All three DLC are pretty much the same, can be copmleted in around 1.5h-2h.
- Do setup mission that open new area
- Do everything there
- Complete second mission
- Two first also add some challenges
So missions wise they are pretty boring. I also aren't too much into boats, so that's last DLC pretty much nullfied.
Mecha's were cool tho and wingsuit boosting improved that too.
I didn't have any performance issues, but I just didn't like the game all that much. There are some great parts here and there, primarily the usual Just Cause stuff. The explosions are great, the wingsuit and the parachute are really fun, and it is rather enjoyable to soar into a base and start blowing everything up. That said, I still have a tough time recommending it. Things start to get old really quickly, and while there's a bit more variety in the bases and cities this time around, there are a lot less of them. The missions are pretty weak, as well. While they're not GTA4 bad, they're still forgettable.
Haven't tried any of the DLC, either.
Thanks for the impressions.
Sounds worth buying just to mess around for a few hours, try out all the vehicles etc. Loved gliding around in jc2, scaling the mountains and driving off the peaks, which was new and exciting years ago, not so sure now.