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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game

God I miss the Purple Era thread. Shit kept me entertained for weeks.

The constant meltdowns over releases like Cyberpunk and Hogwards Legacy were absolutely hilarious.

The release of Steller Blade should be fun to watch.
They'll probably ban talk about Stellar Blade like cyberpunk and Hogwarts.


Co-founder’s post on LinkedIn. Fails to mention that they started the harressment with “report the fuck out of him” and “he loves his account let’s get him banned”. Scum playing the victim card now.


Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Co-founder’s post on LinkedIn. Fails to mention that they started the harressment with “report the fuck out of him” and “he loves his account let’s get him banned”. Scum playing the victim card now.


The comments in support of that goddamn arsehole are something else. Apparently anyone that dares to call out the SBI shitheads are ultra-far-right racist neo Nazis or someshit.

There are supportive comments from EA, Rocksteady, Ubisoft, Respawn employees who are simply 'baffled' at all the hate that the cruel Internet is dishing on poor innocent earnest SBI.

Got to hand it to SBI and the rest of their circle of morons though, their grade A5 Wagyu gaslighting and victimhood routine is top-tier stuff.
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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Co-founder’s post on LinkedIn. Fails to mention that they started the harressment with “report the fuck out of him” and “he loves his account let’s get him banned”. Scum playing the victim card now.


Oh I've seen this before..


It's becoming clear to me that a minority in this industry kind of saw business in hyper political correctness, I even wonder if it didn't spawn from REEEEera honestly. Journalists are in on it, cause it's also their business. Nothing, for a while at least, had more clicks than a witch hunt to cancel devs.
It reminds me of Ricky Gervais's argument that everyone has the right to offend and everyone has the right to be offended, but nobody has the right not to be offended.

SBI are the manifestation of the argument that (some) people have the right not to be offended and their part in the creative process seems to be aimed at implementing this. Their wikipedia page mentions "sensitivity reading", writing, narrative and characters.

I prefer Ricky's view - let people tell their own story and then you can judge them on it. It is worth bearing in mind that if we had "sensitivity reading" at the time, you probably do not get ground-breaking films like One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest and Philadelphia, because they would offend the sensibilities of the mainstream at the time. Did anyone play the first Spiderman and God of War and think "these storywriters are bigots!".
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Co-founder’s post on LinkedIn. Fails to mention that they started the harressment with “report the fuck out of him” and “he loves his account let’s get him banned”. Scum playing the victim card now.

They will always play the victim even after they initiate a hate campaign against others who dare retaliate. These people are raving lunatics with no spine whatsoever. The smallest of pushback against them and their weird agendas will result in screeching and calling people who oppose them racist. They are all little whiny bitches who hide behind their fake cause and the little bubbles they inhabit. It’s about time they are exposed and now they are seeing that most people don’t care for their agenda and don’t want it in gaming at all. Let this send a message to other companies like them as well. When they stop making money due to people not buying their race obsessed shite they will change course. Money always talks in the end or companies go under and no amount of inclusion or diversity will make up for that.
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Aces High

Co-founder’s post on LinkedIn. Fails to mention that they started the harressment with “report the fuck out of him” and “he loves his account let’s get him banned”. Scum playing the victim card now.

These guys really are amateurs.

They're making the situation worse with every new statement, turning their consultancy into a gravitational nightmare for every partner company.

Transparency, reform, and a dash of humility.

Try it.
So listing their games is "harassment"? How did people get so soft?

I think it started in the 1990s with how children were raised to fear everything so they could "stay safe". Suddenly you couldn't ride a bicycle without a dorky-looking helmet. When I was a kid we rode our bikes with abandon with no helmets. We fell, got bruised, bled, and it was all great fun.

They even banned games in school like Smear the Queer (not a homosexual reference), which we played all the time when I was a kid. You'd have a group of guys and a football. One guy would take the ball and run anywhere with it, and the rest would chase him and try to smear (tackle) him. Then someone else would take the ball and run with it. Simple. It was rough and violent and LOTS OF FUN. I was great at the game.

These things made us tough and courageous. Now boys have been sadly pussified by this weak society. :(
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Has anyone tried to correct them on linked in?
Most people use LinkedIn for work, which means being woke on that platform pays and saying anything negative about the message is dangerous because you implicitly represent your company and companies use it to see if you have problematic ideas.

Long story short, he's going to have a ton of "slay queen, thoughts and prayers, I'm crying for all the illegals lgbtq of color murdered by the right's comments" and just a few comments that sound maybe slightly critical.
Even as classic millennial humor of "oh so random" I imagine this is meant to be...

It's still the most depressing thing I think ive seen in a long time. I genuinely mean that.

Like actually imagine how sad her life is, it really is a bummer. She very clearly got to 40, realized she wished she was married and had kids, but because of her persona she's created she's not even allowed to be depressed about it, instead she has to force herself to make a huge public joke, because that's what strong gamer girl would do.

I mean you don't have to be good at reading people to see that face in that pic isn't really one of happiness. There's alot of pain behind that fake smile
I'm 40 and seeing that picture and reading that story just makes me think of the reality when the party is over, it's quiet and everyone went home. We're all filled with self-doubt and want the things we didn't choose at some point but I can't see this as anything but sad either. I'm not saying everyone needs a nuclear family but an ironic, fake wedding with no significant other present is truly bizarre.
Co-founder’s post on LinkedIn. Fails to mention that they started the harressment with “report the fuck out of him” and “he loves his account let’s get him banned”. Scum playing the victim card now.

Please do not talk to your non-white coworkers like fragile, confused 5 year olds after tripping at the playground. Do not ever do that unless you want to sound like a patronizing racist. Also non-white people aren't monolithic herds of skittish unicorns who scatter at the drop of a pin unless the white boss assures them it'll all be okay with tears in their eyes. You're the guy we laugh at behind your back.

-Not White Guy Who Works With Lots Of White People

PS: The level of infantalizing lingo this goofball is using is fucking lunacy lol. I sent this to my gf just now to ask how she'd feel if some white dude in her lab had a sitdown with her like this 🤣


Weeb Underling
So listing their games is "harassment"? How did people get so soft?
They know it's not harassment, they're just using that word for the disengaged internet.

The games media, like most media, is helping them along with this because they agree with the agenda and want to sweep it under the rug, because they know people knowing the full extent of what it is they do will not work out well for them.

Lying and obfuscation is a time-honored "progressive" tradition. These fuckers learn it from academia, where politically charged faculties (particularly the more sociologically related ones) have twisted the perception of history and culture one textbook and phony translation at a time.


Please do not talk to your non-white coworkers like fragile, confused 5 year olds after tripping at the playground. Do not ever do that unless you want to sound like a patronizing racist. Also non-white people aren't monolithic herds of skittish unicorns who scatter at the drop of a pin unless the white boss assures them it'll all be okay with tears in their eyes. You're the guy we laugh at behind your back.

-Not White Guy Who Works With Lots Of White People

PS: The level of infantalizing lingo this goofball is using is fucking lunacy lol. I sent this to my gf just now to ask how she'd feel if some white dude in her lab had a sitdown with her like this 🤣

“Hi Janice, I see you are from a marginalized demographic.. just wanted to let you know you’re loved and protected”
*awkwardly tried to hug her*
*types LinkedIn post about what leadership is*


I just wonder how much money that people earn with their forced diversity "consulting" services. I Bet is a Nice amount of money and pretty sure what scares them most is Lost it more than their diversity talk.

All that people, the ones of sweet baby, the activists on Game cities , etc...found a Nice confort zone where they get easy money just talking about diversity and every time that zone is exposed they become a hive mind and attack what they considere can put in danger thier income.


“Hi Janice, I see you are from a marginalized demographic.. just wanted to let you know you’re loved and protected”
*awkwardly tried to hug her*
*types LinkedIn post about what leadership is*
"Hey person of color and person from a marginalized demo that I hired.. I want you to know that I think you're the same as us, but I'm going to treat you differently, as if you're a 5 year old child. Can I get you a hot cocoa?"


Gold Member
I just wonder how much money that people earn with their forced diversity "consulting" services. I Bet is a Nice amount of money and pretty sure what scares them most is Lost it more than their diversity talk.

All that people, the ones of sweet baby, the activists on Game cities , etc...found a Nice confort zone where they get easy money just talking about diversity and every time that zone is exposed they become a hive mind and attack what they considere can put in danger thier income.
It's been exposed as a grift when SBI went into attack mode. They should've been cheering on that they got their own curated list on Steam to show everyone how their work contributed to a successful project. They did the exact opposite: tried to smear and discredit the curator and their cronies in the media are playing interference.


Co-founder’s post on LinkedIn. Fails to mention that they started the harressment with “report the fuck out of him” and “he loves his account let’s get him banned”. Scum playing the victim card now.

As I have said before, the White Savior/White Guilt complex is SOOOO STRONG WITH THIS ONE.

It's so funny though. Those that don't like what you are doing and/or disagree with what you're doing, you quickly label them as part of a harassment campaign. Which makes NO sense. Isn't gaming diverse already? Fucking hell. I just hate this shit pushed onto me and we have to deal with bland ass characters/self-inserts/tokenization of people in the name of "diversity" or "DEI" where it already FUCKING EXISTS and it's NOT FORCED.

IE, I didn't realize Saga from Alan Wake 2 was race-swapped from her Quantum Break counterpart (I hadn't finished it yet). I mean...WHY THOUGH??? Maintain consistency for fucks sake people.

Also, this post feels like belittlement for anyone not Caucasian. I just can't. Seriously.


Weeb Underling

"Nonprofit organizations" are truly one of the banes of America and the wider west. They provide almost nothing of value. They're just rackets. Would have to verify if Take This is actually HomeSec funded (lmao if so), but Feminist Frequency was getting 6 figures of taxpayer dollars for the length of its existence, so it wouldn't be shocking.

What a stupid article. A Canadian consultancy firm's bad PR has nothing to do with the US presidential election unless you're a conspiracy theorist. Unless you're insinuating that certain parties within the current or prospective governments have a direct or indirect vested interest, not in the firm itself, but the divisiveness of the general atmosphere?
These people don't help themselves with this stuff.

But what we can see is that Take This is similarly oriented and functioned as Sweet Baby Inc. With a mental health focus, but still adhering to the "progressive" stuff.

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Actually, the rhetoric used by SBI and companies alike mirrors the US gov't's push to claim White supremacism is their biggest problem. It's scary to be honest. It's like every avenue where White males reside is open to attack - like now gaming... I'll keep it to video games because this conversation can often get ugly fast, but I think we're reaching a tipping point in the public's consciousness.

I mean just look at this slide below. Scary and insane.



This thread is LITERALLY talking about SBI……..yes I know there are other companies out there peddling this racist crap as well BUT we are talking about SBI HERE in THIS thread.
Your original post was wider in nature hence my reply.

The reason SBI is so “successful” is not because folks are afraid of these clowns, but wider push for the overall shitshow through entertainment media (and of course education).


SBI and the industry's journo's hubris is what happens when they know the machine is behind them. This clearly isn't going to end anytime soon, but I think it's something gamers are ready to stand up to.

Stop ruining things we enjoy just to push your agenda!
Games are getting more expensive then ever to buy and make.

If there was ever a time a person was going to weigh up the cost benefit of a game it's now.

This definitely is not the time to be fucking with your audience. These companies will learn the hard way, much like Disney has, much like how the Oscar's weren't just the pander awards this year.
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