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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Congratulations on passing 200k.

Here's to us chuds

Great Gatsby Movie GIF by Sony


You do know that more powerful collsions happen in our atmosphere right? CERN works in teraelectronvolts (12 zeros) while we get daily colisions in our atmosphere at 17 zeros.
True, but I was getting around 18 Couldntgiveafucks. It was just a tongue in cheek joke :messenger_winking:

As I stated. SBI will disappear, someone else will come along. If you can stop that, go ahead 🤷‍♂️

How many zeros will that take?


Well done lads. 250k next... nah probably not.

Maybe if shill-up spoke about it.

Also IF cern was a covert evil project you really think they would tell you accurately how the system works and accurate power usage etc etc. They don't do themselves any favours when they have a satanic themed opening ceremony. Maybe they are just being meta. Gas lighting tin foil hat types? I really hope that's the case.

Anyway, this gaming thing needs to continue until it becomes so obvious and cringe that certain YouTube and news sites aren't covering it; that they eventually feel they have to cover it... like they should, as it's their job supposedly.

Edit: this is a cancer that needs to be extracted from the gaming scene.
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Great to see this blow up in recent days - woke bs in games, tv and movies needs to die.

I just hope people keep this same energy for whenever this bullshit pops up - don't make it only about Sweet Baby. People need to get literate and clued up about how this shit is infecting virtually everything we love these days and reject it when they see it.

It was interesting seeing the Sweet Baby CEO try to defend herself by claiming they are doing proper writing - not just DEI stuff. She didn't try to defend it. That says to me that they already know it's hugely unpopular.

Boss Mog

Providing links to dictionaries is just perfect. :messenger_grinning_smiling:

More seriously, it still doesn't change the fact that some people believe they can change word definitions to align with their beliefs - but it is a good reminder for everyone else that delusion does not equal reality.
If they can change the definition of the most basic of words like "man" and "woman" then a word like "racism" is child's play.
Ultimately, the only way we're going to be able to effectively reject this stuff is with our wallets - like with Suicide Squad. It's already happened in movies and TV, where even Marvel, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings projects have been rejected, because people realise it's been hijacked. The same will need to happen with games.

But it is also important to understand stuff isn't just 'bad' these days - there are very specific reasons why they are so bad. Once you understand the game these people are playing, you see it in everything.
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Ultimately, the only way we're going to be able to effectively reject this stuff is with our wallets - like with Suicide Squad. It's already happened in movies and TV, where even Marvel, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings projects have been rejected, because people realise it's been hijacked. The same will need to happen with games.
Agreed. I stop supporting 99% of western games and now play games made by the East.

Good luck selling your games to the broke alphabet mob.


If they can change the definition of the most basic of words like "man" and "woman" then a word like "racism" is child's play.

I checked the first link in that Tweet (Oxford Learner's Dictionary) and woman is defined as "adult female human" and man as "adult male human". There is some info. in there about gender, but it's mostly referencing use of pronouns. Although it's certainly possible other dictionaries have changed their definitions, it would appear some have not.
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It seems like the "journalist" has actually called for violence against people based on their race:

I'm not even white but what an idiotic thing to say.

Then again, maybe it's okay to say because she is white herself, which then I don't necessarily have a problem with. But given context that she thinks white people are guilty and have some invisible Defense stat, yeah, she shouldn't say that. How does she get keep her job...?
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Giving reverence and a platform for people who hate their own race will only end badly. These people hate themselves due to mental health issues. They are attacted to one another and susceptible to forming 'support groups' which don't actually help but just act as echo chambers and intensify feelings of dispair due to perceived inequality. Those intelligent enough to lead are more than happy to spout their divisive nonsense to anyone who will listen. It's infectious to others who are in similar pits of despair and hate themselves. They are easily manipulated and it gets turned into hating others as well as themselves. Hate is the operative word here. These people are filled with hatred.

Why are they destroying our games? Why are the mentally ill given any credibility? Especially when it's coming from a place of hate?


Reseterror Resettler
It seems like the "journalist" has actually called for violence against people based on their race:

That woman is having a fucking complete episode right now. She's making angry tweets and deleting them like fifteen minutes later, getting community noted, etc. So, so good.

Edit: aaaand account protected.
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Look... that Suicide Squad game doesn't look like it went through script doctoring.

Either they do their job poorly or they don't do what Kotaku said they do.


what if...everyone just left social media and the village idiots just went back to being village idiots instead of a clamoring mass on social media that for some reason you and too many other people pay attention to.....
I "left" social media 5-6 years ago and life has been significantly better (all things considered I didn't care much about it in the first place, but still not seeing these people everyday with their simple jack comments and takes helps alot)
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Look... that Suicide Squad game doesn't look like it went through script doctoring.

Either they do their job poorly or they don't do what Kotaku said they do.
The only dc heroe having a respectful death was wonderwoman, they mock all the rest
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Gold Member
How about they do the job to figure out if the reports are valid before warning him and deleting the group?

Very disappointed in Valve if they don't show any balls here.
They're taking the path of least resistance and cracking down on the group because it's easier than dealing with the mob.


Neo Member
From the Kotaku article (emphasis mine):

This assumption that white people and men are the ones against diversity and inclusion, the absolute certainty people like this have, is why I find them so deeply unlikable and untrustworthy. Bedard attempts to sidestep by saying male/white character, but it's quite transparent what he's really talking about. From what I've seen, people have described a variety of issues they have with DEI in video games - ham-fisted writing, overwriting beloved characters into something else, a sense of being preached to, or even just a feeling of something being off with the characters and story. It's a far more complicated issue than 'gamers bad' and 'white men'.

As a brown guy who, by the way, doesn't see representation unless it's to typically be portrayed as a villain, I am totally against this sort of stuff. I don't want to be told how to think and what not to think. I don't want my games trying to indoctrinate my children & I with some sort of sanctimonious dogma held by these people. I can see right through this in my games, and their involvement has actively deteriorated the quality of said games. This is not a while male stance.
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