STEAM | August 2016 - No Man's Sky will leave Mankind Divided

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holy fuck guys. i'm excited for no man's sky. those patch notes are so good


Yeah, me too. Kinda glad PS4 getting it first though so we can see some real impressions. I still haven't bought it but pretty sure I will.

Ya it's kind of irrelevant to me as I wouldn't be able to dedicate large periods of time until the weekend anyways.



Ya it's kind of irrelevant to me as I wouldn't be able to dedicate large periods of time until the weekend anyways.

Same, work is going to blow this week as I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to put in some OT. If reviews and impressions look good I'll pre order it Thursday and rest from a crappy work week with some NMS all weekend


Finished Final Fantasy VIII last week or so.

Now started Final Fantasy IX :)!

Man - its been 10 years since I last played it - dat nostalgia run!
Just finished the normal campaign of Torchlight II. I liked a lot of things better than the first game (the gameplay felt slightly better, the graphics more polished,) but the music was way better in the first game.

Not sure if I'm gonna bother to keep playing it for more achievements. I put 25 hours into it and I'm like 1/10 of the way for some of the achievements. (Fish 1,000 times!) I guess that's for the people who get hooked on multiplayer or something and that's not me.
Shogun II is not Total Waaagh and that upsets me; time to try something else. I suppose it's time to finally start Dead State: Reanimated. For real this time.
I'm looking into VPNs today. Anybody use them? Leave them on all the time?
There are a couple posters here that wouldn't surprise me if they popped up. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


listen to the mad man
I'm looking into VPNs today. Anybody use them? Leave them on all the time?
There are a couple posters here that wouldn't surprise me if they popped up. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I use them, not for Steam stuff--I mean, I leave it running while I use Steam, but I don't use it to buy Steam stuff in other regions. I use PIA ( It is adequate. Speed is good but not great. Price is good. I pay with a pre-paid credit card. There are servers in many countries, which is handy.


So guys, is God Eater CoOp dependent? As in playing with people is probably a better experience.

I'm curious about this as well, it seems pretty cool but the recent video almost made it look MMO-ish? I don't mind an extra challenge solo so long as it's within reason.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So guys, is God Eater CoOp dependent? As in playing with people is probably a better experience.

AFAIK you can "solo" but the game is part of the PSO-clone genre, where you want to party-up as you grind. If anything to make the grind a bit less dull. If you're not into PSO-clones, avoid it.


So guys, is God Eater CoOp dependent? As in playing with people is probably a better experience.

I would also like to know that actually. From what i've gathered, you can go on missions with either AI partners, or with human-controlled ones (up to 4 players) - it doesn't seem to have any kind of co-op campaign or anything of the sort, but it looks like you can do all the game's content in co-op.
People also seem to mostly praise the co-op experience in God Eater Resurrection, which is already out on PS4.


NMS patch notes are spoiler-tagged? Has spoiler-culture gone too far?

There was someone advocating in the "Save games deletion" thread that people that play early should be banned because he didn't like that there were Spoiler Threads on the forum. Just other people discussing spoilers in a separate area is enough to upset some of these folks.


Did anyone else play MANDAGON?

I saw the good reviews and short playtime so I gave it a shot. It was nice but I didn't feel particularly enlightened. Am I dead inside?


Did anyone else play MANDAGON?

I saw the good reviews and short playtime so I gave it a shot. It was nice but I didn't feel particularly enlightened. Am I dead inside?
Uh no?
Just because u didnt enjoy a game as much as a dozen other people doesnt make u any leas of a person


...or Peter Molyneux.
Ima stop u there and ask
Have u watched the 4 part peter m. Retrospective that makes his entire carreer in the gaming world clearer than ever before?
Cuz i dunno who this sean guy is exactly but i dont think he was behind a dozen or so great iconic and memorable pc games before a fall from grace


Ima stop u there and ask
Have u watched the 4 part peter m. Retrospective that makes his entire carreer in the gaming world clearer than ever before?
Cuz i dunno who this sean guy is exactly but i dont think he was behind a dozen or so great iconic and memorable pc games before a fall from grace

Ima stop u there and ask

Have u heard of No Man's Sky?


^we all have games that people hype up or like but dont 'get it'
Its no big deal but as long as u enjoyed the game thats all thag matters

@ozium- Ive known about it since it day 1 of its reveal


How would I go about installing Steam games on a brand new (external) hard drive?

after it is hooked up and recognized by your computer go to steam and then at the top select steam -> settings -> downloads, top choice is content library folders, click that then add the drive and folder you want for steam content then when you install a game you can select where to install


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
How would I go about installing Steam games on a brand new (external) hard drive?

Right click > Backup Game Files...

is probably what you're looking for. Or just select the external drive during a normal install.
after it is hooked up and recognized by your computer go to steam and then at the top select steam -> settings -> downloads, top choice is content library folders, click that then add the drive and folder you want for steam content
I feel stupid for having asked this because as soon as I installed something, something like occured.

m \o/ m rock on broheim prime.


There was someone advocating in the "Save games deletion" thread that people that play early should be banned because he didn't like that there were Spoiler Threads on the forum. Just other people discussing spoilers in a separate area is enough to upset some of these folks.

Some people were getting mad at e3 leaks being posted on gaf, because those would spoil the e3. I remember one guy even saying he'd like to see the FBI pursuing the leakers and punishing them.

You know, I'm all for spoiler tagging story spoilers and twists and all, but we're really going to far into the videogamers spoilerphobia bubble if we have to start spoiler tagging industry news and real life events.

anyone played this is the police yet?

it's cheaper on nuuvem (south america only) and it looks neat, idk

do you finish any of these games?

I started playing it yesterday, so far it has been really interesting. The cop work is kinda fun, but not very deep. 3 hours in I haven't even unlocked all of the mechanics yet mind you.

The game is really charming tho, the way you select and unlock the Soundtrack is really cool and the writing reminds me a bit of max payne with it being such a melodramatic film-noir thingy.

Since I haven't unlocked all mechanics yet in what seems to be a rather long game, I dont feel like I can really give a proper opinion about it, but so far I really liked it!


Regarding God Eater and God Eater 2, how co-op heavy are they?
I mean it says single player on the store page, but I don't think I've seen any trailers with just single player stuff. There always seems to be more people around. Are they AI controlled?

Also I didn't like Fable 3.

I've only played a little bit of the PSP one, but from what I remember:

Yes, the other people are either AI controlled or other players. You can choose yourself which NPCs you bring to a mission, and go completely solo as well if you want (I think some mission had fixed partners for story reasons though).
The AI itself was pretty competent already. It's very good at staying alive, giving you support and distracting things, but not good at actually killing things without you doing anything, which I think is perfect. You don't have to waste all the time just keeping them alive and and they also don't just play the game by themself if you only stand around.

But keep in mind that I don't know if this is still true later in the game, as I only really played 2 chapters, I think.


Not a mod, just a bot.
Thanks to an anonymous benefactor, I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Big space mess -- MB-2FC8B266581A24C0 - Taken by electroflame


Hasn't that been around for a while? Is there a way to access your in game gold without a current sub? I have a crap ton of gold on one of my toons but haven't played in years.

I don't know how long. I randomly decide to do the lvl 20 stuff. It just asks me on game launch if I wanted to spend gold to buy time.


If you own Kingdom: Classic, you will get Kingdom: New Lands for free tomorrow, and Kingdom: Classic will only be accessible through a duo bundle.

If I am not mistaken, the game was nominated at IGF, and got the seal of approval of Jonathan Blow in a series of tweets.

Kingdom: New Lands is finally around the corner! We want to have one last little sale on Kingdom: Classic for those that have been holding off until now. It's your last chance to get the original game at a discount, which will also get you New Lands for free once that's out on August 9.

Spread the word! After August 9 you'll only be able to get the game in a bundle for $14.99.



Yes! And it's ridiculously cheap if you live in North America. Everyone else has to pay at least twice as much per month.

Speaking of WoW, Demon Hunter early access begins this week.

How do you even find it? It was 39K for me. Other places? My account was started in the states, do I get the benefit? I can't use local currency to buy gametime.
I decided to buy a copy of Dead Rising 2 from Games Planet since I have a feeling it won't exactly have a huge discount after DR1 comes out. Will probably be in the mood for replaying it after beating the first game again.
think all the fun we could have me calling doto a pachinko rng game

Is that all you have for doto?

shit well I guess it's hard to criticize the better game

riot pays salaries to all the players and coaching staff (i think subs too, not sure) of all the teams in the major leagues in the world. i think it's about 10 leagues with an average of 10 teams per league?

money just gets more distributed in league, it's a different system, i actually like it better cos it creates more stability for all teams, not just the top 3 in the world, but also teams in turkey, brazil, russia, etc.

now that we've clarified that riot does have money for professionals, pls remind me why prize money is something worth discussing

yeah of course you say "prize pools don't matter" since Dota is destroying League lol

FGC, Call of Duty, Hearthstone, Pokémon, World of Tanks prize pools aren't worth discussing

most played game in the world that's been out for 7 years and it's just overtaking Starcraft 2, sad

and riot 'salaries' not being disclosed means there's obviously money that isn't going to the right people

i'm not sure if this qualifies as an argument of any sort, you're not really explaining why it sucks?

The designs look like generic Korean MMO characters. The women are rail thin with revealing outfits and suffer from same face lol, it's always awkwardly sexualized poses with them. The men look like the same Blade and Soul template but they're given gigantic shoulder pads, overstylized armor plates, robes everywhere. Riot just took Dota's designs and made them too anime.

And those in-game models? Jesus christ, everyone looks and animates like Warcraft 3 characters. Can they at least sharpen the resolution of the models or something so they don't look like a blurry mess.

just two random images from the internet, i googled hots/lol teamfight and grabbed the second image of each, so sorry if it's not the most flattering image of hots (mind you, it's not the most flattering league image either)

idk, neither looks particularly amazing but neither look like they came out in 2006?

in case you don't remember, here's what dota looked like

i know warcraft 3 is like 2002 but still, try opening all three pictures on different tabs and tell me if they look similar

League received several graphical overhauls over the years and it still looks like that? And good god all the information everywhere, Dota is a more complicated game but even that has an easy to follow HUD and alerts. This is just an ugly game

Valve adds in new shit all the time, and it doesn't even slow the game down. League always takes forever to load the map, and it's so needy that it freezes my pc lol. What a joke.

league has multiple maps: summoner's rift for 5v5, twisted treeline for 3v3, howling abyss for arams and rotating game modes like overwatch brawl's that use different maps, sometimes summoner's rift, somotimes crystal scar, etc.

most people play 5v5 because it's generally considered the main mode, but those other maps are there if that's your thing
Those other maps don't get as much rotation as HOTS does

also you throwing this comment out of nowhere (i don't even remember when i posted about that movie lol, must've been months) makes it seem like you're really weirdly resented that i mentioned how much i didn't like it

You better leave my GotG alone, Rocket will blow anyone in League to smithereens.

i love league of legends, you hating on it doesn't make it worse for me, just don't spread lies about it please!

If you can say League is the best game then I can say it's garbo, which it is.

And Riot programmers are terrible; the client won't let me change the settings for when I'm actually in the fucking game, the map takes ten years to load and G-Sync doesn't even work right lol. What a shame.
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