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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


Gold Member
This is much worse than you guys think.

These "fauxminists" are actually extremely misogynistic, they hate actual women, the feminine form, they hate seeing women free to show they femininity. Don't be fooled by the fact they label themselves "progressives".

Their real endame is to treat any woman who's not wearing a hijab like it's a prostitute.
That's what's really happening here.
i think some of those comments are actually coming from women.


i think some of those comments are actually coming from women.
Don't underestimate some women ability to hate liberated and free women. Especially when the later is prettier than the first.

edit: besides, how many of those "women" are real and not some dude in drags and hormonal drugs? Those have even more reasons to be spiteful towards real ones.
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This is much worse than you guys think.

These "fauxminists" are actually extremely misogynistic, they hate actual women, the feminine form, they hate seeing women free to show they femininity. Don't be fooled by the fact they label themselves "progressives".

Their real endame is to treat any woman who's not wearing a hijab like it's a prostitute.
That's what's really happening here.

Just listen to them, it literally reads: "how dare they feature a sexy girl in anything else than porn or prostitution rings?!"
They are fucking disgusting scum.

If you strip women of their sexuality, femininity and sexual appeal to men, then it’s easier for men to pretend to be women.

This is what all of this is really about.
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All these devs and journos defending sweet baby are just exposing themselves as immoral and worsening their relationship with gamers. Funny thing is AAA games are already easy to ignore nowadays since most aren't even good.

Keep making it easier for us, devs!
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Gold Member
What if the comedy was about the Roman Empire? Would men think more about it? 😉
Well, duuuh!



Did they work on Far Cry 6? It sure as hell seems like it.

So far they only list 4 games. I am certain there are more than 4 games on Steam that were made worse by Sweet Baby's involvement. All of this fussing over this curator and they barely list any games. What would really help me is a "woke" tag for Steam. Probably just should avoid any AAA or laughably AAAA games if I want to avoid woke garbage.


Did they work on Far Cry 6? It sure as hell seems like it.

So far they only list 4 games. I am certain there are more than 4 games on Steam that were made worse by Sweet Baby's involvement. All of this fussing over this curator and they barely list any games. What would really help me is a "woke" tag for Steam. Probably just should avoid any AAA or laughably AAAA games if I want to avoid woke garbage.
I currently see 16.


I don't own a PS5 but I contemplating of picking up a copy in support anyway. The return of sexy games needs to happen!!!

What's with all the animal skulls in the background? These are great people...
Lol reminds me of the Mitchell and Webb skit, not for what it's usually cited though.

"Have you looked at our hats, sir?"


"Our hats... they have skulls."

"They have what?"

"Skulls, sir. They have skulls on them."

Did they work on Far Cry 6? It sure as hell seems like it.

So far they only list 4 games. I am certain there are more than 4 games on Steam that were made worse by Sweet Baby's involvement. All of this fussing over this curator and they barely list any games. What would really help me is a "woke" tag for Steam. Probably just should avoid any AAA or laughably AAAA games if I want to avoid woke garbage.
There's more curators that list other woke games that don't have SBI involvement.


World’s Biggest Weeb
That is so fucking weird and disgusting. She wants to get dressed up and be the center of attention and get all the upside of participating in society’s institutions… without any of that disgusting patriarchal stuff like committing to someone, starting a family, taking on responsibility for someone beyond yourself, etc. Guess that’s modern feminism in a nutshell.


Biggest Trails Stan
What surprised me the most is that she talk about divorce lawyer as a costume. Good for her to have fun but that part show how weird her mentality is to me. I am curious to see if in a few years she have a real marriage will she allows for that again? And what answer will be the most damning?

Well she's most likely staying involuntarily celibate for the rest of her life.

She was successful in destroying the videogame industry. So I say fuck her and her "happiness"
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Even as classic millennial humor of "oh so random" I imagine this is meant to be...

It's still the most depressing thing I think ive seen in a long time. I genuinely mean that.

Like actually imagine how sad her life is, it really is a bummer. She very clearly got to 40, realized she wished she was married and had kids, but because of her persona she's created she's not even allowed to be depressed about it, instead she has to force herself to make a huge public joke, because that's what strong gamer girl would do.

I mean you don't have to be good at reading people to see that face in that pic isn't really one of happiness. There's alot of pain behind that fake smile
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Exactly. They are a cult with forced hive mind group think. They all express outrage together to look good in eachothers eyes and keep their sick cult going. Fuck those losers.

Reminds me of atheists and their nonsense from 2006 to 2013. The woke cult has similar ideology and also hypocritical values. If a media contains only heterosexuality, Christianity and family values, they claim it's oppression, unrealistic and something that's being "crammed" down their throats.

Meanwhile they will inject their identity politics in the most forced ways into media in a way that's unrealistic in an attempt to force it down people's throats. Transgender people in medieval settings, history revisionism to claim historical people are non binary and placing pride flags wherever they can. And if that's not enough, the media in question also has to claim lectures on their values.


I've seen this post a lot floating around on Twitter in the last few days. I told my girlfriend, who doesn't care about anything political and has no idea who she is and her reaction was: "That's... sad"

No dude is that desperate.
Don't let the hate for her blind your judgment. There are millions of desperate men. The problem is that she thinks they're not good enough for her.
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You can imagine the cognitive dissonance brought on from biological and societal programming little girls to want to get married/feel like a princess on that day; vs her more recently learned 'The patriarchy is keeping women under men's thumbs!' Seems pretty conflicting to want to get married when you espouse nothing but hated online towards men.
You can imagine the cognitive dissonance brought on from biological and societal programming little girls to want to get married/feel like a princess on that day; vs her more recently learned 'The patriarchy is keeping women under men's thumbs!' Seems pretty conflicting to want to get married when you espouse nothing but hated online towards men.

The thing is that the "programming girls to get married" is not actually societal but natural. This is the way we are by nature. We want a partner, stability, etc. Only under those circumstances a normal-functioning society is possible, so those "traditional values" are aligned with how things should be for living in society. The problem is that feminists feel that truth deep down but they can't reconcile it with their chosen ideology, which drives them crazy in the literal sense.

You only need to check out the massive success of 50 Shades (which is a light-porn Cinderella) to realize what they really wish no matter how loud they say the opposite.

The one and only goal of feminism is to make everyone feel miserable with the body they were given at birth. That's why they fight happy women without mental issues and support the trans movement.
You can imagine the cognitive dissonance brought on from biological and societal programming little girls to want to get married/feel like a princess on that day; vs her more recently learned 'The patriarchy is keeping women under men's thumbs!' Seems pretty conflicting to want to get married when you espouse nothing but hated online towards men.
Yes she is a lunatic of the highest order as are most of these crazed feminists.


The thing is that the "programming girls to get married" is not actually societal but natural. This is the way we are by nature. We want a partner, stability, etc.

Marriage isn’t natural. It’s a programmed custom.

Pro creating is the natural bit. Marriage is society’s way of trying to ensure the off spring has a stable upbringing. Humans can generally be duplicitous bastards, unlike the rest of the animal kingdom. We need some rules and regs.

Semantics to a certain extent though. She‘s a sad bitch, whatever language you couch it in.
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Marriage isn’t natural. It’s a programmed custom.

Pro creating is the natural bit. Marriage is society’s way of trying to ensure the off spring has a stable upbringing. Humans can generally be duplicitous bastards, unlike the rest of the animal kingdom. We need some rules and regs.

Semantics to a certain extent though. She‘s a sad bitch, whatever language you couch it in.

Yes, the "natural state" is living in the wild. Men sleeping around and women sticking to the alpha males. Society is "fabricated" so that the 80% percent of the population doesn't revolt and kill off the "privileged" 20%. The traditional rules we have today are the only ones that work in a successful society. Every other model has failed miserably.

They also know this, so you will never hear them make serious proposals on what specific and achievable changes should be made.


Humans can generally be duplicitous bastards, unlike the rest of the animal kingdom.
I am not a biologist but aren't there animal species who also cheat and stuff? Like certain species of birds or so? I mean, I remember reading a report about Dolphins raping other species of fish and generally being prone to mobbing behavior. Humans being absolute shit is not a trait exclusive to us, I would reckon. But we surely have perfected them.


As someone who just got a PS5 for Christmas and I've been trying to catch up with all of the Sony exclusives I played uncharted 4. The last of Us 2, God of War Ragnarok and I just finished Spider-Man 2. Jesus fucking Christ. This explains everything.

Everything that I love has been ruined apparently.
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As someone who just got a PS5 for Christmas and I've been trying to catch up with all of the Sony exclusives I played uncharted 4. The last of Us, two God of War Ragnarok and I just finished Spider-Man 2. Jesus fucking Christ. This explains everything.

Everything that I love has been ruined apparently.
TLOU was a great game with a good story, IMO. TLOU 2 is where it all went to shit.
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As someone who just got a PS5 for Christmas and I've been trying to catch up with all of the Sony exclusives I played uncharted 4. The last of Us, two God of War Ragnarok and I just finished Spider-Man 2. Jesus fucking Christ. This explains everything.

Everything that I love has been ruined apparently.
Yes and Sony and Microsoft have willingly allowed this poisonous company to infect their games. Makes you really wonder about them even more. So obsessed with forced diversity and inclusivity weirdness while ruining their games and pissing off the loyal fan bases who have always supported them. They care more about SBI and their agenda than the actual customers and fans of the products. They are just as bad as SBI for going along with all this shite for the sake of the ever loving DIVERSITY crap they are peddling. Pathetic and weak.


Yes and Sony and Microsoft have willingly allowed this poisonous company to infect their games. Makes you really wonder about them even more. So obsessed with forced diversity and inclusivity weirdness while ruining their games and pissing off the loyal fan bases who have always supported them. They care more about SBI and their agenda than the actual customers and fans of the products. They are just as bad as SBI for going along with all this shite for the sake of the ever loving DIVERSITY crap they are peddling. Pathetic and weak.
You are too fixated on just this one company. It’s more than one consulting company that’s the issue.
A collection of comments from the Purple Era. Their saltiness makes me horny.

"In so many games" and with that "it" exposes itself as a pervert

oh my sweet little baby, i bet you always are, and not just "sometimes"

*looks at avatar. *turns head to the public. -need I to say more

damn, misandry much?


First: Who was the Gaffer in that subreddit?
Second: How can a studio be incredibly misogynistic while celebrating the female figure like the masters of ancient Greece and the Renaissance? Furthermore, how badass is to have a group of strong women fighting to save mankind and the earth. Isn't that so empowering?


Pedo alert.


i will argue that it is more distracting than anything else.


The first part is kind of... misogynistic don you think?. regarding the second part. I am convinced there is a Japanese hero who fought until the end to make this deal happen🫡

God I miss the Purple Era thread. Shit kept me entertained for weeks.

The constant meltdowns over releases like Cyberpunk and Hogwards Legacy were absolutely hilarious.

The release of Steller Blade should be fun to watch.
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