STEAM | August 2016 - No Man's Sky will leave Mankind Divided

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Does anyone know if GamesPlanet UK games are Region free?

I have never bought from this site before, and the store page gives me the impression it can be activated just fine. I'm in NA btw.

EDIT: I went ahead and took the risk, it seems the key worked fine in North America.


Wonder Boy: Dragon's Trap gameplay footage

Looks great, 2017 is gonna have some great games.


Does anyone know if GamesPlanet UK games are Region free?

I have never bought from this site before, and the store page gives me the impression it can be activated just fine. I'm in NA btw.

Almost all games are region free unless stated otherwise.

You can see an example with MGS V. There's a box which says "Notice this game can not be activated in China".


No Man's Sky review thread?

That first reviewer is craving for glory. At first sight, it seems he is voluntarily going for the polemic. I am going to read more.

Edit: The guy does not even know about clipping, he calls it "pop in".


I still have hope in NMS to be score higher than 8/10. The best mechanic of the game, at worst, would be the naming of the planets. Play Moira if you have not already.
I still have hope in NMS to be score higher than 8/10.
Like every game, this will not appeal to every type of player but the immense media presence by Sony's publishing deal is a double-edged sword and will only exaggerate that point. The type of game NMS is - seemingly - going to be, is a slow burner imo. Like with every game, unless you give in to excessive hype culture, I believe NMS will be a great, unique and memorable time. No one can help people who set themselves up for disappointment.


sparkle this bitch
Just incase anyone missed it, check out the QuakeCon finals. Specifically games 3 thru 5. It could be the last time they use Quake Live as a championship and it was one hell of a finale. You will see FPS skill taken to the max.

/pours one out.

It's for the greater good sir, I can see it being worse than the Uncharted 3 review thread :p

Neither Uncharted nor NMS is going to be the worst of the year. That crown is going to The Last Guardian.


I always watch the newbie stream even though I have some knowledge of how things go. Things change every year though, so it's kind of necessary, but also the caster's for the newbie stream are usually a ton of fun. Last year was shit iirc, but the year before was great, lots of good games and lots of fun moments

i might give it a shot this year, i always mean to watch it but i always forget or lose interest too quickly, it's hard when u don't know the game

also it's generally on the same day as some league thing and i just end up watch that insteadl lol
Just incase anyone missed it, check out the QuakeCon finals. Specifically games 3 thru 5. It could be the last time they use Quake Live as a championship and it was one hell of a finale. You will see FPS skill taken to the max.

/pours one out.

Neither Uncharted nor NMS is going to be the worst of the year. That crown is going to The Last Guardian.
Uncharted wasn't even that bad, from what I saw. I expected worse and so I don't think that NMS will be that bad, especially asa it's not a Sony exclusive.


And after hours of frustration Splinter Cell Double Agent is finished (best ending + bonus mission). This is one really mediocre stealth game. Mostly because it is full of bugs, especially AI bugs. Sometimes they could see me behind covers, NPCs would bug and you couldn't do anything etc. Contextual button prompts are really bad, saving/loading system is bugged, and i could go this way for a long time. I enjoyed things like no bosses (technically there was one), ok cheesy story, and levels even though they were linear and sometimes small variety was there.
Immersive equipment, realistic weather, a progression revamp/economy mod, and a better dragons mod will set you up good.

And just imagine how much better they'll all be once Bethesda reintroduces third-party DLCs.

It's the NPC interactions that kill the game for me. I met with a jarl and he told me right up front before everyone that he's got something on the side with some bandits but it's not enough for him so now he wants me to kill their leader.

I think the Witcher series is what I'm looking for in terms of writing in a sandbox game but I hesitate to start before upgrading to something that will handle number 3.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Where's the cheapest, legit place to get NMS? I haven't ever paid $60 for a game since I switched to PC and I'm not going to start with NMS! Still waiting for impressions, though, as I'm not preordering.


REV2 finale

Me, Kim K, and South by Southwest done fucked up T. Girl all turned into a snake and shit, eating herself.



i might give it a shot this year, i always mean to watch it but i always forget or lose interest too quickly, it's hard when u don't know the game

also it's generally on the same day as some league thing and i just end up watch that insteadl lol

The year before last was great on the newbie stream. Some of the casters like PyrionFlax are just great. They dig into the game and take time to explain the messy looking things, but in the down time / dull moments, they happily either go into explaining certain things or just ranting about crap. Usually extremely funny. Reminds me a lot of Pyrion's videos that roll into rants such as this. There is usually another guy Purge, also really good at explaining everything and staying on the ball, but has a good laugh throughout


sparkle this bitch
So anyone else in the Steam thread going to be watching The International? The Group stage had some great matches.


listen to the mad man
Do any of the shady key resellers have Fable 3 Steam keys in stock? I am interested in picking up a copy. I know it's in some package on Amazon for like $45, which is a little nuts. I have never used a shady key reseller but it might be my only option for this. I have no interest in dealing with a Steam trade or TF2 keys or whatever.


Do any of the shady key resellers have Fable 3 Steam keys in stock? I am interested in picking up a copy. I know it's in some package on Amazon for like $45, which is a little nuts. I have never used a shady key reseller but it might be my only option for this. I have no interest in dealing with a Steam trade or TF2 keys or whatever.

$19.99 on Amazon on its own here, and in stock apparently.

E: Forgot you're Canadian, though, so you need someone to get it for you. RIP.


I absolutely loved TEW. It's like RE4 with more of a horror-focus, which is great. There are a few chapters that drag on for too long, but overall I was very impressed. There are people really dumping on the game and I don't get why. If you got a kick out of RE4, there's a pretty big chance you'll like TEW.

In fact down the line I'd like to replay it now that the borders are removed, and play the dlc.

The only thing I hated in TEW was the insta kills. There wasn't really enough of a dodging mechanic for them. In the sequel hopefully they make it easier to avoid them, because it was really frustrating to me.


Do any of the shady key resellers have Fable 3 Steam keys in stock? I am interested in picking up a copy. I know it's in some package on Amazon for like $45, which is a little nuts. I have never used a shady key reseller but it might be my only option for this. I have no interest in dealing with a Steam trade or TF2 keys or whatever.

Nope. Fable 3 is a removed game so the fact that Amazon has it means that's your best option. Otherwise, you'd only have steam gifts of it for sale and that'd rocket the price up to probably $80+

Kinda weird that Amazon has it as well. Not sold anywhere else as a steam key now that it's a removed game.


There's an optional puzzle in REV2 that I'm pretty sure is borked. Kinda. It's the puzzle involving gravestones. The "instructions" have four interconnected riddles for four switches that need to be hit in order. The second riddle establishes which side of the gravestones is the "back", and the third asks for you to look for a switch a row behind where the second switch is found... but the third switch is actually located one row to the front of that gravestone.

Or maybe I'm misremembering.
About god eater 2, even after launch you get the two games right? The only thing missing I guess is the costumes? I'm interested but I prefer to wait for some impression before buying


I'm living in 'murica right now actually so I'm OK. This is cool. The link I was seeing earlier was $45 for some sort of bundle. This is way better. Is this actually in stock though?

It says Available Now, and the Buy option is there, so I assume so. I can't add it since my address is Ontarian, but it looks like it should be just fine.
It's the NPC interactions that kill the game for me. I met with a jarl and he told me right up front before everyone that he's got something on the side with some bandits but it's not enough for him so now he wants me to kill their leader.

I think the Witcher series is what I'm looking for in terms of writing in a sandbox game but I hesitate to start before upgrading to something that will handle number 3.

Yeah... Skyrim's interactions are unfixably, unredeemably terrible. The most I remember from any particular character is Lydia.

Lydia (sarcastically but not really): I'm sworn to carry your burdens.

and even then, it's because she said it so often more than anything.


listen to the mad man
It says Available Now, and the Buy option is there, so I assume so. I can't add it since my address is Ontarian, but it looks like it should be just fine.

Key worked, I have Fable III on Steam. No idea if I'll be able to get it to run due to GFWL bullshit, but owning it is probably better than playing it. Heck yeah, bud. Thanks for the link.


$19.99 on Amazon on its own here, and in stock apparently.

E: Forgot you're Canadian, though, so you need someone to get it for you. RIP.

Key worked, I have Fable III on Steam. No idea if I'll be able to get it to run due to GFWL bullshit, but owning it is probably better than playing it. Heck yeah, bud. Thanks for the link.

Wow, I didn't know that there was still a relatively easy/cheap way to get Fable 3 on PC Steam. Where have I been?


Fable 3 is awful.

Please everyone, just stay away from it.

Yeah, I've never actually been able to finish a Fable game to be honest. I have both 2 and 3 installed right now on my Xbox One thinking I would finish my old saves but I always have something better to play.
Yeah, I've never actually been able to finish a Fable game to be honest. I have both 2 and 3 installed right now on my Xbox One thinking I would finish my old saves but I always have something better to play.

Fable 1 is pretty good.
Fable 2....I remember it as quite good, even though it skipped a lot of the good ideas from 1.
Fable The second most stupid game I have ever played,


Unconfirmed Member
Key worked, I have Fable III on Steam. No idea if I'll be able to get it to run due to GFWL bullshit, but owning it is probably better than playing it. Heck yeah, bud. Thanks for the link.

With GFWL games like Bulletstorm you could get an xbox liveless dll that you'd put into the main directory and it would ignore gfwl when you load the game up and save as normal. Of course you can't play multiplayer (though I dont think Fable 3 has any) but that's not a big concern really.

You can find it on the Bulletstorm pcgaming wiki page so might be worth a shot at least, I'm not sure if specific 'versions' of xbox liveless are made per game.


Tried to get more into CivV today. I never understood how the game was played, but I think I understood some more today and it was really fun.

What other Civ games are good? Heard that CivIV is great, but Beyond Earths Steam ratings are not very good.
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