
Let me be clear that the fact Valve allows the option should not be considered tacit approval. Play with fire if you so desire, but don't push people in that direction just because you've had "success".
Great port, great game (from the couple hours I've played so far), very well deserved. Rockstar does good work even if it does take too damn long to arrive.
Well thing is last thing I used was a US Bank account. =S Not trying to side track or exploit.
Says I can show proof. Passport and bank statements should be enough right?
Did you guys read the thread about the head surgeon who looks like the doctor from mgs5? Lmfaooo son, you wanna say thats a coincidence fine, but the procedure is called HEAVEN... my boy kojima stays trolling
If $5 per account is 'almost extortion', then what is?~$50 per year
I just picked up Dungeon of the Endless, anyone got some general tips or whatever?
There's a lot to take in starting out.
If $5 per account is 'almost extortion', then what is?~$50 per year
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Dead Space 2 --MB-5BA4EC1731F8A507- Taken by lindarasta
Not sure if this was posted