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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


What she says beginning at 54:37 is very revealing, I would say.

"Put this stuff up to your higher-ups, and if they don't see the value in what you're asking for, when you ask for consultants, when you ask for research, go have a coffee with your marketing team and just terrify them with the possibility of what's going to happen if they don't give you what you want."

The implication being, as I see it, that games "journalism" outlets - notorious for being rife with biased, selective reporting and dubious relationships with other parties in the gaming industry (look up the history of SBI employee legobutts) - might just send a PR shitstorm your way if your game is deemed not diverse enough. You better pay the Mob their protection fee, or who knows what might happen...
This. Its blatant Racketering.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Should crack 150k tomorrow while mainstream gaming sites have their heads in the sand

I feel like most people have had enough of pandering - that South Park episode summed it up. I wonder how far this will go, because clearly the steam curator hit a nerve with the company - there must be some fear that the worm will turn. Describing anyone involved with this as alt right chuds seems very defensive.
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Gold Member
in a world where anything anyone says risks the possibility of offending someone somewhere, this's one helluva tough assignment...

assuming that they, in their infinite university-provided wisdom, somehow just know what is & isn't offensive to everyone everywhere? the dimwitted pomposity & arrogance of these people is an embarrassment to the planet...

edit: they're also an embarrassment to all these (one assumes) otherwise highly offensive developers that feel the need (& actually pay) for their divine guidance...
They don't care about offending white straight men so they focus all the shit talking on them.



Video needs more context, but this is salesman tactics 101.
From toilet paper to insurance contracts, to religious beliefs, you terrify your potential costumer by telling them what will happen to them if they don't get your product.

Unless Sweet Baby Inc has people in forums trying to cancel studios that do not buy their services, this means nothing.

And Steam shouldn't ban the curator no matter how many reports they get. If it's not violating any rules, either change your rules to include people's feelings or don't ban it.
Bending rules so a specific and vocal minority feels nice is stupid.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Japan has often totally vague lore, cringe epic Hollywood wannabe pandering, or writing that feels like someone never growing past his puberty. Going back to retro games isn't great either with their sort of naive also infantile sounding versions of action plots.
It's a pick your poison right now.

I am ready to have gaming its RRR moment. Let's have some dance or musical numbers in pretentious af action games.

I hope they train our coming AI writers with actually good writers. I guess a plot itself will be tougher than style points for actually unique sounding characters, which none of it our current human quest writer farms can't produce.

I remember watching RRR with a group of friends that never watched Bollywood and it was an incredible experience lol. The dance numbers were fire the women were hot and the bromance top notch. What a movie!


In their fucked up minds Jk rowling was literally leading the trump trans death squads roaming the city in white tanks because she said that trans women are not biological women.
The same JKR that made all the characters gay after finishing the books to show she was a progressive. That one, yes 😂

Perfect representation of a left that moves so far on the progressive side you become a nazi by just standing still

Scotty W


Terrify them, the marketing team. What is the marketing team terrified of? That we, the gamers, will not buy their games, that we will lash out in anger.

But she is wrong. We gamers are too divided, system against system, port against port, and gamer chair against sofa to fight against the true enemy. Sweet Baby. I call for a ceasefire in the console wars. Today we begin a gamer Jihad against our enemies, all who stand in our path, and Sweet Baby Inc.

Sic Semper Kusoge!


Biggest Trails Stan
Considering the third movie is setting up to be girl power galore, I think it'll go pretty well with them.

I haven't seen Dune Part Two yet. Waiting on Steaming

I'm just saying that there are some controversial things in the books that I hope that Denis keeps in Dune Messiah that would trigger the snowflakes
I'm not the bit surprised by the evil of these people. Doing the job they do requires evil. Censors/inquisitors are some of the worst scumbags on Earth. Have always been. What shocks me is that they are so stupid to say all this out loud.

They must be fought back in full force. This "be careful how you word it" just makes you look weak and encourages the bully to keep bullying. Words like "racist" "misogynist" or "fascist" have lost any actual meaning since they throw them around indiscriminately, so the only answer is "yes, whatever" and move on.


I haven't seen Dune Part Two yet. Waiting on Steaming

I'm just saying that there are some controversial things in the books that I hope that Denis keeps in Dune Messiah that would trigger the snowflakes
Oh, sure. You basically get the white savior trope in all its splendor. People will shit on it for that reason alone, which will be hilarious when the movie will almost reach a billion while their activist-ridden crappy films will stay in the 200Ks.

Love to see it.
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Biggest Trails Stan
Oh, sure. You basically get the white savior trope in all its splendor. People will shit on it for that reason alone, which will be hilarious when the movie will almost reach a billion while their activist-ridden crappy films will stay in the 200Ks.

Love to see it.

Not only that The Dune Book Series deals with the problems with hero worship, autocracy, and colonialism. It's actually done well in the books so far.

But thats something that Sweet Baby Inc and the other people who follow that political religion wouldn't get the context of and would just be triggered

They have the intellect of kids basically is all I'm saying lol
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Considering the third movie is setting up to be girl power galore, I think it'll go pretty well with them.
Is to my understanding that they are following quite well the books (which i didnt read) even if not perfect... if didnt happen in the books I dont think it will happen in the third movie. (I hope)
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They fucked about with a character in the first film that takes away a lot of the point of the scenes they are in, which is very annoying and feels so pointless. It isn't enough to put me off watching the second film, though.

Nothing will beat the (first three) books. LOTR level.


Why all the hate toward Debra Wilson? Shes pretty dam good.
Is it just cause shes bald and you all cant help but associate here with the current ugly woman trend?
Give her a break she in her 60s.



Need an older strong black woman in your game? (Of course you do)

She is THE go to and she plays the same role over and over and over.
I will admit she has been in pretty much everything AAA SP wince 2018. At least 3 or 4 major titles. Im ok with it. Im assuming they havent changed her look up between titles because the white execs are to dam scared to even ask less they attract the ire of twitter cancel mobs.
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Gold Member
Why all the hate toward Debra Wilson? Shes pretty dam good.
Is it just cause shes bald and you all cant help but associate here with the current ugly woman trend?
Give her a break she in her 60s.

I only known her for the recent games she has been in.
I guess she does an ok job with the material they give her.
But most of the writing she gets is an absolute dog turd. Immortals of Aveum is a prime example of that.
So she is limited on how she can show off her talent.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
I will admit she has been in pretty much everything AAA SP wince 2018. At least 3 or 4 major titles. Im ok with it. Im assuming they havent changed her look up between titles because the white execs are to dam scared to even ask less they attract the ire of twitter cancel mobs.

Yeah I’m not hating at all, but I’m sure there’s hundreds of older black voice actresses out there that could do her roles. It’s just now at the point where every time she’s in something I can’t help but chuckle. I did love her character in Days Gone though. My fav of her performances.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
I only known her for the recent games she has been in.
I guess she does an ok job with the material they give her.
But most of the writing she gets is an absolute dog turd. Immortals of Aveum is a prime example of that.
So she is limited on how she can show off her talent.

That wasn’t her in Immortals. It was Gina Torres.


Gold Member
Why all the hate toward Debra Wilson? Shes pretty dam good.
Is it just cause shes bald and you all cant help but associate here with the current ugly woman trend?
Give her a break she in her 60s.
I think it’s because she’s overexposed. In Wolfenstein II she smoked a cigarette while breast feeding and had a beta white male for a husband. Very obnoxious but that fault lies on the writers.
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