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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


Thanks, I just finished it a few days ago, really explains well about Gen Z’s way of being and how it happened, due to differences in childhood and education with safetyism/paranoid parenting and the way the internet fit into their lives compared to for instance people 30 and over. It actually calls Gen Z “iGen” since the author writes that the iPhone and social media being an ubiquitous part of tween/teen life was the dividing line in attitude between for instance the college students who needed safe spaces and free speech zones to contain free speech, and those who rolled their eyes at all that. Once the eye rollers graduated all that was left on college campuses was those people who need safe spaces and protection from contrary ideas. I myself was on campus as an “eye roller” seeing things slowly changing but graduated before iGen was the majority in college.
From 2013 and on kids on college campuses assumed they “were in danger of opinions that differed from theirs”.
Opposing opinions are not a threat!!

Kids on college campuses today tend to believe in the THREE UNTRUTHS

1.What doesn’t kill you makes you weaker. (Fragility)

2.Always trust your feelings, never question them. (Emotional reasoning)

3.Life is a battle between good people and evil people.(Us vs them)

These are unfortunately now what college incorrectly teaches… and it’s harming kids
I guess Tolstoy should've outsourced Natasha Rostova for the closest teen girl to write.
Even more ridiculous is similar argument with actors.

Today we hear these braindead takes because the entertainment industry has been taken over by fake AI-assisted writers who have created nothing worth reading in their miserable lives.

It makes me mad that a lot of passionate and talented authors are ignored while cunts like this get the job. It's infuriating.


From 2013 and on kids on college campuses assumed they “were in danger of opinions that differed from theirs”.
Opposing opinions are not a threat!!

Kids on college campuses today tend to believe in the THREE UNTRUTHS

1.What doesn’t kill you makes you weaker. (Fragility)

2.Always trust your feelings, never question them. (Emotional reasoning)

3.Life is a battle between good people and evil people.(Us vs them)

These are unfortunately now what college incorrectly teaches… and it’s harming kids
I think part of it is also that social media once was the Safe Haven for losers who crave attention to settle and circle jerk. most normal people just didn't give a fuck about twitter or facebook etc except for a place to store photos mostly.

then the younger generation of that era were essentially brought up on social media, they've been brought up by egotistical attention seeking maniacs with insane radical opinions and ideas (to be clear, that's both sides, even though i think one side is waaaaay more radical and stupid than the other).

They all then headed off to college or university just to have that world view further exacerbated to the point where we have literal radical think taking over the common discussion on anything.

There's a lot harming kids sadly, and it's not the big scary straight person like social media wants the world to believe
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I think people who were on the fence or afraid to openly state their disapproval of what’s going on in entertainment for fear of being labeled Far Right or White Supremacist by Gen Z finally got to see for themself through Twitter confrontations and media coverage of the Sweet Baby curator story that in fact, who they used to think of as the Progressives/Liberal has truly become Far Left and Far Left is actually very very racist and hateful, censorious rather than liberal, demanding deification of racial minority and LGBT people and self flagellation and submission of groups who happen to have the majority traits. Those three untruths are not just taught in college now, but in K-12.

So joining the Sweet Baby group was a way for us to signal our disapproval of their approach to entertainment but it took off after seeing the one sided way of media coverage and explicitly racist and heterophobic(!) attitude of people involved. We could finally vote our disapproval knowing that it didn’t mean we were Far Right, and this group gave us a chance to vote where the real life institutions never did.
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That is not surprising, considering how bad the writing and characters were in Borderlands 3.
Damn, Tolkien writing about Orcs, or Herbert about 3500-year old worm. Or male writer writing a female character.

Audrey Whitby Reaction GIF by AwesomenessTV


That's identity politics. Only bigots think we're all human beings who all feel empathy for each other. No, our various racial/ethnic/sexual/identities are what separate us from each other and it's not possible for a white writer to get into the skin of a black character and write authentically about his/her lived experience. That same white, middle-class, progressive, university educated, English speaking American author is allowed to write about any other white character in history, from cave men to Rusian tzars, from Roman gladiators to Scandinavian vikings, but isn't allowed to write about any black person living or dead, real or imaginary.

Simply take a look at Sweet Baby Inc. portfolio and you can see why their consultants had to be flown in to fix the writing and character building. Take Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn for instance. Takes place on an imaginary fantasy world where the protagonist "is a member of a coalition who must save mankind from extinction by fighting against the old Gods.". How on earth could a white author possibly know how fundamentally different Nor Vanek would talk, react, emote and fight if you make that imaginary character black by changing the hair style, facial features and skin color?

I think part of it is also that social media once was the Safe Haven for losers who crave attention to settle and circle jerk. most normal people just didn't give a fuck about twitter or facebook etc except for a place to store photos mostly.

then the younger generation of that era were essentially brought up on social media, they've been brought up by egotistical attention seeking maniacs with insane radical opinions and ideas (to be clear, that's both sides, even though i think one side is waaaaay more radical and stupid than the other).

They all then headed off to college or university just to have that world view further exacerbated to the point where we have literal radical think taking over the common discussion on anything.

There's a lot harming kids sadly, and it's not the big scary straight person like social media wants the world to believe
that's exactly what one of the authors of 'coddling of the American mind's new book is about:




Gold Member
I think part of it is also that social media once was the Safe Haven for losers who crave attention to settle and circle jerk. most normal people just didn't give a fuck about twitter or facebook etc except for a place to store photos mostly.

then the younger generation of that era were essentially brought up on social media, they've been brought up by egotistical attention seeking maniacs with insane radical opinions and ideas (to be clear, that's both sides, even though i think one side is waaaaay more radical and stupid than the other).

They all then headed off to college or university just to have that world view further exacerbated to the point where we have literal radical think taking over the common discussion on anything.

There's a lot harming kids sadly, and it's not the big scary straight person like social media wants the world to believe

Losers love misery, so that's why in life losers hang out with losers.

However, it's not just weird deadbeats who like to gather and yell from the safety of free social media accounts. Pending how wacky a board of education is the past 20 years being taught from kindergarten is going to affect someone's mental learning and attitudes. For any of us that are older, you respect teachers and dont mouth of at them. But in modern age, it seems lax and accepted as part of teaching. My nephews and nieces showed me and my brother (their dad) how they learned math in grade school doing this "Japanese style math" where you draw tic tac toe sticks and count the intersections. It's absurd. Nobody is learning anything about numbers if they rely on drawing stick charts and counting intersections. And to boot, you'll look like a complete retard if you needed to do some math quickly on a piece of paper and resorted to drawing this in front of people.
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Losers love misery, so that's why in life losers hang out with losers.

However, it's not just weird deadbeats who like to gather and yell from the safety of free social media accounts. Pending how wacky a board of education is the past 20 years being taught from kindergarten is going to affect someone's mental learning and attitudes. For any of us that are older, you respect teachers and dont mouth of at them. But in modern age, it seems lax and accepted as part of teaching. My nephews and nieces showed me and my brother (their dad) how they learned math in grade school doing this "Japanese style math" where you draw tic tac toe sticks and count the intersections. It's absurd. Nobody is learning anything about numbers if they rely on drawing stick charts and counting intersections. And to boot, you'll look like a complete retard if you needed to do some math quickly on a piece of paper and resorted to drawing this in front of people.
Oh yeah there's definitely a degradation as a whole with societal values and understanding.

And I don't mean religion or anything like that. Purely simple things, like I or you and many others here were raised to respect elders, someone who is older generally has more to offer you in terms of knowledge and experience than a 20 year old, but now everyone telling everyone how to live and what to do is younger and entitled.

Honestly there's so much we can all get into with the fall of western society and values.

I think what's more poignant is how fast it happened. I mean I was only out of university 3-5 years and it had completely shifted already, this was like 2015.

3 years earlier it was still just students drinking too much, getting together and meeting new people, everyone was your friend until they weren't. Those sorts of vibes. Step on a campus now and someone wants to Assault you for literally a new reason that you didn't even know was a thing 🤣
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Pending how wacky a board of education is the past 20 years being taught from kindergarten is going to affect someone's mental learning and attitudes.
Back when I was in school they changed from the old rote memorization of teaching to a finding out for yourself style. The old style did not engage me and was a boring memory test but being taught how to find things out for yourself worked out very well for my life.


Back when I was in school they changed from the old rote memorization of teaching to a finding out for yourself style. The old style did not engage me and was a boring memory test but being taught how to find things out for yourself worked out very well for my life.

For a couple years in elementary school I was in what was called a Montessori program (it was even a trial program for two grades only), there was still some rote but there was physical or visual activity too, like learning about fractions by putting sectors of a circle together. So I do understand how there's different experimental educational techniques. The difference is in the intention of the contemporary approach I feel, but that'd get too off topic or political but we are seeing the results of it right now, especially in the workplace to varying degrees, as well as in entertainment.


it's kind of disappointing that after all this we still don't really have a mid sized or reasonable size developer coming forward and being like "yo we don't care what your race, gender, age, identity is, Play our game it's for everyone". Or even just coming out and saying "at X company we don't believe in using external consultants and have full trust in our writing staff"

we haven't had a single one.

And i don't mean some basement dweller making like an RPG maker game or those guys who purposely make rage games like Tyrone vs the cops or whatever it's called, just a level headed normal developer just coming out and saying, this isn't what we prioritize, it's the game first.

We've had 100s of devs come out saying they love DEI and that everyones racist, many thing white people or men shouldn't be allowed to enjoy videogames, but nothing from the center or the otherside. again it's disappointing.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
it's kind of disappointing that after all this we still don't really have a mid sized or reasonable size developer coming forward and being like "yo we don't care what your race, gender, age, identity is, Play our game it's for everyone"

we haven't had a single one.

And i don't mean some basement dweller making like an RPG maker game or those guys who purposely make rage games like Tyrone vs the cops or whatever it's called, just a level headed normal developer just coming out and saying, this isn't what we prioritize, it's the game first.

We've had 100s of devs come out saying they love DEI and that everyones racist, many thing white people or men shouldn't be allowed to enjoy videogames, but nothing from the center or the otherside. again it's disappointing.
The devs who just want to make good games are too busy making good games to bother taking a stand in online culture wars. Also, it’s not worth it on any level to speak out against any ideology full of angry weird people with nothing better to do (whether woke or anti-woke).

KCD was just a good game made by history buffs. By engaging with the crazies and picking a side it only created a bunch of avoidable drama. Game still did very well of course, maybe even better than it would have otherwise, but most devs wouldn’t want that negative press and angry mob to contend with.


it's kind of disappointing that after all this we still don't really have a mid sized or reasonable size developer coming forward and being like "yo we don't care what your race, gender, age, identity is, Play our game it's for everyone". Or even just coming out and saying "at X company we don't believe in using external consultants and have full trust in our writing staff"

we haven't had a single one.

And i don't mean some basement dweller making like an RPG maker game or those guys who purposely make rage games like Tyrone vs the cops or whatever it's called, just a level headed normal developer just coming out and saying, this isn't what we prioritize, it's the game first.

We've had 100s of devs come out saying they love DEI and that everyones racist, many thing white people or men shouldn't be allowed to enjoy videogames, but nothing from the center or the otherside. again it's disappointing.
Because one side is composed of mentally ill individuals who wants theirs and everyone else's entire lives to revolve around these anti-values.

The other just wants to make cool games.
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The devs who just want to make good games are too busy making good games to bother taking a stand in online culture wars. Also, it’s not worth it on any level to speak out against any ideology full of angry weird people with nothing better to do (whether woke or anti-woke).

KCD was just a good game made by history buffs. By engaging with the crazies and picking a side it only created a bunch of avoidable drama. Game still did very well of course, maybe even better than it would have otherwise, but most devs wouldn’t want that negative press and angry mob to contend with.
I know that's how most developers who are still decent are feeling, it just would be nice to see one come forward and not even really take a side, just say that for them the game comes first.

I do remember all the "controversy" around KCD and it's great the game sold well. But even then vavra (forgot his name) was kind of pushing back, i don't even want that, just acknowledgement that it's all kind of stupid.

I guess Nintendo kind of do this without really ever saying Directly, Aonuma/Miyamoto both have kind of just been like, no , link won't be female.


What is the BBC going to do to purge the "wrong" type of players, drag gamers out of their houses and stamp on their playstations?

They can't purge the pedophiles from their own organisation, who the fuck do these tryranical narcissistic twats think they are?


What is the BBC going to do to purge the "wrong" type of players, drag gamers out of their houses and stamp on their playstations?

They can't purge the pedophiles from their own organisation, who the fuck do these tryranical narcissistic twats think they are?
Easy, just make games so insufferably terrible no one will want to play them.


Online survey + usage of vague terms. If you ask someone if they want "diverse stories" of course most would answer with a "yes".

Then again, this stinks of the kind of survey purposefully done to justify moves they already decided to make.
My history teacher (funny) said this, still remember it 25 years later: "Statistics is incredible, you can prove whatever you want to prove, just need the right questions and data set".


Gold Member
Holy shit, I thought you must be joking so I googled it. She literally has this tattooed just below her ass cheek.
These individuals are exceedingly angry, bitter and twisted. It’s no coincidence that they are always tattooed. Cutting into their skin to try and find meaning.

I would wager good money that she had a horrific experience growing up. Probably abused by some man. Or forsaken by her parents. There’s obviously no father on the scene. How could you hate men if you had a dad that loved you and protected you?

They’re lost souls, without any meaning in their life. And they’re trying to turn toys into some revolutionary battleground.

In normal times I might have pitied her. But now I just think she’s a cunt.
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... and the last mask fell off:

Can't wait to see how they'll improve the gaming industry by getting rid of like... 90% of the players?!

Yep, masks off of the evil communists. Though I wonder if they realize that without us they will go broke. So be it

Edit: on second thought lol how could they realize it. They are too simpleminded to come up with logical thoughts
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I would wager good money that she had a horrific experience growing up. Probably abused by some man. Or forsaken by her parents. There’s obviously no father on the scene. How could you hate men if you had a dad that loved you and protected you?


Who hurt you has already been recognized.



What an incredibly terrible way to interact with a fellow human being trying to make ends meet in another part of the world because you think people are there to serve you, the customer?

Is this what white privilège is like?
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