Played several hours of Battlefield 4's campaign. It's better than BF3 in that regard but not by much. Visuals are the one thing it has going for itself, writing, characters, story, cutscenes, all a mess still. I don't want to believe the same people responsible for BFSC2's campaign did BF3 & BF4 ones. USA the goodie two shoes is also done way too hamfisted and is done one-dimensionally and feels naive at best.
Technically it flanders at the basics. No FOV slider for campaign exclusively, why. Way, waaaay overdone dirt lense effect and bloom to the point of it being a serious detriment to the experience. Have to use Flawless Widescreen to fix basic stuff. Dice's priorities in this regard are a bit messed up.
That's just dumb. Way to throw away the longevity of your hard work down the drain.