This is amazing
Kinda doesn't compel me to buy the game because I know I'll never pull this kind of stuff
This is amazing
Like superhot without the pretentiousness.
Like superhot without the pretentiousness.
Most innovated shooter of all time.I'm sorry, what in the world are you talking about?
Any image suggestions for a textless Bayonetta Steam icon?
it wasn't bad rats
ironically it was some cat game lol
Like did the developers themselves say this? I'm not getting what you are trying to say ?
Any image suggestions for a textless Bayonetta Steam icon?
Is Modbot broken or did I just fuck up on how to make a giveaway?
Any image suggestions for a textless Bayonetta Steam icon?
I made a Textless steam icon (I think the size is wrong so you'll have to resize though).
Edit: "Textless"
Not really, lol. But nice wallpapers.
This one actually works out perfectly since the background is pure black and removing the lettering is easy.
I made a Textless steam icon (I think the size is wrong so you'll have to resize though).
Someone explained how I fucked up my modbot drawing but I can't find the post that explained it![]()
Try to send again the code to Modbot, but include this string in the body of the message
Pretty sure this was rumored before through some other source, but this is Blazblue Central Fiction for PC on the Korean Rating Board.
Get a ds4 already
Sorry about the modbot issues; I was previously alerted to them by some users who noticed but I haven't gotten time to debug until today.
What happens after the 30 day streak anyway? Is there more streak rewards beyond that?
Disgusting. I hate scanline filters. lol
I'd rather just hook up the game to a CRT somehow instead of using those.
All praise Durante (and
Disgusting. I hate scanline filters. lol
I'd rather just hook up the game to a CRT somehow instead of using those.
Naaaaaaaame. What's the name of the gaaaaaaaame? Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?![]()
Naaaaaaaame. What's the name of the gaaaaaaaame? Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?![]()
It's not like we have a writeup for it in the OP, no siree...
As Nzyme said, CRT filters are not for looking at the image up-close.
They are amazing for 2D artwork when comfy couching though.
I have a working CRT monitor, but I don't think I can even hook it up to my GPU (no digital output on the monitor, no analog input on GPU)
Got a 1080 Ti and played a ton of VR so far. What traditional game do you guys recommend that's good and will wow me on my 1440x3440 ultrawidescreen?
Disgusting. I hate scanline filters. lol
I'd rather just hook up the game to a CRT somehow instead of using those.
I'd disagree. Sucks at a monitor close up, but on a TV at a reasonable distance, it makes a good difference. And how many people actually have a CRT lying around anymore? Oddly we have a dead one outside our house, that is a rare beast - 32" widescreen Sony CRT TV - weighs about 50kg or something stupid, and we're too lazy to take it to a tip somewhere and get rid of it.