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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


I think there was a tipping point for the populace at large pushing back on this garbage and I think the catalyst was October 7th. I've seen a lot more people not tolerating these lunatics since that terrible day.
I 100% agree, I remember just as recently as one to two years back people were saying most of this stuff would simply become the norm and we better buckle up. But it turns out that the large majority of people regardless of where their political allegiance lies simply don't have the tolerance for literal racism, bigotry, and straight up hateful views towards others. One small example, I am not a fan of AOC, but having people chase her down the street telling her to call Israel's actions a genocide is 3rd world country nonsense. People were legit celebrating a guy committing self-immolation because of how stunningly brave it was to stand up for what you believe in. We need a hard course correct, but it won't be easy.


I think your wife just has normal taste like everyone else, not liking a genre is different from not liking something because nobody looks like you.

Also, pretty sure that stats at hands, scifi and fantasy are just more popular between men, exactly like romantic comedies are more geared towards women, but i'm generalizing a bit here.
No you are not generalizing. Men an women have diferent tastes and interests. And its ok, big deal... In any media companies/ authors know this and push products tailored for diferent audiences.
Insomniac is so corrupted with this rot. With their forced DEI classes that were apart of the big leak, I’m not surprised. This is a senior writer on Wolverine. I was going to vet the information from this tweet but apparently she had already blocked me and I barely even tweet anything lol.

Tweet 1/12 lol

It sucks because a Wolverine game that gives fans what they want would be incredible. But we’ve seen time and time again that these writers are only interested in the game as a funnel for whatever ideology they want to push.

Even if the game is a technical marvel, this just sucks all my hype and excitement from it, didnt bother picking up Spider-Man 2 for the same reason
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Nah, the Jap devs are bailing out on this shit too. Get ready for more tits and fun times.

Smart people.


Gold Member
Sorry man, I am out of the loop. What happened on Oct 7th?

Aces High

Insomniac is so corrupted with this rot. With their forced DEI classes that were apart of the big leak, I’m not surprised.
I'm not working in the gaming industry, but that stuff is common in tech nowadays.

The first thing you get in many tech corporations is "training".

And training means you have to watch political indoctrination videos. These videos are usually super dumb like satire from a Simpsons episode.

Some people laugh about it. Some people take it very seriously as if they joined a cult. You have braindead idiots in every organisation.


Insomniac is so corrupted with this rot. With their forced DEI classes that were apart of the big leak, I’m not surprised. This is a senior writer on Wolverine. I was going to vet the information from this tweet but apparently she had already blocked me and I barely even tweet anything lol.

And... im out.

Good thing Asia is pumping quality games cuz i dont see myself purchasing anything from the west that is assossiated with a cult.


Reseterror Resettler
And there it is.

She deleted all of the tweets that she plainly lost the war with, anyway. She'll go private, delete a bunch of shit, go public, make some tzar Bomba scale dumbass post, realize it isn't hitting, go private, etc, etc.

My favorite is the selfie she uploaded in men's boxers flexing and talking about getting into a fight with TheQuartering of all people, LMAO. Juxtaposed sharply against the later retweeting of D- level troll bait replies she's received like "Don't think you're gonna make it to 40," captioned with her sizzling take of "I literally just got a death threat, heckin wowzers!"

There's some horrible error in biological knitting at play here.


Reseterror Resettler


these ppl are fucking mental

Imagine posting your FUCKING MENTAL ILLNESSES (real or contrived) on your fucking public, employee social media account. The pronouns are fucking dumb, but at least that's become so embroiled in every public field that it's to be expected, but....

Staff writer, white settler, mab, he/him/franklin/xir, debilitating schizophrenia and OCD, love working at the office with the staff!


Lions Gate

Imagine posting your FUCKING MENTAL ILLNESSES (real or contrived) on your fucking public, employee social media account. The pronouns are fucking dumb, but at least that's become so embroiled in every public field that it's to be expected, but....

Staff writer, white settler, mab, he/him/franklin/xir, debilitating schizophrenia and OCD, love working at the office with the staff!

It's actually makes me really sad and worry, The whole gaming industry infested with these kind of people, The future does not looks bright until we fight back
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You can have a sad death without it being brutal, I for one didn't think it was sad at all, just fucked up; it's also not really proof of anything, correlation at best.
I said 'supposed to be'. Those hacks couldn't write a dot on paper. Just because they can't write for shit doesn't mean that wasn't their intention.


I think there was a tipping point for the populace at large pushing back on this garbage and I think the catalyst was October 7th. I've seen a lot more people not tolerating these lunatics since that terrible day.

That was the moment for me, seeing how the people on college campuses were acting as well as the president of Harvard's testimony. The American public education system is teaching K-12 in a way that produces these sorts of people that used to only be seen on college campuses, constantly criticizing and attacking things, not producing things normal people want. The kind of education that teaches the English Language so that people unironically use the phrase "cis white males." If from what I've gathered is true, it's an education that prioritizes oppressor/oppressed and seeks to imbue students with a lens that sees things that way only and the words they can use to zero in on who they should hate. They must be miserable, unable to guiltlessly enjoy the safety, happiness and prosperity that their country affords them. I really wish I could get a rundown of what a cycle of public education is like nowadays, if there's sources or youtube videos anybody has I'd appreciate them.

I think a moderate position, at least regarding entertainment, and depending on the project, could be "Okay, don't just make all the characters good looking." Or, "Consider features that aren't typically caucasian when doing character design." I think some Nintendo games were done that way in the past few years rather than outright adopting the "Sweet Baby" approach. That could be a moderate way of carefully working through these crazy times without going totally "heterophobic" haha. And I do use that word seriously, because the tweets from the types of people who take the "Sweet Baby" approach (which is clearly not just limited to Sweet Baby consulted projects) actually could be called "heterophobic" in addition to racist.

I think that for a lot of people, the openly displayed heterophobia that Sweet Baby and their types display is the big one, that's the big common denominator that links most of us together against them, we don't mind seeing more characters with non-caucasian features, but please make them good looking or reasonably good looking and keep the lewdness in the games! I've now taken to using the ESRB ratings to find the games that have "suggestive themes" as a sign that those games will still feel well rounded. Typically they're non-American, and it's how I've guided myself through these times to still find games to enjoy. I think of heterosexual aesthetics, lewdness in entertainment, attractive attire and showing some skin as the heterosexual majority's version of "gay pride and gay pride parades." I think there's a video out there where PlayStation employees are participating in a gay pride parade. All the lewdness in that parade, I don't mind that if that's their thing. But, we're in a situation now where Gay Pride Parades are celebrated, while displays of heterosexuality or aesthetics that straight people would appreciate are being neutered in commercially produced entertainment. Doesn't oppressor/oppressed only work when the majority is being oppressed by a minority (yep, I did try reading some of Freire's book Pedagogy of the Oppressed to better understand their mindset and the situation in Brazil during his time)? So why a small group dictate to the straight majority, that's backwards, even in their ideology as shown in Freire's book. They'd be "leftist oppressors" to use Freire's words.
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I'm not even white but what an idiotic thing to say.

Then again, maybe it's okay to say because she is white herself, which then I don't necessarily have a problem with. But given context that she thinks white people are guilty and have some invisible Defense stat, yeah, she shouldn't say that. How does she get keep her job...?
People who say this sort of thing project because they themselves are miserable scumbags.


So why a small group dictate to the straight majority, that's backwards, even in their ideology. They'd be "leftist oppressors" to use Freire's words.
Their entire lens is that they're always right, and their opponents are always wrong. It doesn't matter what the specific issue is, or even if this completely contradicts another position they espouse; in any given moment or any given argument, they are right, and anyone who disagrees with them is wrong. This is why they push notions like "you can't be racist towards white people" or "you can't be sexist against men." If they're doing something that's obviously wrong, they just redefine words to make themselves sound right, and they always will.


You don't know what their intention was, all we know is what is was shown, which is putting diana in a mk fatality. Let's leave it at that.
Batman gets shot in the head while sitting on a bench, while being lectured on creating trauma to literal scumbags, rapists and murderers.

Flash gets shot and drops dead on the ground, then gets pissed on.

Green Lantern drops dead wearing only his boxers as if he was a black crack addict shot down by a cop.

Superman drops dead in a square and no one gives a fuck about the repercussions of killing a literal symbol and the most powerful and noble superhuman on the planet, meaning that the 5% of the most powerful supervillains on the planet now basically have the keys to the kingdom.

Wonder Woman is the only JL member who never gets controlled by Brainiac, has a heroic death, gives a motivational speech, has the entire Suicide Squad have sad puppy faces as she dies, while dramatic and moving music plays in the background. Miraculously, she's also the only female of the League.

Yeah ... I don't know what the intention was at ALL.
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Their entire lens is that they're always right, and their opponents are always wrong. It doesn't matter what the specific issue is, or even if this completely contradicts another position they espouse; in any given moment or any given argument, they are right, and anyone who disagrees with them is wrong. This is why they push notions like "you can't be racist towards white people" or "you can't be sexist against men." If they're doing something that's obviously wrong, they just redefine words to make themselves sound right, and they always will.

Yep, and we're also seeing with how the "game journalists" are covering this, they want to use one word to describe and shoot down people who join this group (racists, etc.) rather than being neutral and getting at the truth of the situation in reporting that there are people who find Sweet Baby's approach to entertainment to be irritating, and what aspects of that approach are irritating those people. Instead they write an article to call the group "racists" and that's that. Thankfully tons of people are speaking out now about this DEI stuff in general, on Youtube, on parts of the internet that still allow dissenting opinions to be voiced, and ultimately in Disney's case, voted with their wallets. It's why I am very careful not to use those new words that are being taught in school and the workplace nowadays (except for in my post, I used "leftist oppressor" just to use their own words from their own ideology against them). Sometimes the truth needs a lot of simple and common words that normal people understand, instead of a nice and neat made up word.
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Mister Wolf

Gold Member
Batman gets shot in the head while sitting on a bench, while being lectured on creating trauma to literal scumbags, rapists and murderers.

Flash gets shot and drops dead on the ground, then gets pissed on.

Green Lantern drops dead wearing only his boxers as if he was a black crack addict shot down by a cop.

Superman drops dead in a square and no one gives a fuck about the repercussions of killing a literal symbol and the most powerful and noble superhuman on the planet, meaning that the 5% of the most powerful supervillains on the planet now basically have the keys to the kingdom.

Wonder Woman is the only JL member who never gets controlled by Brainiac, has a heroic death, gives a motivational speech, has the entire Suicide Squad have sad puppy faces as she dies, while dramatic and moving music plays in the background. Miraculously, she's also the only female of the League.

Yeah ... I don't know what the intention was at ALL.

I really don't see how anyone could defend that game.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Went to read the purple site to see if after her tweet they would do a 180 on supporting the CEO of SBI or not.

Nope. They don’t even put her racist tweet out there or the video of her fear mongering people to get them to agree with her.

One guy posted it was a shitty post by her then others defend her racist tweet.

I try to be middle ground and understanding of multiple views on a subject but god damn. Completely ignoring and hiding her objective racism and then excusing it? That site of users should be shot into the sun on a rocket ship. Mentally ill bigots.


I think that men don't particularly like romantic comedies not because the protagonist is a woman, but because we think about romanticism way less than women.

If the protagonist being a woman would cause men to get away from a movie, you would not have stuff like alien where the protagonist is a woman.

And even if what you say is true, we are talking about the opposite sex, i can understand a man being happy to have a more similar protagonist to him because women are very different from us, but the woketards men and women have problems with people of their same sex and they just judge the color of the skin or the nationality.
What if the comedy was about the Roman Empire? Would men think more about it? 😉


Went to read the purple site to see if after her tweet they would do a 180 on supporting the CEO of SBI or not.

Nope. They don’t even put her racist tweet out there or the video of her fear mongering people to get them to agree with her.

One guy posted it was a shitty post by her then others defend her racist tweet.

I try to be middle ground and understanding of multiple views on a subject but god damn. Completely ignoring and hiding her objective racism and then excusing it? That site of users should be shot into the sun on a rocket ship. Mentally ill bigots.
They only had one thing to do. One thing, and it would make everyone happy and accept the 'wokeness'.

Respect white male characters, and respect white male gamers/viewers/moviegoers/comic book readers.

But they couldn't. Because they hate them. Because they are narcissists.

This is not about equality.

This is about revenge for inequalities more than half a century ago that they are brainwashed into believing they still occur to this day.

Mister Wolf

Gold Member
They only had one thing to do. One thing, and it would make everyone happy and accept the 'wokeness'.

Respect white male characters, and respect white male gamers/viewers/moviegoers/comic book readers.

But they couldn't. Because they hate them. Because they are narcissists.

This is not about equality.

This is about revenge for inequalities more than half a century ago that they are brainwashed into believing they still occur to this day.

Anyone that has race activist family members like myself know all too well that they are supremacists no different than the people that they say are oppressing them. Don't even get me started on feminists.
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Went to read the purple site to see if after her tweet they would do a 180 on supporting the CEO of SBI or not.

Nope. They don’t even put her racist tweet out there or the video of her fear mongering people to get them to agree with her.

One guy posted it was a shitty post by her then others defend her racist tweet.

I try to be middle ground and understanding of multiple views on a subject but god damn. Completely ignoring and hiding her objective racism and then excusing it? That site of users should be shot into the sun on a rocket ship. Mentally ill bigots.
It’s because many of them think exactly like her. Hence the dead silence from them on the topic. Yes, they are all mentally fucking ill on that site.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Would be amazing if every game OT thread here would include a DEI detail section to let people know as well.
Yeah I wasn’t too worried originally what games they touch but now? Ain’t no way I’m playing blatant racist supported games.

The market is flooded with quality titles. I can skip a good game they get involved in.

Like I was hyped for wolverine but now? No way. Insomniac insanity plus these guys is not getting a penny from me.
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