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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


i appreciate he is out front and willing to put his face to all this. Good on him for being grounded and level headed and not taking anything personally with these juvenile attacks from baby fiddler crew.

that being said i really hope this doesn't become a gateway for self promotion and overall fame, that would not go down well for the narrative the crazies love to build, so keep us updated kabrutus and doing good work, but only when it's necessary.
Not a single person at these DEI grifter companies could speak as passionately about games as this man.


Gold Member
that being said i really hope this doesn't become a gateway for self promotion and overall fame, that would not go down well for the narrative the crazies love to build, so keep us updated kabrutus and doing good work, but only when it's necessary
He’s become a bit of a celebrity on Steam. He left a negative review for DD2 and had an insane amount of engagement on it.



wtf man can’t even have cute waifus anymore it’s all just going to be Barry from the pub wearing a wig
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Yeah some sort of shift is happening right now. To what extent? We’ll have to wait and see. Seems promising.
Can only speak for Ireland where woke changes proposed for a constitution change related to family and carers a few weeks ago were defeated by 66% and 73% respectively. Media, all parties were asking for a yes/yes vote for the changes.

Of those sitting in our parliament "representing the people", 10 people out of 160 people represented ~70% of the population for the no/no vote on the woke changes.

The populace of not just my country are rising to this woke trash and attempted destruction of family, civil liberties and globalisation.

As a result our prime minister resigned.

Political leaders, MSM, game developers, film/TV shows are so out of touch with populations, we need to stop this by voting with our wallets and preventing investment in ESG/DEI.
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Kabrutus says the developers of "Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn" reached out to him swearing they've removed all SBI influences from their game.

Nice to see developers (even small ones like this) panicking over being SBI-identified. Hopefully it will make devs think twice before indulging in this DEI nonsense.

At time of compiling this list.

1. 713,950 (PC Gamer)
2. 604,954 (Just Good PC Games)
3. 519,581 (Official PCMR, /r/pcmasterrace)
4. 399,092 (Critiquing Doge)
5. 310,914 (Sweet Baby inc Detected) (Just entered/took fifth place)
6. 310,910 (Rock, Paper, Shotgun)

I'm not familiar with Steam, but I assume that is a ranked list of Steam Curators ("Individuals or organizations that make recommendations to help others discover interesting games in the Steam catalog").

That's impressive. Originally, I was thinking this was just a tempest in a teapot, but I'm not so sure anymore.

a lot of people will be immediately cynical anytime they see a game with black female lead or whatever.

Yeah, it's a shame. When I see a black female protagonist now, I just roll my eyes. It's unfair to good writers, directors who cast black female leads, and it's unfair to good black actresses themselves, but it's an automatic, involuntary reaction at this point. "Oh brother, here we go again." :pie_eyeroll:

... and the last mask fell off:

Can't wait to see how they'll improve the gaming industry by getting rid of like... 90% of the players?!

"The final purge." Can you be more authoritarian?


Nice to see developers (even small ones like this) panicking over being SBI-identified. Hopefully it will make devs think twice before indulging in this DEI nonsense.

I'm not familiar with Steam, but I assume that is a ranked list of Steam Curators ("Individuals or organizations that make recommendations to help others discover interesting games in the Steam catalog").

That's impressive. Originally, I was thinking this was just a tempest in a teapot, but I'm not so sure anymore.

Yeah, it's a shame. When I see a black female protagonist now, I just roll my eyes. It's unfair to good writers, directors who cast black female leads, and it's unfair to good black actresses themselves, but it's an automatic, involuntary reaction at this point. "Oh brother, here we go again." :pie_eyeroll:

"The final purge." Can you be more authoritarian?

It's insane. It's like an actual war going on. What the-! Everything is just getting crazier and crazier. Games should be entertainment, but now they want to foster other people to good wokeists through them. I'm really aiming for a wood cottage by a lake where I can just read pre-20th century books whilst the fire crackles in the stove. That seems like the best place to be at for one's mental health.
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Perpetually Tired
We have a lot of mentally ill individuals that reside online at all times. Always strapped to their phones and social media, like a crack addict to their pipe. Everyone is their enemy, they refuse to engage anyone in good faith and are always looking for someone to hate, dismiss, or belittle. Social Media has caused irreparable damage to our cultures and unless something changes, folks like SBI, like the Kotaku dregs of society - they will keep coming out the wazoo.

These people need serious mental help and they aren't getting it.
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look i know the game you are playing, if you think we are all just silly people living "terminally online" then why even be in the thread.

we get it, you think this is all dumb and you just wanna buy anything, ok cool... enjoy i guess.
DUDE! He was refering to the whiny era types as terminally online not you or those who agree with you...infact i think for the most part he has been agreeing with you but you made a wrong turn and misinterpreted what he was saying way back.


So any predictions at what number the steam curator group will reach? Say by 2025, so a good 9 months time.

It must be tapering off/slowing down now its at a third of a million? There can't be that many more of us (one of us one of us) that haven't already joined?

I'll say 400,000
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wtf man can’t even have cute waifus anymore it’s all just going to be Barry from the pub wearing a wig

TBH can’t you make the case this is an accurate description of a modern girl? This is not Stellar Blade, I cannot imagine a lot of tween guys play as girls in a Pokemon game.
On the other hand you have facts, which are: a huge portion of Western world is overweight or obese, especially in the US. This or worse is what girls look like nowadays.


The BBC are calling for a purge of anyone who opposes SBI. And to think, there’s left wing imbeciles that think the BBC is right wing :messenger_tears_of_joy:


‘final purge’, so close to just saying ‘final solution’ which is what these maniacs want, to literally exterminate anyone that goes against the doctrine.

The part that says "...get back to the positive gaming community we have been creating." is so extremely out of touch. One of the major issues here is the desire (of people like the author of that tweet) to enforce a version of "positivity" on others at the expense of good games and general respect for customers. It's also weird to talk about a "positive" gaming community in a post also saying things like "final purge" and "full detox". The lack of self-awareness is staggering.

One of the additional things that the curator has done, besides providing a factual list of games worked on by SBI, is it's brought so many of these loonies into the public eye.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Is there a website that performs a similar function in listing games that are not on Steam yet? For example, console "exclusives" (which I guess these days means the twenty four months before they end up on Steam anyway), or games that are on Apple Arcade or Google Play Pass?

You can tell from all the mudslinging from the usual sources that this is working. I would love to see it start having a similar impact on other platforms.

Boss Mog

TBH can’t you make the case this is an accurate description of a modern girl? This is not Stellar Blade, I cannot imagine a lot of tween guys play as girls in a Pokemon game.
On the other hand you have facts, which are: a huge portion of Western world is overweight or obese, especially in the US. This or worse is what girls look like nowadays.
Which is exactly why they should be shown what they should look like. "Body positivity" is anything but. It's the reason why so many are dying young these days, with heart disease and cancer being triggered by obesity, unhealthy diet and lack of exercise.

In Korean culture people will flat out tell you you're fat to your face. But they don't do it to be mean, they believe they're helping you, telling you for your health and integration in society. It often works as peer pressure and judgment of others can be very strong motivators. Western society promoting morbid obesity as "healthy" is disgusting and doing a huge disservice to fat people.


Which is exactly why they should be shown what they should look like. "Body positivity" is anything but. It's the reason why so many are dying young these days, with heart disease and cancer being triggered by obesity, unhealthy diet and lack of exercise.

In Korean culture people will flat out tell you you're fat to your face. But they don't do it to be mean, they believe they're helping you, telling you for your health and integration in society. It often works as peer pressure and judgment of others can be very strong motivators. Western society promoting morbid obesity as "healthy" is disgusting and doing a huge disservice to fat people.
Dj Khaled Compliment GIF


Gold Member

wtf man can’t even have cute waifus anymore it’s all just going to be Barry from the pub wearing a wig

There was a topic not long ago on reeee talking about how the human models in 3d pokemon games are top tier character design, even if they actually look like absolute generic dogshit of the highest order.

Now i can finally understand why they love them so much.
The part that says "...get back to the positive gaming community we have been creating." is so extremely out of touch. One of the major issues here is the desire (of people like the author of that tweet) to enforce a version of "positivity" on others at the expense of good games and general respect for customers. It's also weird to talk about a "positive" gaming community in a post also saying things like "final purge" and "full detox". The lack of self-awareness is staggering.

One of the additional things that the curator has done, besides providing a factual list of games worked on by SBI, is it's brought so many of these loonies into the public eye.
Not only that, but its a mistruth as well. These lunatics barged into the space and started squatting around like they've always owned it. It makes matters even more obnoxious and aggravating when they're trying to push out the people who were here originally to begin with.

There was never nearly as much internal strife in the history of the gaming community until these people appeared.
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I’m going to start a company called ‘Sour Adult Separated’ and I rock up to your company, fire all the purple haired land-whales and wedgie anyone that claims the game needs a narrative.

$3000 per hour.
While doing that try to introduce this brand new concept I just come up ... hiring for..... wait... is genius... hiring for merit.
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If developers think this is just "terminally online" people and opinions, nothing else, then we have a bigger problem than we initially thought.

No we don’t.

Hogwarts Legacy sales: 22 million.

Don’t let their presence in the online space convince you these idiots are in anyway anything other than a tiny minority out in the real world.

Absolutely zero point engaging with them, arguing with them, or taking them into consideration in any way. I don’t blame devs or anybody else in the gaming space for not speaking out right now. Accomplishes nothing. Best keep your head down, and fuck them over the only way that works: make games they’ll despise.
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The part that says "...get back to the positive gaming community we have been creating." is so extremely out of touch. One of the major issues here is the desire (of people like the author of that tweet) to enforce a version of "positivity" on others at the expense of good games and general respect for customers. It's also weird to talk about a "positive" gaming community in a post also saying things like "final purge" and "full detox". The lack of self-awareness is staggering.

One of the additional things that the curator has done, besides providing a factual list of games worked on by SBI, is it's brought so many of these loonies into the public eye.
It always was a positive community.

Only when a small mentally unstable group started demanding changes that fit their fucked up way of thinking, is when shit got toxic.
And people of the original positive community are pushing back.

And now we're the bad guys!?

Note to Woke Elitists: Take your self entitled victim complex, combine it with your out of this world audacity and stick it up your ass.


Only when a small mentally unstable group started demanding changes that fit their fucked up way of thinking, is when shit got toxic.

Remember this?

The person that made the original "Complaint" was trolling the ree types and they totally went for it. I can't find the link for the admission of the troll right now though.


It's almost as if they're trying to redefine women's bodies so that trans can be more accepted as women.


That's what this really all about.

Trans women cannot ever look like feminine women, therefore it's advantageous to them to stop images of feminine women being prevalent in popular culture.

They want a much more androgenised female image to become popular, because that is what they can achieve themselves. I get the psychology. I absolutely do.

The problem is, trans women are a very small minority.

The majority of people do not want androgenous female imagery, because they are either males who want to objectify women... or actual women, who want to identify with them.

Unfortunately, trans women make up a vastly disproportionate amount of people working in video games, and thus we reach the point of conflict and contention we have.

The solution is of course for more trans women representation, alongside actual women - but the problem is they don't want to be seen as 'trans women'. They want to be seen as 'women'. That's the entire inflection point of this debate.
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Remember this?

The person that made the original "Complaint" was trolling the ree types and they totally went for it. I can't find the link for the admission of the troll right now though.
Holy shit, I didnt know this one. Wow.... Just wow.....

20 years ago people with mental issues would be sent to a shrink.
Fast Forward to today and we have to concur with the same group, just out of self injected pity!?

Im not having it.


On the other hand you have facts, which are: a huge portion of US cirizen is overweight or obese. This or worse is what girls look like nowadays.
FTFY. Obesity is certainly a problem some people have over here but it's far, far less common than in the US where you just have to look around in the street to find one.

Ulysses 31

It's almost as if they're trying to redefine women's bodies so that trans can be more accepted as women.
A theory I heard a YouTuber(Melonie Mac) present for all this defeminization is the make the characters more trans friendly, easer for a trans person to identify with since they naturally can't get curvy figures(lest they get plastic surgery and stuff).


It always was a positive community.

Only when a small mentally unstable group started demanding changes that fit their fucked up way of thinking, is when shit got toxic.
And people of the original positive community are pushing back.

And now we're the bad guys!?

Note to Woke Elitists: Take your self entitled victim complex, combine it with your out of this world audacity and stick it up your ass.

Labeling any opposition as the "bad guys" has been the typical way these sorts have handled things for over a decade now. One thing that is changing, though, is people aren't buying it as readily as they once did. It's why we see examination and contesting of narrow-minded/extreme statements more than ever now. It's a good change to see.


No we don’t.

Hogwarts Legacy sales: 22 million.

Don’t let their presence in the online space convince you these idiots are in anyway anything other than a tiny minority out in the real world.

Absolutely zero point engaging with them, arguing with them, or taking them into consideration in any way. I don’t blame devs or anybody else in the gaming space for not speaking out right now. Accomplishes nothing. Best keep your head down, and fuck them over the only way that works: make games they’ll despise.
Sales data is pointless cause it can easily be countered with facts like spiderman 2 selling gangbusters even though they consulted openly with racists and have defended them and MS/Xbox who are so rich they can buy a publisher for 70bil coming out and saying they won't ever develop a certain type of woman/female character.

Again, thinking this is just a small subset online is a huge mistake. They are in charge of the biggest companies in the industry even though they will openly admit their bigotry online for all to see.

The lead writer of the next black panther game, a Disney IP being published by EA openly admits she doesn't hire white people. You think that is just a few people on resetera?
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Sales data is pointless cause it can easily be countered with facts like spiderman 2 selling gangbusters even though they consulted openly with racists and have defended them and MS/Xbox who are so rich they can buy a publisher for 70bil coming out and saying they won't ever develop a certain type of woman/female character.

Again, thinking this is just a small subset online is a huge mistake. They are in charge of the biggest companies in the industry even though they will openly admit their bigotry online for all to see.

The lead writer of the next black panther game, a Disney IP being published by EA openly admits she doesn't hire white people. You think that is just a few people on resetera?

Sales data is the only reliable metric for how an industry functions, and what is successful and what is not. Spider-man 2 sold a great deal because it is Spider-man. Throw all that stuff in a new IP and see how it performs.

Time and time again, we've seen new IP (and some existing) fail hard because of this stuff. It's not what the general public wants or expects.

The crazies are not in charge of anything. What they are is in the ears of the people who are in charge (still old white dudes) who only care about the bottom line. The lunatics have convinced the old white men in charge that their brand of identity politics sells. Up until now, that is. You can bet things will change, provided the ideologically driven games keep failing.

She's not the lead writer on the next Black Panther game. That has been roundly debunked. She's at entry level on the team. An 'associate narrative designer' which sounds like one level above the tea boy, thank god.
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Sales data is the only reliable metric for how an industry functions, and what is successful and what is not. Spider-man 2 sold a great deal because it is Spider-man. Throw all that stuff in a new IP and see how it performs.

Time and time again, we've seen new IP (and some existing) fail hard because of this stuff. It's not what the general public wants or expects.

The crazies are not in charge of anything. What they are is in the ears of the people who are in charge (still old white dudes) who only care about the bottom line. The lunatics have convinced the old white men in charge that their brand of identity politics sells. Up until now, that is. You can bet things will change, provided the ideologically driven games keep failing.

She's not the lead writer on the next Black Panther game. That has been roundly debunked. She's at entry level on the team. An 'associate narrative designer' which sounds like one level above the tea boy, thank god.
Doing nothing and saying nothing is not the solution.

I don't know why we wanna downplay the roles these people have. Have you not played a modern game?

The old white guys just want money, they don't enforce or enact any change, they just fire when the money stops coming. So with insomniac we have the crazies running the show making all the decisions and their games sell gangbusters.

It will forever be pointed at (like it has been over and over again) that ragnarok and aw2 and spiderman2 are great examples of how SBI is amazing so that's why review scores/ sales etc doesn't really change anything... sure it's gonna change some AA studios that need the sales as well as a few indie games.

But the issue in the big AAA blockbuster development houses won't change, because as someone else in this thread already proclaimed they'll just consume and consume.

That's why it's more of a problem if developers worldwide really think it's "just terminally online crazies" because it means they are just as clueless and this shit will take over (if it hasn't already) in their studio.

Which in a round about way goes back to my original point that it's not so great that we don't have any voices in development even slightly not in favor of things like DEI or SBI...

I just don't see the evidence that 99% of developers dislike it or wish it wasn't a thing in the industry.

I just don't get the downplaying like this isn't an issue and nothing to be concerned about from any perspective besides the shareholders.
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Doing nothing and saying nothing is not the solution.

I don't know why we wanna downplay the roles these people have. Have you not played a modern game?

The old white guys just want money, they don't enforce or enact any change, they just fire when the money stops coming. So with insomniac we have the crazies running the show making all the decisions and their games sell gangbusters.

It will forever be pointed at (like it has been over and over again) that ragnarok and aw2 and spiderman2 are great examples of how SBI is amazing so that's why review scores/ sales etc doesn't really change anything... sure it's gonna change some AA studios that need the sales as well as a few indie games.

But the issue in the big AAA blockbuster development houses won't change, because as someone else in this thread already proclaimed they'll just consume and consume.

That's why it's more of a problem if developers worldwide really think it's "just terminally online crazies" because it means they are just as clueless and this shit will take over (if it hasn't already) in their studio.

Which in a round about way goes back to my original point that it's not so great that we don't have any voices in development even slightly not in favor of things like DEI or SBI...

I just don't see the evidence that 99% of developers dislike it or wish it wasn't a thing in the industry.

I just don't get the downplaying like this isn't an issue and nothing to be concerned about from any perspective besides the shareholders.

Well, you won't want to hear this, but if games like Spider-man 2 and Ragnarok are selling in huge numbers, why would they want to change? The consumer is always right. If games are selling, then they'll stick to the formula they have that's meeting with success - whether you approve of it or not.

My point is that the ideology driven games are by and large not doing very well, and I expect that trend to continue. So why would devs risk their livelihoods to call something out? The market does the job.

The only thing gamers can really do is stop buying the games - and stop fucking pre-ordering too! That's the only way any of this will change.

...which is why they want to silence the Steam curator group so much.
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Gold Member

That's what this really all about.

Trans women cannot ever look like feminine women, therefore it's advantageous to them to stop images of feminine women being prevalent in popular culture.

They want a much more androgenised female image to become popular, because that is what they can achieve themselves. I get the psychology. I absolutely do.

The problem is, trans women are a very small minority.

The majority of people do not want androgenous female imagery, because they are either males who want to objectify women... or actual women, who want to identify with them.

Unfortunately, trans women make up a vastly disproportionate amount of people working in video games, and thus we reach the point of conflict and contention we have.

The solution is of course for more trans women representation, alongside actual women - but the problem is they don't want to be seen as 'trans women'. They want to be seen as 'women'. That's the entire inflection point of this debate.
Well said. I will kiss your peen


The woke hivemind (or whatever you want to call it) is ruining gaming/film/tv etc... Please take me back to the good old days of gaming when the focus was gameplay and not what a they/them looks like. I just cannot believe we are getting these activists to make games. This is what hiring based on diversity does instead of hiring on talent- it ruins everything.


The woke hivemind (or whatever you want to call it) is ruining gaming/film/tv etc... Please take me back to the good old days of gaming when the focus was gameplay and not what a they/them looks like. I just cannot believe we are getting these activists to make games. This is what hiring based on diversity does instead of hiring on talent- it ruins everything.
And now even Google's AI, Gemini, has DEI embedded in it, to the point that it teaches that there were not only black forefathers but black Nazis!!


And now even Google's AI, Gemini, has DEI embedded in it, to the point that it teaches that there were not only black forefathers but black Nazis!!
The black nazis was the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m sure the engineers knew something was wrong, but it seemed they were following a DEI handbook and we’re afraid to say anything.

Maybe it’s a good thing that Skynet is a little stupid, so we can beat them.


The part that says "...get back to the positive gaming community we have been creating." is so extremely out of touch. One of the major issues here is the desire (of people like the author of that tweet) to enforce a version of "positivity" on others at the expense of good games and general respect for customers. It's also weird to talk about a "positive" gaming community in a post also saying things like "final purge" and "full detox". The lack of self-awareness is staggering.

One of the additional things that the curator has done, besides providing a factual list of games worked on by SBI, is it's brought so many of these loonies into the public eye.
These are the same people that call everyone they don't like fascists while trying to control everything people see, say, think, and do.


Perpetually Tired
Well, you won't want to hear this, but if games like Spider-man 2 and Ragnarok are selling in huge numbers, why would they want to change? The consumer is always right. If games are selling, then they'll stick to the formula they have that's meeting with success - whether you approve of it or not.

My point is that the ideology driven games are by and large not doing very well, and I expect that trend to continue. So why would devs risk their livelihoods to call something out? The market does the job.

The only thing gamers can really do is stop buying the games - and stop fucking pre-ordering too! That's the only way any of this will change.

...which is why they want to silence the Steam curator group so much.

I would also argue that those games sold as well as they did because of their IP and previous game, not because they were genuinely good games.

I fully expect their sequels, if they continue down the same path, to sell worse overall.
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