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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game

Actual consultant here.

Sometimes my involvement with a project is as in-depth and full as anyone who works for the company full time. Sometimes it’s a light touch. There isn’t a one size fits all. It depends on the contract.

It’s perfectly possible for Sweet Baby Inc staff to be considered part of a game’s narrative development team.
nobody asked, nerd! see my last post, please


You guys really have decided that waging a Jihad against consultants is a good use of your time and decided to go after McKinsey or the sick fucks hollowing out studios and putting micro transactions everywhere?

Like seriously, there are people killing this hobby in many ways. The ones doing actual raze stuff to the ground shit wear suits, don’t give a crap about art or design and what to turn everything into a GaaS lootbox casino stomping on your face forever.

Go complain about how some games have politics in them. A total priority.
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You guys really have decided that waging a Jihad against consultants is a good use of your time and decided to go after McKinsey or the sick fucks hollowing out studios and putting micro transactions everywhere?

No argument that the whole woke argument is a massive distraction from the real problems with the video games industry: the greedy fuck heads in charge.

However, it’s also valid to discuss the impact and ramifications of an ideologically driven consultancy firm having a huge effect on how game narratives are constructed. Story is such a massive part of what makes many games what they are.

The one issue does not negate the other, and both are discussed at length on this board.
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No argument that the whole woke argument is a massive distraction from the real problems with the video games industry: the greedy fuck heads in charge.

However, it’s also valid to discuss the impact and ramifications of an ideologically driven consultancy firm having a huge effect on how game narratives are constructed. Story is such a massive part of what makes many games what they are.

The one issue does not negate the other, and both are discussed at length on this board.
For once we agree. Cheers you bloody weirdo


You guys really have decided that waging a Jihad against consultants is a good use of your time and decided to go after McKinsey or the sick fucks hollowing out studios and putting micro transactions everywhere?

Like seriously, there are people killing this hobby in many ways. The ones doing actual raze stuff to the ground shit wear suits, don’t give a crap about art or design and what to turn everything into a GaaS lootbox casino stomping on your face forever.

Go complain about how some games have politics in them. A total priority.


Oh, you can use the Google machine. Smart.

I will take the ban with double fries, thanks.
Why don't you post on the era thread about the tweets made by the Sweet Baby employer who started this who has a rough past, don't you guys usually love digging up old tweets when people have said racist and sexist stuff, even anti-sematic! The thread over there seems to have turned a blind eye to all of that.


Why don't you post on the era thread about the tweets made by the Sweet Baby employer who started this who has a rough past, don't you guys usually love digging up old tweets when people have said racist and sexist stuff, even anti-sematic! The thread over there seems to have turned a blind eye to all of that.
Just poking through that thread they're still trying to cancel people who don't align with their ideals and opinions. Then you get called a bigot, chud or whatever if you have a voice on that. Its so toxic.
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Just poking through that thread they're still trying to cancel people who don't align with their ideals and opinions. Then you get called a bigot, chud or whatever if you have a voice on that. Its so toxic.
I dont mind them controlling their hobby area. They can have fun and play around etc, to each their own. Sometimes some communities require a defter hand, vice versa.. I actually have never heard of them before this place talking about it. But different standards wrt memebership has always been a thing and i dont judge them for it. But when they attack gamers... GAMERS..!!

Also mods are hovering over me I will start behaving now. Love you mods! We couldnt exist without you


I dont mind them controlling their hobby area. They can have fun and play around etc, to each their own. Sometimes some communities require a defter hand, vice versa.. I actually have never heard of them before this place talking about it. But different standards wrt memebership has always been a thing and i dont judge them for it. But when they attack gamers... GAMERS..!!

Also mods are hovering over me I will start behaving now. Love you mods! We couldnt exist without you
Yeah its their own forum, they can say what they like. Not taking a stab.. but when someone comes in and goes out their way and aggitate with the exact same username. Then lol, thats a level of stupid that can't be reasoned with. And in that very thread actively trying to cancel someone and group, thats done nothing and then cry about it, isn't awful somehow.. Idk man.
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in a world where anything anyone says risks the possibility of offending someone somewhere, this's one helluva tough assignment...

assuming that they, in their infinite university-provided wisdom, somehow just know what is & isn't offensive to everyone everywhere? the dimwitted pomposity & arrogance of these people is an embarrassment to the planet...

edit: they're also an embarrassment to all these (one assumes) otherwise highly offensive developers that feel the need (& actually pay) for their divine guidance...

Hahaha, they aren't trying to make sure there's nothing offensive to anyone. Just to people with their same standards. It's the Mob Offense Package, not the Game Sales Package. I think some devs are aware of the difference (and maybe even intentionally use it anyway) and others aren't aware (which is just sad).


Agree with him, it's just a bunch of fluff. Games have been having "woke" stuff it regardless of Sweet Babies input on it or not. Most western developers are progressive nowadays, it is what it is, you either care or you don't, that's it.

Spider-Man 2 is already over 10 million and GOW Ragnarök is over 15 million, the masses don't give a fuck, they care if the game is quality or not, it's that simple. If San Andreas newly released today with the exact same content their would be 5 20 page threads here and 2000 youtube videos about how R* has gone woke and the game would still sell over 20 million.
The problem with "woke" stuff is that it's a poison, it won't destroy your IP right away but it will over time because at its core "woke" stuff just leads to bad products. You're right the general audience doesn't care about terms like wokeness but wokeness leads to bad content and it's that bad content that will push the general audience away. It doesn't matter how well Spiderman 2 or GoW Ragnarok sold, wokeness can damage any brand no matter how successful its previous entries were. The Force Awakens is one of the top 5 highest-grossing films of all time but we all know how far the Star Wars brand has fallen since then. This is what people are afraid of, they saw how wokeness destroyed the Star Wars brand, is currently destroying the MCU, and even destroyed whole companies like Disney and they are worried this will happen in the game industry as well.


If SBI makes games better, they would not have freaked out about being named and identified. Their actions speak for themselves.

That really stands out, doesn't it? If they had replied to the curator with something like: "We're proud of our work and have no issue with information on games we worked on being shared. If you have any questions or confusion about what we do, please ask" - this would all look very different now. Their actual reaction is just so telling.


That really stands out, doesn't it? If they had replied to the curator with something like: "We're proud of our work and have no issue with information on games we worked on being shared. If you have any questions or confusion about what we do, please ask" - this would all look very different now. Their actual reaction is just so telling.
Hell even if the VERY FIRST MOVE in this whole saga wasn't the Elder Sweet Baby their(?)self trying to doxx the guy that created the Curator. If that person just didn't say anything, this would have probably got a few thousand followers over its life and everybody would be fine.

It's like that person was amped up and ready to just LASH OUT if anybody dared to question Sweet Baby's role in modern gaming.
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