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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


Gold Member
I'm Lara Croft. I even wear the shorts.
I don't wanna exagerate, but if you need to see yourself in games to enjoy them, there is a much deeper problem within you.

I do wonder if this is related to biological sexes.

I had a conversation with my wife about this a while back, trying to understand why she has no interest in speculative fiction (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Superheroes, etc), and she told me that she's only interested in things if it can connect to the real world for her, she likes fiction set in modern settings, she likes historical fiction and period piece films and TV, but only if it she can believe it's real without any fantasy elements. Because she can only feel a connection to the them if she believes it's related to the real world she lives in, and she says pretty much all her friends(and basically all of them are women) feel the same way. She will occasionally watch a sci-fi/fantasy movie/show with me, and even enjoy it if it is well made (she watched Dune 2 with me this past weekend and liked it quite a bit), but she would only do it because I wanted to see it, she would never seek those types of movies/shows/books out on her own. And to be fair I have male friends who feel the same way, but I find with men it's more like 50/50 but with women it seems to be a lot higher.

I wonder if the "I can't related to this if it the protagonist isn't my (race/sex etc)" which I see coming mostly from women isn't just a manifestation of these women who see speculative fiction/gaming being so popular with a mostly male audience, they try it and fail to find a connection, and immediately conclude (because of how they've been educated) that the reason they don't connect with it is because of race/sex of the main character, and if only that was changed then they will be able to connect with it. When actually it's not that at all, that women in general don't connect with the genre even when the protagonist is female. Which is why you see all these genderswapped film/shows not resonating with the female audience at all, that most women aren't interested in superheroes even when they are female.

And before anybody says "you're generalizing", obviously I'm talking about behavioral tendencies of large groups and every group has variations within it.


Gold Member
I do wonder if this is related to biological sexes.

I had a conversation with my wife about this a while back, trying to understand why she has no interest in speculative fiction (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Superheroes, etc), and she told me that she's only interested in things if it can connect to the real world for her, she likes fiction set in modern settings, she likes historical fiction and period piece films and TV, but only if it she can believe it's real without any fantasy elements. Because she can only feel a connection to the them if she believes it's related to the real world she lives in, and she says pretty much all her friends(and basically all of them are women) feel the same way. She will occasionally watch a sci-fi/fantasy movie/show with me, and even enjoy it if it is well made (she watched Dune 2 with me this past weekend and liked it quite a bit), but she would only do it because I wanted to see it, she would never seek those types of movies/shows/books out on her own. And to be fair I have male friends who feel the same way, but I find with men it's more like 50/50 but with women it seems to be a lot higher.

I wonder if the "I can't related to this if it the protagonist isn't my (race/sex etc)" which I see coming mostly from women isn't just a manifestation of these women who see speculative fiction/gaming being so popular with a mostly male audience, they try it and fail to find a connection, and immediately conclude (because of how they've been educated) that the reason they don't connect with it is because of race/sex of the main character, and if only that was changed then they will be able to connect with it. When actually it's not that at all, that women in general don't connect with the genre even when the protagonist is female. Which is why you see all these genderswapped film/shows not resonating with the female audience at all, that most women aren't interested in superheroes even when they are female.

And before anybody says "you're generalizing", obviously I'm talking about behavioral tendencies of large groups and every group has variations within it.
I think your wife just has normal taste like everyone else, not liking a genre is different from not liking something because nobody looks like you.

Also, pretty sure that stats at hands, scifi and fantasy are just more popular between men, exactly like romantic comedies are more geared towards women, but i'm generalizing a bit here.
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Like I said in some other threads, the whole idea of not seeing yourself in the story keeps you form not being able to relate is silly. I do not see myself in most stories yet I can relate and understand no matter the ethnicity of the characters.
My favorite game is the Witcher 3, not only because of the story but because I could relate to Geralt on a deep personal level, it was almost like I was playing a game about my life.
These woke ass consultant companies are such a grift. They are everywhere, infecting so many industries. And I am not at all surprised at who is defending them. I am sick and tired of they/them turning everything to shit.
Yep even my company has a dei department. This month I had to let so many people know that the email they reported as spam/phish was legit. No one likes this shit.

It's a metal alloy tech company and foundry. Why do furnace operators need to know about "great leaders of women's history month" (an actual email) when operating a crane with a 1000f + molten metal vat. Why does our intranet page on the main tab have a dei section? It has no bearing for the job. The company is 40 years old and has people of all walks of life. It's getting ridiculous.

Its bad enough in video games but it's not just there. This shit is invasive like a parasite. Why companies allow it I only imagine is to protect against boycotts on social media.
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I think your wife just has normal taste like everyone else, not liking a genre is different from not liking something because nobody looks like you.

Also, pretty sure that stats at hands, scifi and fantasy are just more popular between men, exactly like romantic comedies are more geared towards women, but i'm generalizing a bit here.
Yeah we're mostly in agreement.

I'm just saying that a man is not likely to see the popularity of romance novels, read one and didn't like it, and conclude that "the reason I didn't enjoy it is because I can't connect with the protagonist who is a female, there needs to be more romance novels with main characters like me, then I would enjoy it and there would be more men reading these novels", and the publishing company actually goes out and ask writers to write more romance novels with male protagonists, and then find that men aren't buying those novels any more than they were buying the female protagonist romance novels from before.

That many women don't connect with the gaming experience is normal and understandable, and the issue may not even be narcissism, and they are erroneously attributing the reason for their lack of connect because they've been indoctrinated with ideas about male privilege and female exclusion


Gold Member
Yeah we're mostly in agreement.

I'm just saying that a man is not likely to see the popularity of romance novels, read one and didn't like it, and conclude that "the reason I didn't enjoy it is because I can't connect with the protagonist who is a female, there needs to be more romance novels with main characters like me, then I would enjoy it and there would be more men reading these novels", and the publishing company actually goes out and ask writers to write more romance novels with male protagonists, and then find that men aren't buying those novels any more than they were buying the female protagonist romance novels from before.

That many women don't connect with the gaming experience is normal and understandable, and the issue may not even be narcissism, and they are erroneously attributing the reason for their lack of connect because they've been indoctrinated with ideas about male privilege and female exclusion
I think that men don't particularly like romantic comedies not because the protagonist is a woman, but because we think about romanticism way less than women.

If the protagonist being a woman would cause men to get away from a movie, you would not have stuff like alien where the protagonist is a woman.

And even if what you say is true, we are talking about the opposite sex, i can understand a man being happy to have a more similar protagonist to him because women are very different from us, but the woketards men and women have problems with people of their same sex and they just judge the color of the skin or the nationality.
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The tweets from the employees and the reaction to the curator make it obvious their intentions were more nefarious than to just enhance diversity and inclusion.

So, not that I think SBI doesn't deserve the criticism, but is there any quantifiable metric that shows how much involvement they had in the games they were consulted for? Like, do we even know how much their involvement actually shaped these games?

What I'm getting at is, who's to say the games they were consulted for would've turned out any differently without their involvement? I can't imagine a company completely changing their product around because of the suggestions and feedback from a consultant. At most, they were probably just rounding out the edges of the work they had already done.
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I do wonder if this is related to biological sexes.

I had a conversation with my wife about this a while back, trying to understand why she has no interest in speculative fiction (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Superheroes, etc), and she told me that she's only interested in things if it can connect to the real world for her, she likes fiction set in modern settings, she likes historical fiction and period piece films and TV, but only if it she can believe it's real without any fantasy elements. Because she can only feel a connection to the them if she believes it's related to the real world she lives in, and she says pretty much all her friends(and basically all of them are women) feel the same way. She will occasionally watch a sci-fi/fantasy movie/show with me, and even enjoy it if it is well made (she watched Dune 2 with me this past weekend and liked it quite a bit), but she would only do it because I wanted to see it, she would never seek those types of movies/shows/books out on her own. And to be fair I have male friends who feel the same way, but I find with men it's more like 50/50 but with women it seems to be a lot higher.

I wonder if the "I can't related to this if it the protagonist isn't my (race/sex etc)" which I see coming mostly from women isn't just a manifestation of these women who see speculative fiction/gaming being so popular with a mostly male audience, they try it and fail to find a connection, and immediately conclude (because of how they've been educated) that the reason they don't connect with it is because of race/sex of the main character, and if only that was changed then they will be able to connect with it. When actually it's not that at all, that women in general don't connect with the genre even when the protagonist is female. Which is why you see all these genderswapped film/shows not resonating with the female audience at all, that most women aren't interested in superheroes even when they are female.

And before anybody says "you're generalizing", obviously I'm talking about behavioral tendencies of large groups and every group has variations within it.
My girlfriend and daughter are exactly the same... and thats why trying to turn star wars , marvel and all these franchises in girls franchises is the most stupid thing I ever saw. God knows what this stupid fcking people were/are thinking.


Gold Member
My girlfriend and daughter are exactly the same... and thats why trying to turn star wars , marvel and all these franchises in girls franchises is the most stupid thing I ever saw. God knows what this stupid fcking people were/are thinking.
Very easy answer.

In life it’s easier to change an existing popular brand or product into something else than building a grassroots new product.

There’s always possibility the big brand changing will tank but as a start there’s usually a big amount of sales and brand awareness right off the bay to at least give it a head start. A totally new product which nobody knows about needs 100x more effort, marketing and luck to be a big seller.

You see it all the time. Anytime you see a new product but then they remind you “from the makers of xxx” that’s a strategy too.

In gaming UBI does it with all almost all their shooters tagging on Tom Clancy Ghost Recon whatever. Game has nothing to do with the traditional content. But slap on Tom Clancy and everyone recognizes it.


Very easy answer.

In life it’s easier to change an existing popular brand or product into something else than building a grassroots new product.

There’s always possibility the big brand changing will tank but as a start there’s usually a big amount of sales and brand awareness right off the bay to at least give it a head start. A totally new product which nobody knows about needs 100x more effort, marketing and luck to be a big seller.

You see it all the time. Anytime you see a new product but then they remind you “from the makers of xxx” that’s a strategy too.

In gaming UBI does it with all almost all their shooters tagging on Tom Clancy Ghost Recon whatever. Game has nothing to do with the traditional content. But slap on Tom Clancy and everyone recognizes it.
Yes but it still is insanity...is like focus groups and target audiences are some fiction words from the future that no one knows about...is like trying to sell meat to a hardcore vegan.

Anyway it was never about making money or really succeeding, it was about ending fanbases and hobbies.




Kotaku is on the case guys

And of course...DENIAL :messenger_tears_of_joy:

They finally couldn't ignore this story. Yup they don't mention the racist, sexist antisemitic, mass reporting harassment posts by SBi staff of course. Doesn't matter anyway they just gave the Streisand effect a boost to shoot the group way past 200K now.

This is going to be fun now all the other gaming news sites you love have been given a narrative to parrot.


The problem with that woke/anti-woke stuff here is that it turns a really complex issue into something that people pick a side on and love to score points on the other side rather than discuss in good faith. It’s sad.

The idea that maybe games shouldn’t have all white males and maybe be a little more diverse seems pretty reasonable to me. Games like Cyberpunk, GTA, Last of US, all seemed to make it work and it felt fine. Returnal has a female lead. No biggie. It was fine and was a great game!

Problem is that I start to get concerned when a game like Kingdom Come Deliverance is trashed because Czech developers are trying to create a realistic snapshot of medieval mostly rural Bavaria. Seems like an odd hill to die on and it’s almost like they are being punished for not kissing a metaphorical ring.

This Sweet Baby group is ghoulish and they are the worst type of entity in the present culture wars. When a group like this gains influence, they become another ring that needs to be kissed. I’ve seen the type. Try and act innocent that they just want to “increase representation” but it’s employees (see their twitter accounts before they cleaned them up) basically want to dunk on white males any chance they get. They come into a writers room and basically try and sub out as many straight white males as possible and add in as many “diverse” characters as they can. Most of the internal developers/writers just go along with it because the higher up tells them they need to get some type of certification that the game is sufficiently inclusive.

I find it funny to see the other forum complain that NeoGaf doesn’t loves games and just complains about everything being woke. It’s so hypocritical. Reeee has within their games threads on, unicorn overlord complaining about jiggling breasts, complaining about misogynistic dating in Persona games, Tifa’s breasts in FF7R, the assets in Stellar Blade, and they’ve banned discussion of Harry Potter and Cyberpunk (one of the most diverse games ever) for “reasons.”
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The problem with that woke/anti-woke stuff here is that it turns a really complex issue into something that people pick a side on and love to score points on the other side rather than discuss in good faith. It’s sad.

The idea that maybe games shouldn’t have all white males and maybe be a little more diverse seems pretty reasonable to me. Games like Cyberpunk, GTA, Last of US, all seemed to make it work and it felt fine. Returnal has a female lead. No biggie. It was fine and was a great game!

Problem is that I start to get concerned when a game like Kingdom Come Deliverance is trashed because Czech developers are trying to create a realistic snapshot of medieval mostly rural Bavaria. Seems like an odd hill to die on and it’s almost like they are being punished for not kissing a metaphorical ring.

This Sweet Baby group is ghoulish and they are the worst type of entity in the present culture wars. When a group like this gains influence, they become another ring that needs to be kissed. I’ve seen the type. Try and act innocent that they just want to “increase representation” but it’s employees (see their twitter accounts before they cleaned them up) basically want to dunk on white males any chance they get. They come into a writers room and basically try and sub out as many straight white males as possible and add in as many “diverse” characters as they can. Most of the internal developers/writers just go along with it because the higher up tells them they need to get some type of certification that the game is sufficiently inclusive.
To sum it up, the problem is having all this shit shoved down your throat and it follows the stupid oppression pyramid so you're automatically the worst if you're white male, I'm really sick of this shit, seeping into all media and unfortunately politics here in Ireland.


To sum it up, the problem is having all this shit shoved down your throat and it follows the stupid oppression pyramid so you're automatically the worst if you're white male, I'm really sick of this shit, seeping into all media and unfortunately politics here in Ireland.

And if you're not on the pyramid, like say Jewish or Indians you're just not diverse enough to be recognized. Black, LBQT that's is for their "Diversity".


They finally couldn't ignore this story. Yup they don't mention the racist, sexist antisemitic, mass reporting harassment posts by SBi staff of course. Doesn't matter anyway they just gave the Streisand effect a boost to shoot the group way past 200K now.

This is going to be fun now all the other gaming news sites you love have been given a narrative to parrot.
Couple of them infiltrated the discord to find 'dirt'. Basically, they say 'those guys over at the discord don't even care about SBI'. No shit, sherlock, this curator basically became a statement of 'we are fed up of your shit'.



They're big mad about Eve/Stellar Blade. This is from their discord:

In it, members shared posts referencing Feminist Frequency founder Anita Sarkeesian, Marcus Aurelius quotes, and pictures of idealized female bodies in games. One image showed several pictures of the protagonist Eve from Korean developer ShiftUp’s upcoming action game Stellar Blade, juxtaposed against female characters from Overwatch, Forspoken, and Life is Strange. “Embrace tradition. Reject modernity” is emblazoned on the collage.

Image. (being discussed)

Completely misread the article for the above.

As well, the article mentions the "rampant harassment" that SBI employees have faced while omitting that a SBI employee called for mass reporting of the curator and harassment of the creator. Typical Kotaku, absolutely worthless site.
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Gold Member
They're big mad about Eve/Stellar Blade. This is from their discord:

Image. (being discussed)

As well, the article mentions the "rampant harassment" that SBI employees have faced while omitting that a SBI employee called for mass reporting of the curator and harassment of the creator. Typical Kotaku, absolutely worthless site.
I'm surprised they're still doing the "we will say they faced mass harassment without actually showing any examples of it" trick, people wised up to it a while ago.


From the Kotaku article (emphasis mine):

Sweet Baby cofounder David Bedard adds that, contrary to popular belief, the people making these games want to make the experience better for all players—and that more diversity and representation is a byproduct of that. “[Detractors] would rather believe that there’s a shadowy cabal of people forcing them to put that stuff in…they would rather believe a make-believe fairytale than accept that,” he says. “Making something more representative and more joyful for a marginalized person in a video game is not a zero-sum game. It doesn’t make anything worse for the male character in the game, for the white character in the game.”

This assumption that white people and men are the ones against diversity and inclusion, the absolute certainty people like this have, is why I find them so deeply unlikable and untrustworthy. Bedard attempts to sidestep by saying male/white character, but it's quite transparent what he's really talking about. From what I've seen, people have described a variety of issues they have with DEI in video games - ham-fisted writing, overwriting beloved characters into something else, a sense of being preached to, or even just a feeling of something being off with the characters and story. It's a far more complicated issue than 'gamers bad' and 'white men'.


Kotaku is on the case guys

And of course...DENIAL :messenger_tears_of_joy:

lol, they're really saying the employees are facing harassment, and not a single fuckin' word on who started the entire shebang

but then again, what do you expect from something that looks like this


at least the 'knows nothing' part is true lol


I hate the thing they do where they'll reach out to one source -- here, Sweet Baby -- and quote them in the best, most uncritical possible light. Then they won't even talk to the other side, and instead they'll just strawman them a bunch.
Everyone in the games journalist circle knows times running out for them and sucking up to these DEI grifters is an out for them. Just like days of old when games writers would kiss Nintendo’s (or whoever) ass hard enough to get a job with them. They want in on it.



If you want a good laugh, check out this "journalist" 's twitter. If you tried to make an outrageous parody twitter of the most mentally ill delusional narcissistic woke degenerate possible, you'd still fall short of this person's twitter.

I don't use twitter. Tell me she's being dragged through the mud for this?

Like surely community notes are like "yes you can be racist to white people"

Edit: wasn't this the one who was backing up Journos who were threatening Neil druckman? A bunch of woke Journos were threatening him around tloup2 and I'm sure it was this inbred simple jack looking loser who was telling him that because he's white, death threats aren't real or something like that.
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Like I said in some other threads, the whole idea of not seeing yourself in the story keeps you form not being able to relate is silly. I do not see myself in most stories yet I can relate and understand no matter the ethnicity of the characters.

I think the idea that if someone looks like me that's all it takes for me to see myself in them. Hey it's a black guy he must be just like me because were both black. There's a lot more to me than the color of my skin.

Boss Mog

How disgusting, can't you see that Shaggy change happened naturally.
They have zero talent in writing or "narrative design" which is why the stories in the games they're involved in are all terrible. They're not trying to write a good story because they're not writers, they're activists and their only goal is to push their demented ideology unto people, especially children. Spider-man 2 is proof of that.
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