STEAM | August 2016 - No Man's Sky will leave Mankind Divided

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Kingdom is good. Damn good.

If you guys have it, play it.

I thoroughly enjoyed what I've played of it. Best when played blind without a guide, to let you dig into the hidden systems/progression at your own pace.

It's one of those builder games where you /will/ need to play it multiple times to figure it out.


Wife and I stopped watching GoT after wedding because it got so zzzzz


Now that's unfortunate. But it's not the first time i hear off relationships getting zzzz after the wedding. You should look into alternatives like an open relationship before going into a divorce tho.

Berserk might be the first musou in a long time I'll be buying. I just hope the port is going to be good this time around.


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It's not the only fan-made pokemon game out there. There's also Pokemon Omicron/Zeta, Pokemon Insurgence, Pokemon Melanite, and there's Pokemon Reborn in early access development (they're making a gym for each type and are up to like 13,) and probably a bunch of others I don't even know about.

I bet it's a modified NDS Pokemon game.

Actually they're made with RPGMaker and a toolset specifically for making Pokemon games, called "Pokemon Essentials."

lol wtf that's random

Especially because the quote is "Winners Don't Use Drugs".


So Arkham Knight is on sale and my friend showed me it on ps4 and it made me really really want it. Is it fixed yet or should I just get the ps4 version? I have a 980 and 2500k at 4.5. 8 gigs of ram.


So Arkham Knight is on sale and my friend showed me it on ps4 and it made me really really want it. Is it fixed yet or should I just get the ps4 version? I have a 980 and 2500k at 4.5. 8 gigs of ram.

Go for it, you will play it well enough with that hardware.


Is it better than the ps4 version? I can't believe I have to ask that haha

Well, if not better, at least on par. But I didn't see the PS4 version so I can't say.

Also why people are saying reviews of NMS are fakes because there are based on vanilla version (without D1 patch)?
Does the D1 patch add half the game?


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Just beat Transistor.

Well. What the hell was that? What a weird game. It hews so close to the Bastion formula in both mechanics and plot as to be derivative but didn't manage to be as charming or fun. I quite like the aesthetics of both, but I was honestly expecting to like Transistor more because of the art and the music.

Mostly I feel frustrated by neither getting the plot or feeling all that accomplished with the combat system in the end. Game felt way too deliberately ambiguous for it's own good. Dare I say, pretentious.

I wouldn't say it was bad, but I don't feel particularly motivated to do the NewGame+ or delve deeper into the optional tests at the moment. Maybe I'll come around on it on a second pass some other time.


Is it better than the ps4 version? I can't believe I have to ask that haha

yeah I think they fixed the graphical effect bugs, the game is definitely playable on that hardware but just not sure if you'll get slow downs when driving a batmobile (but it'll still be above 40fps), some people said it's smooth but it stutters a bit on my i5 3570k and a 1060 gtx even with a ssd, so i guess it's not guaranteed, you can always refund if it doesn't run well


I'm super on the fence about NMS. On the one hand, it might be fun to be part of the crowd all playing it from the get go. On the other hand, I don't really know if it'll be worth even close to $60 for me.


finally done with Setsuna


After finishing I still can't say do I really liked it or not, I liked some things, most were OK at best and if we make allowances for the first game of this studio for things as not having maps, not being able to save everywhere, not being able to sell stuff, and more annoyances, it isn't a bad game, but it could have been much better.

The thing I disliked most about this game after all is done and said, it's randomness of fluxes, you can plan some of setups, especially on command sprintnites, but after you get to know how little they matter you wish to redo all thing and that's not viable because it's very time consuming and boring. And don't get me started on support fluxes.

Music was nice, though.


sparkle this bitch
So I went ahead and preorder Deus Ex Mankind Divided.... well, me keeping from spending over a 100$ this year was a bust.

No ragrats since Human Evolution, I put 3 playthroughs and 77 hours into
It's not the only fan-made pokemon game out there. There's also Pokemon Omicron/Zeta, Pokemon Insurgence, Pokemon Melanite, and there's Pokemon Reborn in early access development (they're making a gym for each type and are up to like 13,) and probably a bunch of others I don't even know about.

Actually they're made with RPGMaker and a toolset specifically for making Pokemon games, called "Pokemon Essentials."

I see. That's actually news for me. Because they're all look the same to me, and I've played several of them.

Is it not possible for RPGMaker to replicate newer Pokemon graphics and animation?


The whole fluxes thing with Setsuna is one of those glaring things with JRPGs of modern times where they over complicate their systems (and under explain them) and the games would be better off without them really. Looking at you, Tales of series.


So I went ahead and preorder Deus Ex Mankind Divided.... well, me keeping from spending over a 100$ this year was a bust.

No ragrats since Human Evolution, I put 3 playthroughs and 77 hours into

Same. Though it is more that I love the original Deus Ex so much, and HR was also pretty good. Hoping for a good balance and lot more narrative branching / freedom of choice that wasn't as prevalent in HR
I see. That's actually news for me. Because they're all look the same to me, and I've played several of them.

Is it not possible for RPGMaker to replicate newer Pokemon graphics and animation?

Most of them don't animate, and use 2D images of newer pokes. (The Espurr one is particularly horrifying.) I'm pretty sure Omicron/Zeta had people mod it with 3D and animation, but IIRC it was pretty memory-heavy to do so.


I know that a few people mentioned that there was a fair amount of driving in Mafia 2, there is a lot of driving in Mafia 2. Almost to the point where I feel that I've done more driving than anything else...(and I'm not a great fan of driving....) Plus the whole Mafia bit seems like it's taken a loooooong time to warm up. Although thus far I'm still going so hopefully it'll redeem itself a bit.


The whole fluxes thing with Setsuna is one of those glaring things with JRPGs of modern times where they over complicate their systems (and under explain them) and the games would be better off without them really. Looking at you, Tales of series.

I actually think that idea of customizing all you skills and spells for everybody is amazing. It just that it is really too time consuming to get too deep into without resorting to cheating. I wish they improved on this system, instead of ditching it.
Oh, but exact kills specific loot totally should go, that was unacceptable.


It's in 2Ks hands to port the title. They seem to be done with The Darkness as a franchise though.

It really is reduced benefit for the company if they can't double up on that marketing and fanbase growth for future releases.
They will assuredly still generate a profit. The revenue overtime will easily overcome the relatively cheap cost of the port, likely >500,000 especially for an IP that isn't generating revenue currently. At the same time, that revenue is a drop in the bucket at the quarterly financials.

Capcom, for example, will use RE and Dead Rising ports to leverage that fan base into future releases, but, unless we are pleasantly surprised, I don't think they have any plans for Dragon's Dogma or Devil May Cry.

...why not both? Setiously we keep talking about how steam is a good platform for perserving games and people act like this?

I think Veggie is saying that if given the choice he would prefer the first game, and I would largely agree, but would still obviously prefer to preserve both.
Well your preference reads as if the other game isn't deserving of a PC port >_>;
No worries. I noticed you getting me wrong but that was your interpretation. I'm all for getting every game on PC, yo. I don't have any console, so it's only to my own benefit ;)


I know that a few people mentioned that there was a fair amount of driving in Mafia 2, there is a lot of driving in Mafia 2. Almost to the point where I feel that I've done more driving than anything else...(and I'm not a great fan of driving....) Plus the whole Mafia bit seems like it's taken a loooooong time to warm up. Although thus far I'm still going so hopefully it'll redeem itself a bit.

Yep. If you removed the driving, there'd be about 2 hours of mission content (joking...kinda). I got so bored of it, I started using my Steam Controller as a gryo wheel. It wasn't bad at all.

I started Mafia 1 for the millionth time, and there's even more driving. At least you're a cab driver in this one.


sparkle this bitch
Same. Though it is more that I love the original Deus Ex so much, and HR was also pretty good. Hoping for a good balance and lot more narrative branching / freedom of choice that wasn't as prevalent in HR

Started to replay the original now with the Revision Mod.

As long as they continue to let me play my stealth option with a lot of directions to take, I'll enjoy it. I do agree with more narrative branching being a key improvement.


Damn, trying to catch up on almost of month of not being on SteamGaf. That's a lot of pages.

So, how was everyone's weekend?


Started to replay the original now with the Revision Mod.

As long as they continue to let me play my stealth option with a lot of directions to take, I'll enjoy it. I do agree with more narrative branching being a key improvement.

Can't say I'm much of a fan of the revision mod. I just prefer the original design for the levels.

I'm still impressed all the time by the old Deus Ex and the things you can do. Main characters can be killed off or different dialogue choices can be made at different times or you could do something in a order, and the game continues and adapts with some different story bits. Also love all the philosophical stuff in there that really got me thinking back in the day.
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