STEAM | August 2016 - No Man's Sky will leave Mankind Divided

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Then i'm just that good. Never used it after the village and had absolutely no issues difficulty wise. Thus the mechanic might help, but overall isn't very important if I managed that.

or you are playing on casual mode since you usually play games on their easiest setting


Tried to get more into CivV today. I never understood how the game was played, but I think I understood some more today and it was really fun.

What other Civ games are good? Heard that CivIV is great, but Beyond Earths Steam ratings are not very good.

As someone who has played them all, I think CivV is the best, meaning, I've never looked back once I went to a new one and never felt I missed something.


i paid $69.99 canadian + tax for a day one xbox 360 version and then just paid $18.99 usd ($1 prime no-rush credit f yeah) for a steam version. i have never played the game. i am an idiot.

Fable 3 is not so bad. I liked all 3 Fables, not like "WOW, Day one, this is a masterpiece", but more like "well, I had fun, let's go on". The problem with Fable 3 is there's no plot and the game is just a more of the same with a new hand of paint, dumb easy but enjoyable.

But before buying the copy on Amazon, be sure you'll be able to redeem the key on GFWL, I remember users posting they couldn't redeem the key for some reason.
i paid $69.99 canadian + tax for a day one xbox 360 version and then just paid $18.99 usd ($1 prime no-rush credit f yeah) for a steam version. i have never played the game. i am an idiot.

Oh.....come of those things to laugh at afterwards.........builds character....... :)

Fable 3 was one bad design choice after another.

The only good thing about it is how stupid it is.

You haggle for the best dancing.
You escort every character, adult of child, by holding hands and skipping away.
There only real penaly to loosing in combat is that the game keep pestering you about how it's not a good thing.
When you get the mission to gain influence, every interaction with NPC's gives you influence. I flipped of a bunch of old people and children, and the game then proclaimed me to be a hero.


Tried to get more into CivV today. I never understood how the game was played, but I think I understood some more today and it was really fun.

What other Civ games are good? Heard that CivIV is great, but Beyond Earths Steam ratings are not very good.

Civ V as a complete is great. The best of the best as it stands. You have tips on and the sort, right? It's really newbie friendly. Was my introduction to 4X, and it did things for me. I think I'll forever have something against India in that game. Something about Gandhi.

Beyond Earth is pretty much where Civ V was on release. Potential, but not finished. They're still adding stuff along the way, but vanilla Beyond Earth is kinda eh. I made it 5 hours through before giving up and deciding to wait on a decent deal for Rising Tide because it brings in a lot of improvements.
Tried to get more into CivV today. I never understood how the game was played, but I think I understood some more today and it was really fun.

What other Civ games are good? Heard that CivIV is great, but Beyond Earths Steam ratings are not very good.
Civ4 is very different from 5 due to the UI and combat differences, mainly. It's great, and has some even greater mods (Civ5, too), but can be much harder to get in to if you're coming solely from Civ5. Beyond Earth, meanwhile, was a disappointing game for many reasons, chiefly because it felt too much like Civ5 (I don't know how the xpac improved things, though). With that said, if you aren't looking for an Alpha Centauri successor, you may enjoy Beyond Earth.

Civ5 was a revolution in approachability for 4X games, with how it suddenly made every action obvious, every piece of info at hand, and ensured that, turn-to-turn, nothing was forgotten. It set the gold standard for playability in 4Xes that endures to this day; pretty much every 4X has (smartly) ripped it off since then.

If you're looking for a different kind of 4X that has Civ5's approachability, try Age of Wonders 3. It is much more combat focused, and has some deep RPG elements that make this focus shine. And yeah, the expansion are worthwhile.
i paid $69.99 canadian + tax for a day one xbox 360 version and then just paid $18.99 usd ($1 prime no-rush credit f yeah) for a steam version. i have never played the game. i am an idiot.

The small comfort is, everyone has these stories.

Like, I saw evilore's Dragon Age 2 |OT|. I played the demo. I pre-ordered the game, finished it, and hold it as one of the worst games I've ever completed. I then went on to get Dragon Age: Inquisition near launch, go through the same motions, and then reconsidered playing Dragon Age 1 + 2 afterwards in an attempt to see something good in those sequels before fully reconsidering it. Annnd.... I still pine for a good Dragon Age game and would probably end up getting a DA4 in spite of everything.

It's the worst.


i'm playing modern warfare 3

it's cool, can't see shit most of the time tho

Wonder Boy: Dragon's Trap gameplay footage

Looks great, 2017 is gonna have some great games.

sega is back!
Like, I saw evilore's Dragon Age 2 |OT|. I played the demo. I pre-ordered the game, finished it, and hold it as one of the worst games I've ever completed. I then went on to get Dragon Age: Inquisition near launch, go through the same motions, and then reconsidered playing Dragon Age 1 + 2 afterwards in an attempt to see something good in those sequels before fully reconsidering it. Annnd.... I still pine for a good Dragon Age game and would probably end up getting a DA4 in spite of everything.

It's the worst.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is at least good at masquerading as a good game, and it's not completely awful. Just very very bland.


Weird for you guys to talk about Fable, since I don't consider neither of the three titles to be must plays, and yet Fable 2 is presumably the game I've most played in my entire life. From when I picked it up, around November 2008, to Mass Effect 2's release, I played nothing but it, and I didn't even get the 100% lol. I assume the reason for this is that it was the first full blown RPG I played, and it kinda overwhelmed me with so many things to do.

It ended up being replaced by Mass Effect 2, which I also got awfully hooked and played to completion three times in a row.
Weird for you guys to talk about Fable, since I don't consider neither of the three titles to be must plays, and yet Fable 2 is presumably the game I've most played in my entire life. From when I picked it up, around November 2008, to Mass Effect 2's release, I played nothing but it, and I didn't even get the 100% lol. I assume the reason for this is that it was the first full blown RPG I played, and it kinda overwhelmed me with so many things to do.

It ended up being replaced by Mass Effect 2, which I also got awfully hooked and played to completion three times in a row.

They're not must plays, but Fable 1 had some really good ideas, and both Fable 1 and Fable 2 has a couple of really good quests. They did the choice aspect better then so many other RPG's, since they based it around how selfish or not you were instead of cartoonish binary good vs evil style.

Fable 3 is just stupid though.


Uh, the fuck??!

I come back home from work and get this...

My PC was totally fine!! D:

What do I do?

I didn't have this specific issue, but when Window 10's Anniversary update decided to take over the Bios Update restart, I got a message saying I have to enter setup to do the process manually, which was actually super simple thankfully and occurs before Windows can screw around.

Just hit F1 and check everything seems okay and continue. That screen is usually hidden anyway behind the post image. You only see it if the mobo had something happen. Just be glad the mobo has the feature. Been pretty happy with Asus


About god eater 2, even after launch you get the two games right? The only thing missing I guess is the costumes? I'm interested but I prefer to wait for some impression before buying
Yep, that's correct. You'll always get the two games together, the actual preorder bonus are only the costumes.


Regarding God Eater and God Eater 2, how co-op heavy are they?
I mean it says single player on the store page, but I don't think I've seen any trailers with just single player stuff. There always seems to be more people around. Are they AI controlled?

Also I didn't like Fable 3.
I'm living in 'murica right now actually so I'm OK. This is cool. The link I was seeing earlier was $45 for some sort of bundle. This is way better. Is this actually in stock though?

The bundle includes all the DLC and the first game.

I have toyed with picking it up multiple times yet I can never justify it.


Had a productive weekend clearing my backlog. Was too sick to do anything else but not too sick to game. These 3 games had been installed for a while so was happy to beat and delete.

Wolf Among Us -

Had started this one a while back but only finished the first episode. I liked the story for the most part. Mostly found the setting/characters interesting and enjoyed the art style but didn't care much for the gameplay.

Call of Duty Ghosts -

I picked this up on the cheap somewhere, can't remember. Wasn't expecting much out of it because i don't remember this one doing very well. I only bought it for the single player campaign and ended up really liking it. The set pieces were what made it. I also liked that Brandon Routh was one of the voice actors. Hopefully they make a sequel to this one eventually (though I doubt they will) because there was an odd cliff hanger at the end.

Syndicate (2012/Origin) -

This game was okay. It had some cool secondary "hacker" type weapons but the story was average. Glad I finished it though. Started this one a while back also and I think I picked it up for around $2.50 or $5.


Regarding God Eater and God Eater 2, how co-op heavy are they?
I mean it says single player on the store page, but I don't think I've seen any trailers with just single player stuff. There always seems to be more people around. Are they AI controlled?

Also I didn't like Fable 3.

I would like to know this too.

Panda Rin

Going to be moving to Vietnam next month for one year from the US.

Will I be able to access all of my games over there? How about buying games?
Going to be moving to Vietnam next month for one year from the US.

Will I be able to access all of my games over there? How about buying games?

You should be able to access all your games, and once you are living there you will have 2 options. Continue buying games on your US account, or update your details to reflect your new country (I'm not sure if games purchased on Vietnam would run once you get back to the US, but I'd expect they will)
Yeah, me too. Kinda glad PS4 getting it first though so we can see some real impressions. I still haven't bought it but pretty sure I will.

The hype is getting to me so I'm tempted to pre-order it now. If I keep my cool, I'll buy it on Friday after it unlocks on Steam and there are some impressions on here.


Going to be moving to Vietnam next month for one year from the US.

Will I be able to access all of my games over there? How about buying games?

JaseC is the resident expert on those matters, but basically so long as you never change your account from being US based, and still pay US prices, you'll have no issues at all. You can change to local, but it will be an increased hassle for you in the long run most likely.


Going to be moving to Vietnam next month for one year from the US.

Will I be able to access all of my games over there? How about buying games?

You will have access to your games, 100% if you're from ROW places like the states.

For buying games you get two options:

1) Keep your steam region (via settings) to your home country and continue using those funds.

2) As Vietnam has regional pricing, you can change your steam region to it (which incurs a two week cooldown on being able to switch back). You need an address and form of payment to prove you are there. I believe Vietnam actually has steam gift cards. Games are cheaper there, but you get region blocked for some games (basically not 100% accessible games).

I am pretty sure when you go back in a year you will still have access to the games.

I switched my account to Taiwan so this is my experience. I haven't gone back home as I am pretty much perma here though so I can't say on the way back.


I had a productive gaming weekend. Played some Ubermosh - pretty fun action but also very challenging. I just missed out on lasting a full wave/event but got a high score of 151. Not bad. I might play it in short bursts here and there to see if I can get a better score.

Also payed Please, Don't Touch Anything and got most of the endings. Pretty enjoyable game. Ended up peeking at a guide to see what I was missing for a few of the other outcomes (
I apparently need to play it just before midnight in order to trigger one of the endings...didn't feel like changing my system clock :p

Today I started and finished The Room - what a clever, well-designed puzzle game. It has a really nice level of difficulty - comforting and challenging at the same time. I took a short break but more or less finished it in one sitting. Definitely will play the sequel sometime in the future.
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