STEAM | August 2016 - No Man's Sky will leave Mankind Divided

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Oh man, some of the collectibles in The Division are bugged, so I can't pick it up even when I've found it. So now I'm forever stuck at being just one from having them all.T_T

Other than that, I've been very lucky with loot because I have awesome gear now. Don't know if I dare enter the Darkzone though haha.


LoL is a terrible game. I loved it during beta, the dev team used to interact with us freely - we had ideas for maps/modes etc that didn't clash with dota 1, most were actively discussed with dev participation on the forums.

Then shit the fan. Riot is now one of the worst dev teams around, they don't give 2 shits about customer satisfaction, the game is pretty much a money-making business with customer focus now not being prioritised.

On top of that, they actively started trying to go against dota, started banning people for complaining about LoL etc etc etc. I could write for pages if I actually bothered, but it's easier to just /r LoL or Riot and see the shit they've done.

I will say this, I played the game a lot during beta, much more than dota 2 beta - but once it became clear Riot was filled with idiots, most of us lost interest and went back to dota.

So playing Dead State, I remember why I stopped playing Dead State. In short, it feels like an alpha, with spartan visuals and an incredibly unwieldly UI. There are just so many things it could--and should--be doing better; from presentation that goes beyond "programmer art," to better controls, to a serviceable UI that isn't constantly betraying the player with bad or missing usability/info, and--the biggest issue--a functional fog of war. Like, it is a fun game, but it's constantly tripping over itself--you really've gotta look past a lot of issues to see the good in it.

The fog of war thing in particular irks me. It's so bad. Instead of having a visible fog of war shading out unexplored areas, it just hides units and nothing else. With no map. So like, you have no idea where you've been or where enemies were until they kinda fade into existence in front of you. And because there's such a terrible info display, you probably won't notice when they do anyways (no unit markers--thanks to the visuals, everything blends together with a samey, budget look).

It has similar issues for pretty much every aspect of the combat/adventure maps. Sight radius is a thing, but completely invisible to the player; movement and attack in general is very janky and feels like it's missing a ton of UI; item use and management is a tedious slog; passing equipment directly between party members is seemingly impossible; the gamefont is annoying; and so on... On the bright side, there's actually a button to highlight lootable containers... which do not go away when empty (handy, since the containers themselves are only lootable from specific camera angles, unobscured; not handy because it doesn't highlight lootable corpses. They are also the only way to pass equipment between characters--that I know of.).

But I do want to continue playing it. There are good ideas and great potential; a deeper State of Decay is what's nearly on offer, and that's super enticing. So I shall persevere.

...And anyways, how are y'all d--



Uh my weird anti surge bios message from a couple pages back seems to have just went away itself? :/
Was that the one saying your power supply was malfunctioning? If so, be really careful because bad power supplies can wreck every part of your computer.


Powers supplies are weird. Mine has blown twice in the last couple of years and a couple of hours later it's working fine again. I'm not questioning it.

Was that the one saying your power supply was malfunctioning? If so, be really careful because bad power supplies can wreck every part of your computer.

Yeah, I've put it in to a local PC repair shop for now, I'm very inexperienced tech wise in these matters (I just want to play games!), and give it a sort of check up I guess and see what they think of it


just when i was going to bed!

Is that all you have for doto?

shit well I guess it's hard to criticize the better game
it's called friendly banter, sadly you seem to have sunk too deep in the fanboy pit to be able to have friendly banter

yeah of course you say "prize pools don't matter" since Dota is destroying League lol

FGC, Call of Duty, Hearthstone, Pokémon, World of Tanks prize pools aren't worth discussing

most played game in the world that's been out for 7 years and it's just overtaking Starcraft 2, sad
since you don't seem to be able to muster a reason why prize pool matters, i'll tell you all there is to say about prize pools

it's a penis thing

you can measure dota's penis with this prize pool thing and it's convenient for you because unlike other metrics it's bigger than league's penis. now we're all very proud of your big 20 million penis, that's great, i'm happy for you, but that's all it is, and personally i'm not that into penis comparing contests

if you can find a reason that's not penis related i'm all ears

edit: btw that picture only tracks prize money, which is a really biased statistic to use to measure the success of an esport. sadly it's very hard to track things like sponsorships, salaries players get from their teams, transfer fees, etc. and it's pretty late for me to look for data on this but i think what you're showing is very misleading if it's meant to say league players are underpaid

and riot 'salaries' not being disclosed means there's obviously money that isn't going to the right people

ctrl+f compensation. $12.500 per player and coach over a split. hardly undisclosed. not sure what $12.500 gets you in america but if that were my salary for 6 months (on top of team salary, twitch stream money and sponsors) i'd be pretty pleased

The designs look like generic Korean MMO characters. The women are rail thin with revealing outfits and suffer from same face lol, it's always awkwardly sexualized poses with them. The men look like the same Blade and Soul template but they're given gigantic shoulder pads, overstylized armor plates, robes everywhere. Riot just took Dota's designs and made them too anime.
they've been trying to move away from those stereotypes but sure, it's something that's plagued the character design in the past. look at the latest released female champions like illaoi and taliyah, they're a lot better than some of the blade and soul template stuff from the zeronis days

And those in-game models? Jesus christ, everyone looks and animates like Warcraft 3 characters. Can they at least sharpen the resolution of the models or something so they don't look like a blurry mess.
i would love higher res models too but what can you do. hardly a cardinal sin. about the animation part, i'll direct you to this dev blog where they show how they do awesome stuff with smear frames and shit on the poppy rework. you probably are mistaking current riot animation with 2009 riot animation. things have change a lot since then

League received several graphical overhauls over the years and it still looks like that? And good god all the information everywhere, Dota is a more complicated game but even that has an easy to follow HUD and alerts. This is just an ugly game
i find the hud really easy to follow, important stuff on the center, the periphery stuff is all non essential. i think it looks very pretty, specially in motion, very vibrant and colorful

Valve adds in new shit all the time, and it doesn't even slow the game down. League always takes forever to load the map, and it's so needy that it freezes my pc lol. What a joke.
loading times are long, but so are stalker and half life's and those games are pretty good

also maybe u should check your pc, freezes aren't normal in league

Those other maps don't get as much rotation as HOTS does
true, was just clarifying your wrong statement of "league only has one map". that's a lie, it has a few maps

You better leave my GotG alone, Rocket will blow anyone in League to smithereens.
i really don't care about that movie enough to talk about it

If you can say League is the best game then I can say it's garbo, which it is.
i didn't say it's the best game, but i think it's pretty good

you're entitled to your opinion. there are tons of reasons not to like league, and they're all valid, you don't need to resort to lies and misinformation

And Riot programmers are terrible; the client won't let me change the settings for when I'm actually in the fucking game, the map takes ten years to load and G-Sync doesn't even work right lol. What a shame.
the client stuff is coming soon, not sure what to tell you about g-sync, i don't know what that is.

LoL is a terrible game. I loved it during beta, the dev team used to interact with us freely - we had ideas for maps/modes etc that didn't clash with dota 1, most were actively discussed with dev participation on the forums.

Then shit the fan. Riot is now one of the worst dev teams around, they don't give 2 shits about customer satisfaction, the game is pretty much a money-making business with customer focus now not being prioritised.

On top of that, they actively started trying to go against dota, started banning people for complaining about LoL etc etc etc. I could write for pages if I actually bothered, but it's easier to just /r LoL or Riot and see the shit they've done.

I will say this, I played the game a lot during beta, much more than dota 2 beta - but once it became clear Riot was filled with idiots, most of us lost interest and went back to dota.
things rito does to interact with their community:
- post on reddit, twitter and their forums (i've gotten personal replies from rioters on all three)
- weekly blog replying to community questions
- podcasts every patch
- various state of the game type blog posts discussing different issues with the game from missing features, to the meta, to competitive

also i invite you to bother to post any sort of evidence for the things you're saying cos sounds to me like you're just making shit up/blowing things out of proportion. i always appreciate factual evidence with links and pictures and all that fun stuff

i've got answers prepared for every thing you're gonna say next cos i've heard it all before and it's always been a load of crap so it might save us both some time if you would just accept that you're talking about a game you haven't played in 7 years that you're out of touch with

But I do want to continue playing it. There are good ideas and great potential; a deeper State of Decay is what's nearly on offer, and that's super enticing. So I shall persevere.
dead state is really a very broken game. i like it a lot enough to play it for like 100 hours because it's basically fallout but yeah, in a better world it would've gotten a lot more money on kickstarter and been 10x more polished

i'm still glad they didn't scale back their ambitions and gave it an honest shot

i'm a big fan of overambitious games, i find it i can't help but root for them

...And anyways, how are y'all d--



it's less of a war and more of a very salty person lying for unclear reasons? something about me not liking guardians of the galaxy? fanboy agendas? idk...

i think i never said a bad thing about hots or doto, at least about their gameplay, so i'm not sure what's this craziness all of the sudden lol

only thing i mind about doto is the loot box stuff because i find gambling in games bad and i've criticized riot a lot for adding loot boxes to league as well. i don't find doto very fun to play but that's no fault of the game, i'm just used to league


sorry about the wall of text, but since neogaf doesn't moderate doto fanboys and i don't like people outright lying about the game i love, i have to take matters into my own hands

for the people that know very little about mobas, these iron badger posts are no different from console war type posts

i warned him that he shouldn't try and troll but he did so anyways, it's very sad to see


All this MOBA talk just makes me feel relieved I never got into the genre. :s

I can't wait to rename a star system The Molyneux System

From a distance the system looks like it'll be filled with riches, but when you get there, all you find are a couple of barren dustballs and some rocks.


mobas are cool

play doto, league, hots, smite or whatever, they're all cool and interesting and really rewarding if you put the time to learn them

all genres have fanboys, thankfully we try not to judge those games by their fanboys because that would be depressing

imagine not playing dark souls because some dark souls people are insanely obnoxious
Finished 2 games in the past day or so, 35 and 36 for the year.

Transocean: You run a shipping company and generally grind until you can't grind anymore or you give up, whichever happens first. Everything in the game takes longer than it should and it runs horribly. Probably the most fun part of the game is naming your ships really silly names and performing 20 point turns trying to get in and out of ports.

Planet of the Eyes: Beautiful looking puzzle platformer. Not too long, probably under 2 hours and not too difficult. Similar in many ways to The Fall but more colourful. Everyone should play this.


mobas are cool

play doto, league, hots, smite or whatever, they're all cool and interesting and really rewarding if you put the time to learn them

all genres have fanboys, thankfully we try not to judge those games by their fanboys because that would be depressing

imagine not playing dark souls because some dark souls people are insanely obnoxious

MOBAs aren't happening for me ever sadly, unless they make some MOBA/Rhythm game hybrid, I'd try it at least.


Why is there no "Clear used profile names" button on Steam? Almost like Gaben wants us to embarrass ourselves by looking into our past.


sparkle this bitch
I still hate hearing the word MOBA. It's DOTA and DOTA Clones. That was some nice rebranding on Riot to get people to stop calling them a DOTA clone.


Does anybody remember battles for Graxia? Now that was a mober. I kinda really liked how the game had an MMO kinda Hubworld for in between the games. Too bad the Mobering wasn't as fun as in the others tho.

I also played dawngate a bit, but that was literally just a league ripoff with slightly altered gamemodes.

Super monday night combat was a really unique idea of it being an action Mober. Kinda unfortunate that it's dead, but I guess strife picked that up.
and battleborn heh

I also tried playing dead island epidemic a bit, but I don't really have to say anything about that but a big fat LOL. Stop trying to make dead island happen deep silver. It's not going to happen.

I really liked league when I played it, but the Login queues that were hours long and having to unlock all new heroes by grind made sure that I jumped at doto the moment i got a beta invite.

I overall ended up enjoying dotes more than league due to the higher complexity of mechanics like denying.

Doto also got one very important thing over league. A MOTHERFUCKING BASTION ANNOUNCER.

Overall im happy to not be playing these games anymore tho, while they can be really thrilling and fun, being locked into a 40 minute match with people who just blame and flame all game is immensely frustrating.

But you know kidz, it's okay to like all of these games. Even the abysmally shitty spawns of hell like guardians of middle earth!

imagine not playing dark souls because some dark souls people are insanely obnoxious

That's something i regularly hear people doing on gaf tho. Kinda sad really.


is brutal legend a moba

i think I'm gonna get dreadout

that's the sequel to spikeout right?

yeah i'm in the mood for some horror, and I don't feel like getting Soma for 12 bucks


You use one dude to command a group of dudes
In moba u generally control a singular unit

Meepo, lone druid, chen, enchantress, Helm of the dominator, beastmaster, phantom lancer, morphling, Naga siren, illusion runes, chaos knight, manta style, enigma, spectre, terror blade, shadow demon, venomancer, broodmother, shadow shaman, nature's prophet, rubick, warlock, invoker and Visage all beg to differ. :>


You can buy game time from ingame gold in WoW!?!?!?

It's been a thing since last year, when they introduced the WoW tokens. And speaking of WoW, since I resubbed I've been ignoring Steam, the thread and bundles. MMOs save the day once again.


Meepo, lone druid, chen, enchantress, Helm of the dominator, beastmaster, phantom lancer, morphling, Naga siren, illusion runes, chaos knight, manta style, enigma, spectre, terror blade, shadow demon, venomancer, broodmother, shadow shaman, nature's prophet, rubick, warlock, invoker and Visage all beg to differ. :>
Eh i dont play doto ;p


All mobas suck, it is known.

I've only played a little bit of the PSP one, but from what I remember:

Yes, the other people are either AI controlled or other players. You can choose yourself which NPCs you bring to a mission, and go completely solo as well if you want (I think some mission had fixed partners for story reasons though).
The AI itself was pretty competent already. It's very good at staying alive, giving you support and distracting things, but not good at actually killing things without you doing anything, which I think is perfect. You don't have to waste all the time just keeping them alive and and they also don't just play the game by themself if you only stand around.

But keep in mind that I don't know if this is still true later in the game, as I only really played 2 chapters, I think.

Gotta keep an eye on it.



I usually don't mind the DOTA / LOL / HON talk in here, but you're just trying to shit on everything that's not DOTA right now.

It's fine to have your preferences but coming in here to zeal about your favourite MOBA isn't much of a discussion.

Zkylon at least tried to be informative in his reply. You're not even doing that.


The tone of the game, the mood, the lighting, man, I'd have preferred Darkness 1 to be on PC more than Darkness 2.
I was going to say that since Starbreeze was dissolved we wouldn't be seeing it in Steam anytime soon, but I actually just found out that Starbreeze still exists? Weird. Anyway, I wonder why they still haven't bother porting the first title, seems like a quick buck.

I always found the tone of the two games to be oddly dissonant, the sequel was more tongue in cheek and it felt more like something taken straight from a comic (I know it's based on a series of the same name), while the former title has more of a hard boiled atmosphere. I only got to beat the sequel, but The Darkness is definitely the most remarkable title.


I was going to say that since Starbreeze was dissolved we wouldn't be seeing it in Steam anytime soon, but I actually just found out that Starbreeze still exists? Weird. Anyway, I wonder why they still haven't bother porting the first title, seems like a quick buck.

I always found the tone of the two games to be oddly dissonant, the sequel was more tongue in cheek and it felt more like something taken straight from a comic (I know it's based on a series of the same name), while the former title has more of a hard boiled atmosphere. I only got to beat the sequel, but The Darkness is definitely the most remarkable title.

It's in 2Ks hands to port the title. They seem to be done with The Darkness as a franchise though.
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