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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


Seems like a tale as old as time. You have the beauitful, the well turned out striving for greatness, and they're always pulled down by the weak, ugly jealous losers who can't stand to see the sight of it. Its just a giant mirror to them of their own inadequecies. Pure projection.
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Seems like a tale as old as time. You have the beauitful, the well turned out striving for greatness, and they're always pulled down by the weak, ugly jealous losers who can't stand to see the sight of it. Its just a giant mirror to them of their own inadequecies. Pure projection.

When we are kids we see these themes in parables and fairy tales. Unfortunately, we find out they were not just fairy tales.


It's a long one.


Wait, how could she have related to batman?

You like Batman don't you? Batmans black

Whatched the video. Pretty much the CEO dislikes character creators in game cuz in her fucked up mind, diversity should not be done by the player but should be forced on them. WTF.
"Overviews scripts to make sure nothing offensive was written"
in a world where anything anyone says risks the possibility of offending someone somewhere, this's one helluva tough assignment...

assuming that they, in their infinite university-provided wisdom, somehow just know what is & isn't offensive to everyone everywhere? the dimwitted pomposity & arrogance of these people is an embarrassment to the planet...

edit: they're also an embarrassment to all these (one assumes) otherwise highly offensive developers that feel the need (& actually pay) for their divine guidance...
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Part of the reason for people being WOKE now (being an environmental nut, being overly sensitive, being anti-white, being anti hot females, being angry at those who eat meat, being “tribal” and falling into “camps” etc) is because it’s an answer for those who are lacking a moral center. In a way it replaced religion.

These WOKE things are replacing “meaning” and “religion”.

Hey I have morals now. I’m mad at pretty females and white males!! See how I care??

People used to fight over religion. Literally kill each other over it! Now they fight over the things I posted above ^

It’s just like addiction- every single person who quits an addiction (cocaine, gambling etc) replaces it with something else- it used to be a BENEFICIAL addiction like taking up guitar to the extreme, painting a lot, writing, working out etc.
It’s Natural for holes to be filled.
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They sure are attached to some shit games. I guess they are attached to Spider-Man. I'm not entirely sure what they do. Are they the ones sticking rainbow flags in the games is some one getting payed for that. why? I don't really care if they are or not just seems forced. For some one shouting inclusion from the roof tops they sure are pretty toxic on social media. 🤔


Whatched the video. Pretty much the CEO dislikes character creators in game cuz in her fucked up mind, diversity should not be done by the player but should be forced on them. WTF.
Groups like Sweet Baby claim to be all for diversity and opinion, but they are so convinced of their own perceptions of right and wrong that they consider their own political views to be more important than democracy itself. Rather than allowing free and open debate between a broad selection of differing political parties, they try to prevent the parties whose views they disagree with from being allowed any kind of speaking platform. In other words they are against diversity of opinion.


Gold Member
Whatched the video. Pretty much the CEO dislikes character creators in game cuz in her fucked up mind, diversity should not be done by the player but should be forced on them. WTF.

What she says beginning at 54:37 is very revealing, I would say.

"Put this stuff up to your higher-ups, and if they don't see the value in what you're asking for, when you ask for consultants, when you ask for research, go have a coffee with your marketing team and just terrify them with the possibility of what's going to happen if they don't give you what you want."

The implication being, as I see it, that games "journalism" outlets - notorious for being rife with biased, selective reporting and dubious relationships with other parties in the gaming industry (look up the history of SBI employee legobutts) - might just send a PR shitstorm your way if your game is deemed not diverse enough. You better pay the Mob their protection fee, or who knows what might happen...
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Mister Wolf

Gold Member
What she says beginning at 54:37 is very revealing, I would say.

"Put this stuff up to your higher-ups, and if they don't see the value in what you're asking for, when you ask for consultants, when you ask for research, go have a coffee with your marketing team and just terrify them with the possibility of what's going to happen if they don't give you what you want."

The implication being, as I see it, that games "journalism" outlets - notorious for being rife with biased, selective reporting and dubious relationships with other parties in the gaming industry (look up the history of SBI employee legobutts) - might just send a PR shitstorm your way if your game is deemed not diverse enough. You better pay the Mob their protection fee, or who knows what might happen...

Race grifters.



Please, please, please let him write a forbes blogpost please

Man I really despite people like this.

He absolutely supports this kind of insertion into games and tries to spin it like why are people being upset about it and pointing it out, it's "useless information" anyways.

Thanks dipshit for telling what others should deem as useful or not, glad you're the arbiter to determine that for us.


What was the response from the purple crowd over that Sweet Baby employee's old Twitter posts showing him to be a racist and homophobe?
"Oh those tweets are awful but it was 10+ years ago and people can change."

"What's worse is the person calling them out for old tweets is an established shitty person and that's worse because they obviously have an agenda"

Their hypocrisy and lack of self awareness is astounding.



Please, please, please let him write a forbes blogpost please

Agree with him, it's just a bunch of fluff. Games have been having "woke" stuff it regardless of Sweet Babies input on it or not. Most western developers are progressive nowadays, it is what it is, you either care or you don't, that's it.

Spider-Man 2 is already over 10 million and GOW Ragnarök is over 15 million, the masses don't give a fuck, they care if the game is quality or not, it's that simple. If San Andreas newly released today with the exact same content their would be 5 20 page threads here and 2000 youtube videos about how R* has gone woke and the game would still sell over 20 million.
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Agree with him, it's just a bunch of fluff. Games have been having "woke" stuff it regardless of Sweet Babies input on it or not. Most western developers are progressive nowadays, it is what it is, you either care or you don't, that's it.

Spider-Man 2 is already over 10 million and GOW Ragnarök is over 15 million, the masses don't give a fuck, the care if the game is quality or not, it's that simple. If San Andreas newly released today with the exact same content their would be 5 20 page threads here and 2000 youtube videos about how R* has gone woke and the game would still sell over 20 million.
We care. It's just that there was no easy way to determine what we are getting until you already paid for it.
SBI detector is just a way to inform consumers on what products have what they didn't want. Like a chocolate bar saying "contain peanuts".

It is not about you. You go do what you want. But consumers have a right to know.


Agree with him, it's just a bunch of fluff. Games have been having "woke" stuff it regardless of Sweet Babies input on it or not. Most western developers are progressive nowadays, it is what it is, you either care or you don't, that's it.

Spider-Man 2 is already over 10 million and GOW Ragnarök is over 15 million, the masses don't give a fuck, they care if the game is quality or not, it's that simple. If San Andreas newly released today with the exact same content their would be 5 20 page threads here and 2000 youtube videos about how R* has gone woke and the game would still sell over 20 million.
I dont agree, woke can piss off!!!!
Agree with him, it's just a bunch of fluff. Games have been having "woke" stuff it regardless of Sweet Babies input on it or not. Most western developers are progressive nowadays, it is what it is, you either care or you don't, that's it.

Spider-Man 2 is already over 10 million and GOW Ragnarök is over 15 million, the masses don't give a fuck, they care if the game is quality or not, it's that simple. If San Andreas newly released today with the exact same content their would be 5 20 page threads here and 2000 youtube videos about how R* has gone woke and the game would still sell over 20 million.
It's not really about just SBI, this is a way to send a message to developers that we're over this shit.

And obviously a way to avoid games they worked on.

Neon Xenon

This Kindred employee from Sweet Baby Inc. just got banned on Twitter/X for his attempted harassment campaign against the curator

Worth pointing out once again, that the vast majority of the attention and support now surrounding this Steam group was a direct result of kindred here attempting to get people to report the group and its creator.

Whatever stance people take on this situation, I find it hard to not see this person to be partly at fault for this.
Agree with him, it's just a bunch of fluff. Games have been having "woke" stuff it regardless of Sweet Babies input on it or not. Most western developers are progressive nowadays, it is what it is, you either care or you don't, that's it.

Spider-Man 2 is already over 10 million and GOW Ragnarök is over 15 million, the masses don't give a fuck, they care if the game is quality or not, it's that simple. If San Andreas newly released today with the exact same content their would be 5 20 page threads here and 2000 youtube videos about how R* has gone woke and the game would still sell over 20 million.
Sorry bud, people are waking up even if you'd prefer to stay asleep.

Nobody cared about the writing or casting choices in San Andreas because it was organic and made sense given the world the game took place in. It wasn't the result of these pedo organizations like Sweet Baby Inc going down a DEI checklist.


It's just that there was no easy way to determine what we are getting until you already paid for it.
Brother there have been people all over the place complaining about how woke Spider-Man 2 is since release, and it just kept selling and selling and selling despite that. Don't give me this shit that it's hard to tell if you REALLY want to know, if a game has these woke elements many here or youtube will tell.
SBI detector is just a way to inform consumers on what products have what they didn't want. Like a chocolate bar saying "contain peanuts".

It is not about you. You go do what you want. But consumers have a right to know.
There's no possible way you're comparing an objectively quantifiable allergic reaction to this lol. My problem with caring about this is you never even know (again unless you're purposely hyper analysing and looking and watching reviews, and not just simply looking at this list) how much woke stuff is even part of the game or sometimes what is even considered woke to begin with. Like Alan Wake II for example, sweet baby title, a character is black and...that's it? What did they consult on? What are you supposed to be upset about? etc etc. There have been good games with woke elements and bad games with woke elements and good games with no woke elements and bad games with no woke elements.

I just find it funny that someone would use this as their guide to games and not you know, looking at gameplay, for a videogame...
Nobody cared about the writing or casting choices in San Andreas because it was organic and made sense given the world the game took place in. It wasn't the result of these pedo organizations like Sweet Baby Inc going down a DEI checklist.
Hence why I added "if released today". People (meaning the small echo chamber of those that actually care about this) would automatically just assume the worst rather than take it for what it is.
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Brother there have been people all over the place complaining about how woke Spider-Man 2 is since release, and it just kept selling and selling and selling despite that. Don't give me this shit that it's hard to tell if you REALLY want to know, if a game has these woke elements many here or youtube will tell.

There's no possible way you're comparing an objectively quantifiable allergic reaction to this lol. My problem with caring about this is you never even know (again unless you're purposely hyper analysing and looking and watching reviews) how much woke stuff is even part of the game or sometimes what is even considered woke to begin with. Like Alan Wake II for example, a character is black and...that's it? What did they consult on? What am you supposed to be upset about? etc etc. There have been good games with woke elements and bad games with woke elements and good games with no woke elements and bad games with no woke elements.

I just find it funny that someone would use this as their guide to games and not you know, looking at gameplay, for a videogame...
Look, if someone want to play certain games and not others, they have the right to know what games they are buying and not accidentally purchase what they don't want.

If SBI makes games better, they would not have freaked out about being named and identified. Their actions speak for themselves.

Of course there are good games and bad games. But people have preferences, and thus the more information on what is being sold, the better. People were NOT told by gameplay that Spiderman 2 would have an entire side quest where you weren't even Spider-man. I have no problem with deaf people, but people didn't pay money to play as a deaf graffiti artist. And that was not in the marketing.

If you want to know in advance that the game would have elements that are not advertised, then SBI Detected is the only way you would be INFORMED.
Brother there have been people all over the place complaining about how woke Spider-Man 2 is since release, and it just kept selling and selling and selling despite that. Don't give me this shit that it's hard to tell if you REALLY want to know, if a game has these woke elements many here or youtube will tell.

There's no possible way you're comparing an objectively quantifiable allergic reaction to this lol. My problem with caring about this is you never even know (again unless you're purposely hyper analysing and looking and watching reviews, and not just simply looking at this list) how much woke stuff is even part of the game or sometimes what is even considered woke to begin with. Like Alan Wake II for example, sweet baby title, a character is black and...that's it? What did they consult on? What are you supposed to be upset about? etc etc. There have been good games with woke elements and bad games with woke elements and good games with no woke elements and bad games with no woke elements.

I just find it funny that someone would use this as their guide to games and not you know, looking at gameplay, for a videogame...

Hence why I added "if released today". People (meaning the small echo chamber of those that actually care about this) would automatically just assume the worst rather than take it for what it is.
im not even going to read this


Gold Member
Youtubers are really milking this news/drama....It´s going to be interesting to see how they (these YT) are going to keep pushing the drama for clicks when Stellar Blade and the next big western game comes out.


Look, if someone want to play certain games and not others, they have the right to know what games they are buying and not accidentally purchase what they don't want.

If SBI makes games better, they would not have freaked out about being named and identified. Their actions speak for themselves.

Of course there are good games and bad games. But people have preferences, and thus the more information on what is being sold, the better. People were NOT told by gameplay that Spiderman 2 would have an entire side quest where you weren't even Spider-man. I have no problem with deaf people, but people didn't pay money to play as a deaf graffiti artist. And that was not in the marketing.

If you want to know in advance that the game would have elements that are not advertised, then SBI Detected is the only way you would be INFORMED.
I think you're missing my point.

The list doesn't give context. It doesn't tell how much or what woke stuff is even in the game, just that SBI worked on it. Take deaf girl for example, lets say you just really hate this idea, not only doesn't the list tell you this, it also doesn't tell you it's a 5 minute optional segment in a 20 hour game. Therefore if this WAS told to you, would this really be enough to overthrow the endless amount Spider-Man action the game provides in your Spider-Man action game?

In order to truly work, the woke elements need to be detailed, that way someone can decide if it's worth powering through it for the "normal" bits or not
Well, that was a load of hot waffle.

You can tell Alan Wake 2 is indoctrinated garbage in the first ten minutes, and thats without noticing the character being black.

I'm not sure you know what You're actually arguing against.
So sensitive lol.
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There's no possible way you're comparing an objectively quantifiable allergic reaction to this lol. My problem with caring about this is you never even know (again unless you're purposely hyper analysing and looking and watching reviews, and not just simply looking at this list) how much woke stuff is even part of the game or sometimes what is even considered woke to begin with. Like Alan Wake II for example, sweet baby title, a character is black and...that's it? What did they consult on? What are you supposed to be upset about? etc etc. There have been good games with woke elements and bad games with woke elements and good games with no woke elements and bad games with no woke elements.
Well, that was a load of hot waffle.

You can tell Alan Wake 2 is indoctrinated garbage in the first ten minutes, and thats without noticing the character being black.

I'm not sure you know what You're actually arguing against.


I think you're missing my point.

The list doesn't give context. It doesn't tell how much or what woke stuff is even in the game, just that SBI worked on it. Take deaf girl for example, lets say you just really hate this idea, not only doesn't the list tell you this, it also doesn't tell you it's a 5 minute optional segment in a 20 hour game. Therefore if this WAS told to you, would this really be enough to overthrow the endless amount Spider-Man action the game provides in your Spider-Man action game?

In order to truly work, the woke elements need to be detailed, that way someone can decide if it's worth powering through it for the "good" part or not.

It’s a binary list that highlights that a company with racist employees and a political agenda was involved in the game. That’s it. It doesn’t need to be more or less. There are enough content creators out there that can take the task on for specific games.
Brother there have been people all over the place complaining about how woke Spider-Man 2 is since release, and it just kept selling and selling and selling despite that. Don't give me this shit that it's hard to tell if you REALLY want to know, if a game has these woke elements many here or youtube will tell.

There's no possible way you're comparing an objectively quantifiable allergic reaction to this lol. My problem with caring about this is you never even know (again unless you're purposely hyper analysing and looking and watching reviews, and not just simply looking at this list) how much woke stuff is even part of the game or sometimes what is even considered woke to begin with. Like Alan Wake II for example, sweet baby title, a character is black and...that's it? What did they consult on? What are you supposed to be upset about? etc etc. There have been good games with woke elements and bad games with woke elements and good games with no woke elements and bad games with no woke elements.

I just find it funny that someone would use this as their guide to games and not you know, looking at gameplay, for a videogame...

Hence why I added "if released today". People (meaning the small echo chamber of those that actually care about this) would automatically just assume the worst rather than take it for what it is.
The same exact game wouldn't have released today so it's pointless to speculate. There's missions and content that would have triggered many in the woke echo chamber.

You're also being disingenuous regarding Alan Wake 2. The issue people had was a lot deeper than a character being black and you know it.

Nobody is using this as "their guide to games" whatever that means. It's just a small list of games for people to avoid if they're dissatisfied with all the DEI nonsense being forced into games lately and want to make a statement about it.
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If San Andreas newly released today with the exact same content their would be 5 20 page threads here and 2000 youtube videos about how R* has gone woke and the game would still sell over 20 million.
San Andreas reinforces harmful stereotypes with its depiction of black (and other POC) men being violent, criminal thugs. Or that's what Sweet Baby would probably say anyway. That game wouldn't make it past them or any other DEI initiative in its existing state.


It's not splitting hairs, outsourcing development is not even remotely the same as consultancy.

Actual consultant here.

Sometimes my involvement with a project is as in-depth and full as anyone who works for the company full time. Sometimes it’s a light touch. There isn’t a one size fits all. It depends on the contract.

It’s perfectly possible for Sweet Baby Inc staff to be considered part of a game’s narrative development team.
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