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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Let's push for 300K white cis followers and if not

michael fassbender beard GIF


Actually, the rhetoric used by SBI and companies alike mirrors the US gov't's push to claim White supremacism is their biggest problem. It's scary to be honest. It's like every avenue where White males reside is open to attack - like now gaming... I'll keep it to video games because this conversation can often get ugly fast, but I think we're reaching a tipping point in the public's consciousness.

I mean just look at this slide below. Scary and insane.

"Mainstream Games Soft Sell White Supremacy???????"

As a "Person of Color" (I REALLY HATE THIS FUCKING TERM), these muhfuckas are full of shit.


Gold Member
Imagine you're running a business.

And you hire third-party consultants.

And these consultants go on a full-scale social media war with your core audience.

It's like satire at this point.
I see us reaching a point where companies will not want to associate with Sweet Baby because it’s bad for business. I wouldn’t be surprised if they rebranded themselves in the near future. The discourse around any game they’re involved with will be tainted going forward.


Dude looks like he isn't allowed near elementary schools.
They almost all look like that...

Which is where the stereotype comes from.

But hey where there's smoke there's fire... why are these radical type people always trying to sexualise kids. Calling themselves babies, being obsessed with adolescence in general.

Remember Kotaku ran an article promoting underage child hentai, era mods got caught with questionable stuff on their discords...

I'm shocked we don't have global organisation's investigating all these types. Gaming isn't this silly hobby for geeks anymore, is a humongous industry and there is not a chance all this stuff is being properly vetted. Just look at games journalism in general, it's basically fascist propaganda at this point.
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So listing their games is "harassment"? How did people get so soft?

I think it started in the 1990s with how children were raised to fear everything so they could "stay safe". Suddenly you couldn't ride a bicycle without a dorky-looking helmet. When I was a kid we rode our bikes with abandon with no helmets. We fell, got bruised, bled, and it was all great fun.

They even banned games in school like Smear the Queer (not a homosexual reference), which we played all the time when I was a kid. You'd have a group of guys and a football. One guy would take the ball and run anywhere with it, and the rest would chase him and try to smear (tackle) him. Then someone else would take the ball and run with it. Simple. It was rough and violent and LOTS OF FUN. I was great at the game.

These things made us tough and courageous. Now boys have been sadly pussified by this weak society. :(
It isn't harassment, this is a misdirection strategy where they take harmless action and make them harmful by misreporting whats going on and then escalating that misinformation. It's the "my brother hit me too hard" strategy. The best way to get people on their side is to play the victim, so what they do is take whats happening, in this case it was nothing, and make it sound like more was going on than what was actually happening. In this case, the steam group did nothing harmful, but they will misreport it to "mom" as "we were being harassed by their group members" and never show a lick of evidence. In contrast, the steam group has evidence of SBI being the harassers, so in return SBI screams louder at "mom" in order to make sure "mom" doesn't look.


Even using the phrase GamerGate 2. They are as predictable as rain in April. This is ALL to get attention to these "gaming news" websites that were finally dying. And it's the same people who normally report on these, the ones who clearly talk to each other. Kotaku, EuroGamer, The Mary Sue, etc etc... the same ones who over blew the original Gamergate after they were the ones being called out for having back channel groups. It's their last ditch effort to not be pushed to obscurity, but I have my doubts if it'll work as well this time. Tumblr isn't around to boost them, companies are dropping "the message" as it's not really made them any money. People listen more to Youtubers than their sorry asses. So it'll be interesting to see how hard they fight to push their narrative against the change in times.


advanced basic bitch
They almost all look like that...

Which is where the stereotype comes from.

But hey where there's smoke there's fire... why are these radical type people always trying to sexualise kids. Calling themselves babies, being obsessed with adolescence in general.

Remember Kotaku ran an article promoting underage child hentai, era mods got caught with questionable stuff on their discords...

I'm shocked we don't have global organisation's investigating all these types
Don't forget the abundance of furries. These are sick people.


As I have said before, the White Savior/White Guilt complex is SOOOO STRONG WITH THIS ONE.

It's so funny though. Those that don't like what you are doing and/or disagree with what you're doing, you quickly label them as part of a harassment campaign. Which makes NO sense.
They immediately resort to smear tactics. It’s their typical behavior.
It's funny that these leftist activist goons want to fight the "Gamergate" battle again. Last time they held the advantage in terms of media and influence and expected the fight to be a cakewalk. They couldn't believe the strength of the resistance against them, led by the Fandom Menace.

But now the situation is different. Since Gamergate 1 their opponents have gotten much stronger, and they have gotten weaker. They think they'll win the battle this time? They're going to get slaughtered.
It isn't harassment, this is a misdirection strategy where they take harmless action and make them harmful by misreporting whats going on and then escalating that misinformation. It's the "my brother hit me too hard" strategy. The best way to get people on their side is to play the victim, so what they do is take whats happening, in this case it was nothing, and make it sound like more was going on than what was actually happening. In this case, the steam group did nothing harmful, but they will misreport it to "mom" as "we were being harassed by their group members" and never show a lick of evidence. In contrast, the steam group has evidence of SBI being the harassers, so in return SBI screams louder at "mom" in order to make sure "mom" doesn't look.


Even using the phrase GamerGate 2. They are as predictable as rain in April. This is ALL to get attention to these "gaming news" websites that were finally dying. And it's the same people who normally report on these, the ones who clearly talk to each other. Kotaku, EuroGamer, The Mary Sue, etc etc... the same ones who over blew the original Gamergate after they were the ones being called out for having back channel groups. It's their last ditch effort to not be pushed to obscurity, but I have my doubts if it'll work as well this time. Tumblr isn't around to boost them, companies are dropping "the message" as it's not really made them any money. People listen more to Youtubers than their sorry asses. So it'll be interesting to see how hard they fight to push their narrative against the change in times.
I love how these absolute pieces of shit can label anyone they want as a racist, bigot, sexist, etc. yet they cry foul at any kind of push back.

These people would absolutely celebrate your death and they'd jump at the chance to ruin your life. They should not be given any kind of leniency or support. Games they work on should be avoided like the plague and any outlet supporting their narrative should be avoided as well.


Gold Member
It's been exposed as a grift when SBI went into attack mode. They should've been cheering on that they got their own curated list on Steam to show everyone how their work contributed to a successful project. They did the exact opposite: tried to smear and discredit the curator and their cronies in the media are playing interference.
It's been exposed as a grift when we saw a "latinx expert" between their lines.

Not that we needed any proof really.
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It isn't harassment, this is a misdirection strategy where they take harmless action and make them harmful by misreporting whats going on and then escalating that misinformation. It's the "my brother hit me too hard" strategy. The best way to get people on their side is to play the victim, so what they do is take whats happening, in this case it was nothing, and make it sound like more was going on than what was actually happening. In this case, the steam group did nothing harmful, but they will misreport it to "mom" as "we were being harassed by their group members" and never show a lick of evidence. In contrast, the steam group has evidence of SBI being the harassers, so in return SBI screams louder at "mom" in order to make sure "mom" doesn't look.


Even using the phrase GamerGate 2. They are as predictable as rain in April. This is ALL to get attention to these "gaming news" websites that were finally dying. And it's the same people who normally report on these, the ones who clearly talk to each other. Kotaku, EuroGamer, The Mary Sue, etc etc... the same ones who over blew the original Gamergate after they were the ones being called out for having back channel groups. It's their last ditch effort to not be pushed to obscurity, but I have my doubts if it'll work as well this time. Tumblr isn't around to boost them, companies are dropping "the message" as it's not really made them any money. People listen more to Youtubers than their sorry asses. So it'll be interesting to see how hard they fight to push their narrative against the change in times.

These leftist change the meaning of words which ever way to benefit themselves. Words spoken about them that they don't like is "violence", but their actual violence is defended as "free speech".
These leftist change the meaning of words which ever way to benefit themselves. Words spoken about them that they don't like is "violence", but their actual violence is defended as "free speech".
The left understood the power of language and word usage much better than the right, and they used that to their great advantage. But that is changing now. Their "language spells" are losing effectiveness.


They immediately resort to smear tactics. It’s their typical behavior.
Honestly...as a minority, I'm pretty fucking annoyed and fed up with it. If you have to desperately seek "YOURSELF" as a character in a game, you need professional help. The funny part....I find Eastern representation of minorities are portrayed much better than their Western counterparts (there are good examples of it being done well over here but not by much nowadays). As I finished Final Fantasy VII Remake last night, I thought about how cool Barrett was. Gruff tough guy that doesn't take any shit but he's a soft side to him, which made him relatable and I thought he was well written. Gimme more of that shit. Good character writing and development. Nothing ever seemed FORCED to me at ALL.

Sorry to keep going into this shit folks. I don't like it when people/companies fuck with one of my favorite hobbies and they say they do it for the better, where in term it's actually shite.

Side note, seeing Adam from Streets of Rage 4 motivated me to workout more lol.
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Gold Member
But hey where there's smoke there's fire... why are these radical type people always trying to sexualise kids. Calling themselves babies, being obsessed with adolescence in general.
I listened to the full Sweet Baby presentation where the lady talked about scaring companies into complying with what they want. It sounds like "sweet baby" refers to us. She compared us, GAMERS™ , to babies that only like one type of food. If you introduce any other type of food to the baby they reject it. She thinks her company will make the process of introducing identify politics into games more palatable. The hubris of these people is insane.

The same lady spend 10 minutes talking about her experience in Mass Effect 2 back in 2010. It was the first time to she created a black character in game, and at one point, her black character and another black character were talking to each other! The experience blew her mind. So much so that she immediately texted her YT friend to share that experience. From that point forward diversity was the most important thing in her life. You can't make this shit up man.
I listened to the full Sweet Baby presentation where the lady talked about scaring companies into complying with what they want. It sounds like "sweet baby" refers to us. She compared us, GAMERS™ , to babies that only like one type of food. If you introduce any other type of food to the baby they reject it. She thinks her company will make the process of introducing identify politics into games more palatable. The hubris of these people is insane.

The same lady spend 10 minutes talking about her experience in Mass Effect 2 back in 2010. It was the first time to she created a black character in game, and at one point, her black character and another black character were talking to each other! The experience blew her mind. So much so that she immediately texted her YT friend to share that experience. From that point forward diversity was the most important thing in her life. You can't make this shit up man.
She's probably lying about that, too.


Gold Member
I listened to the full Sweet Baby presentation where the lady talked about scaring companies into complying with what they want. It sounds like "sweet baby" refers to us. She compared us, GAMERS™ , to babies that only like one type of food. If you introduce any other type of food to the baby they reject it. She thinks her company will make the process of introducing identify politics into games more palatable. The hubris of these people is insane.

The same lady spend 10 minutes talking about her experience in Mass Effect 2 back in 2010. It was the first time to she created a black character in game, and at one point, her black character and another black character were talking to each other! The experience blew her mind. So much so that she immediately texted her YT friend to share that experience. From that point forward diversity was the most important thing in her life. You can't make this shit up man.
That sound like some made up bullshit you can find in your average reeeee topic to get brownie points...


I listened to the full Sweet Baby presentation where the lady talked about scaring companies into complying with what they want. It sounds like "sweet baby" refers to us. She compared us, GAMERS™ , to babies that only like one type of food. If you introduce any other type of food to the baby they reject it. She thinks her company will make the process of introducing identify politics into games more palatable. The hubris of these people is insane.

The same lady spend 10 minutes talking about her experience in Mass Effect 2 back in 2010. It was the first time to she created a black character in game, and at one point, her black character and another black character were talking to each other! The experience blew her mind. So much so that she immediately texted her YT friend to share that experience. From that point forward diversity was the most important thing in her life. You can't make this shit up man.
Either way it's an infatuation with these people and children in an explicit nature always, whenever they write stories it always has to be kids having sex, look at the dumb dinosaur game, or look at tv with Shows like Euphoria. There is just a mindset behind these radicals, both in and outside of gaming that is really terrifying.

No one seems to be asking the question why? why did resetera lose their minds when a state in the US wanted to ban child furries in schools.

unfortunately, the numb nuts on the other side of the radical wing QAnon invented up the most ridiculous shit of the elites eating children and drinking their blood to stay young and all sorts of shit, that even slightly asking why a woke person is just a little too obsessed with children, when they have none, then labels you as some sort of conspiracist and these people get to get away with the inevitable evil they are doing.

i mean remember the "laptop was my wife and she just had beastality mods for skyrim" and "we should enjoy more Child hentai" from Kotaku.... Like why does this seem to not worry anyone.

and by anyone i mean the people with power, not like the normal average joe/jane.

to me I, i don't really give a shit about Sweet Baby themselves, they are generally insignificant. But they really are a piece of an overall legitimate evil and it's scary that no one really seems to care besides a couple of 100K on steam (which really is nothing, it's a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things)
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You're more correct than you realise. These culture vultures are roughly 10%. Everyone else is normal

It's just that they've infiltrated positions they shouldn't have. And everything is suffering.
Whats funny to me is that conservatives view Trump as a moderate/populist/leans right kinda guy, while these people think Trump and all his "MAGA" supporters are far right extremists.
It's like who's view is really warped around here.


I see us reaching a point where companies will not want to associate with Sweet Baby because it’s bad for business. I wouldn’t be surprised if they rebranded themselves in the near future. The discourse around any game they’re involved with will be tainted going forward.
This. Companies think in two terms, 'Good for the business / Bad for business'. If, (for example) this curator group reach 1.000.000 people it "raises" the risk of getting involved with the woke babys
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Ding ding ding. Let’s go down the rabbit hole. This whole thing is much more sinister than how it seems on the surface. And I am glad that gamers are waking up to it as well.

Like why does this seem to not worry anyone.

and by anyone i mean the people with power, not like the normal average joe/jane.
Now read again the third part of your own post. You have answered yourself, you just don’t want to believe it because it seems that crazy. I don’t want to state anything, but maybe there is something to those insane conspiracy theories…


Suffers with mild autism
People need to practice some self control and avoid anything that SBI is involved with. I guarantee you'll be just fine if you miss out in the next Spiderman, God of War, or whatever else SBI gets linked up with.

Starve the beast.
I agree, but what I typically hear is "it's not big deal" / "doesn't affect me" / "just play the game" etc


People need to practice some self control and avoid anything that SBI is involved with. I guarantee you'll be just fine if you miss out in the next Spiderman, God of War, or whatever else SBI gets linked up with.

Starve the beast.
Exactly right. Some may find it hard to boycott if it's a game or series they enjoyed, but it's only hard initially. And with gaming today, it's really not hard because there are SO MANY great games. You'll forget about that game or that series they ruined so fast.



If you squint you can see them squirming

I've always been amazed (and irritated) by how people like this cannot see clearly and be truthful. No matter how much evidence is put in front of them, no matter how obviously hypocritical they are, no matter how hard things get for them - they are incapable of seeing the clear cause and effect for what is happening to them and around them. It's like dealing with children, really stupid children. More than ever, I hope this is drawing attention their way and letting people see who and what they are.


I'm going to take an educated guess Alyssa Mercante has never lived in a bad area of a city. She would easily find out that racism knows no color.

If she does live in a city and has experience racism targeted at her, she most likely ignored it and gave an excuse to the POC that treated her that way.

This is an extreme example but if she wants to experience true racism from a marginalized group, go talk to the Black Israelites of Philadelphia,

I grew up on the outskirts of Philadelphia, I would skateboard down there during the mid 90's. These fine gentleman above would banter on about their racist views. When we would skate near where they would set up their soap boxes, you would get called every insult over a loud speaker (honky, cracker, and some other colorful words).

If she took five minutes out of her day and just went and searched for on the internet what she is denouncing, she would find out that she is wrong within the first couple of minutes.


I'm going to take an educated guess Alyssa Mercante has never lived in a bad area of a city. She would easily find out that racism knows no color.

If she does live in a city and has experience racism targeted at her, she most likely ignored it and gave an excuse to the POC that treated her that way.

This is an extreme example but if she wants to experience true racism from a marginalized group, go talk to the Black Israelites of Philadelphia,

I grew up on the outskirts of Philadelphia, I would skateboard down there during the mid 90's. These fine gentleman above would banter on about their racist views. When we would skate near where they would set up their soap boxes, you would get called every insult over a loud speaker (honky, cracker, and some other colorful words).

If she took five minutes out of her day and just went and searched for on the internet what she is denouncing, she would find out that she is wrong within the first couple of minutes.
AHHHH. The Hebrew Israelites. Those are some RACIST muhfuckas and they will denigrate anyone's asses to the ground. They're such a joke I swear.


Golden Boy
Imagine you're running a business.

And you hire third-party consultants.

And these consultants go on a full-scale social media war with your core audience.

It's like satire at this point.
I mean, by now every Developer and Publisher that values their business should see that their audience just doesn’t want woke garbage.
The fact that some of them still listen to lunatics like Sweet Baby Inc. or Gaming Journalists Bloggers is just mind boggling.
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