Finished Strider, game is overall pretty fun, weapons all play identical but they have different properties to make switching them for different situation interesting, using the normal sword can deflect gunshots and then there are ones with stun/freezing, the kunais end up being pretty cool since you could use them to take out enemies that are out of your range really quick, rarely used the shield thing tho, I just turn it on whenever I could but it doesn't last long, the game controls are good and the game has a pretty fast pace to it, I think it's one of the faster sidescrollers out there so I really appreciate it.
Onto the negatives, I find the camera to be pretty shit at times, because it has to follow your character, say if you're doing aerial combat you can't really tell what's exactly is happening below you and bosses like to do those ground attacks that you have to avoid.
The upside down levels are also kind of crap.
The bosses are ok but I didn't think they're that fun, I generally dislike bosses that like to move off screen, then you have to avoid their attacks and wait for it to pop back up, run to it, and slash it/use special moves, rinse and repeat.
Traveling between maps is a chore with no fast travel especially for a "metroidvania" game that you need to backtrack to unlock rooms, it's one of the things I hate about these type of games "See that room that's right over there? Yeah, you need to back track all the way back here for the health upgrade later, lol", didn't bother picking up shit I missed.
Checkpoints not saving your game also suck, although I guess they don't want you to get stuck and allow you to restart from save point, not sure if it's necessary, but the entire last level has no save point as far as I know, so I was scared that the game would freeze half way through it and making me start over.
The last boss was also poop.
Also you should be putting checkpoints AFTER the cutscene, not before you assholes.
Clocked like 6hrs on it, well worth the 4 bucks.