I went to Wal-Mart like 2 days ago and was eyeing one of the dozens of Quantum Break collector's editions, god pray they still have at least 1.
walmart clearance items are on a store by store basis though
I went to Wal-Mart like 2 days ago and was eyeing one of the dozens of Quantum Break collector's editions, god pray they still have at least 1.
Oh, it seems like it wanted me to allow for some new permissions. Now it works again. Sorry for the trouble.Do you mean on the wishlist? Mine looks like this
And all of them work just fine for me on 9.3 with Chrome.
until I confirmed the new permissions
Oh, it seems like it wanted me to allow for some new permissions. Now it works again. Sorry for the trouble.
Sorry, you're not Jim "Trap Queen" Sterling so no one here is going to pay attention.
It shows that, user reviews and discounts(percentage and amount) for me
Are you sure it's working? When it updated for me it wasn't working until I confirmed the new permissions
Jim Sterling reviews and impressions are soooo passé now. The kids now are all raging about this dunkey and his reviews like that ukelele game.
I don't have enough time in my life to sit through video reviews. Print media needs to start making a comeback already. >.>
Replaying Bayonetta is really making me want a new game in this style. If we can't get Bayo 2 on Steam then I really hope Capcom are working on DMC5. Something completely new from Platinum/Kamiya would be way better, though.
I'd love to see a new Kamiya game too. After the Scalebound failure I hope he bounces back in a big way.
Okami 2, Bayonetta 3, Wonderful 101 x Viewtiful Joe Crossover and a Spiritual Sucessor to Scalebound. Get to it Kamiya!
They sell guns. Think that'll work?Does walmart sell tasers because I want my fwb to wreck my shit real good and if I get cheap games in the mean time cool.
He'll team up with Yoko Taro and make Drakengard 4
So did anyone actually play the Sexy Brutale? How is it?
I feel like this question was asked a couple of times and nobody said anything.
Happy for you though! Maybe dust played a part or your gpu needed to be reseated. Pc's act in strange ways at times, lol
Both are in bomba territory. Sad that the Steam community did not embrace the Nonary collection. Those are some damn fine games.
Did my part on both of those games. Really sad, especially for Zero Escape.Had a look at a couple of other recent releases too
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games 3,498 ± 1,710
Lego City Undercover 6,778 ± 2,380
Both are in bomba territory. Sad that the Steam community did not embrace the Nonary collection. Those are some damn fine games.
Oh, thank God!
Now the People of Wal-Mart thing won't just be people from my awful peninsular (penis-ular) state.
Replaying Bayonetta is really making me want a new game in this style. If we can't get Bayo 2 on Steam then I really hope Capcom are working on DMC5. Something completely new from Platinum/Kamiya would be way better, though.
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games 3,498 ± 1,710
Lego City Undercover 6,778 ± 2,380
Both are in bomba territory. Sad that the Steam community did not embrace the Nonary collection. Those are some damn fine games.
3rd will do 20k and that'll be a massive successNot at this price.
Also, if you think these numbers are depressing, just wait till 3rd of May.
sorry, Arthea
3rd will do 20k and that'll be a massive success
I finished route A in NieR and... i don't know what to think. That was kinda short, yeah i skipped most of the side-quests but still, i was expecting more main missions. It's a good game, but nothing special or amazing imo. I liked it, but i was never blown away by it or impressed in any way.
Highlight for me is definitely OST, it's just AMAZING.
I finished route A in NieR and... i don't know what to think. That was kinda short, yeah i skipped most of the side-quests but still, i was expecting more main missions. It's a good game, but nothing special or amazing imo. I liked it, but i was never blown away by it or impressed in any way.
Highlight for me is definitely OST, it's just AMAZING.
Decided to look at Steamspy numbers for some of the interesting stuff that came out on 11th April
Yooka-Laylee 31,486 ± 5,130
Bayonetta 28,379 ± 5,920
Planescape Torment Remaster 4,373 ± 1,912
Cosmic Star Heroine 1,294 ± 1,792
Sexy Brutale 647 ± 1,267
I know the numbers are still in flux but it does look like Brutale was the big loser.
Had a look at a couple of other recent releases too
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games 3,498 ± 1,710
Lego City Undercover 6,778 ± 2,380
Both are in bomba territory. Sad that the Steam community did not embrace the Nonary collection. Those are some damn fine games.
I finished route A in NieR and... i don't know what to think. That was kinda short, yeah i skipped most of the side-quests but still, i was expecting more main missions. It's a good game, but nothing special or amazing imo. I liked it, but i was never blown away by it or impressed in any way.
Highlight for me is definitely OST, it's just AMAZING.
so people are still missing that message in game about the game not actually being over?![]()
It still calls it a playthrough though, which makes people think it's a New Game+ type of deal.
It's sad, but some people really just need the game to come out with it and call it EPISODE 1, 2, 3 etc
Or "Chapter ___". I haven't played it, but I know if you say your game has multiple endings, to me that means as soon as you reach one of the endings, you've beaten it. The outcome's just different depending on the choices you made. Seems almost like it's been made intentionally confusing.