My PC has a single video card with HDMI, DVI, and DisplayPort out. Monitor has HDMI-in only. I have a TV with HDMI-in. I'm trying to have the PC output to the monitor and TV simultaneously (mirrored, not two monitors). Right now I unplug and swap HDMI cables but it's a bit annoying. I'd rather just have constant output. What's my best bet? External HDMI splitter, so I have one cable from PC to splitter and two from splitter to output devices? Use a DVI-to-HDMI or DisplayPort-to-HDMI cable on the video card? I need sound to be carried to both destinations, I use my monitor's speakers. I also care about efficiency, so whatever is the solution that uses the least electricity and wastes the least is best for me. Thanks for your advice.
So I just finished Shadow Complex Remastered - the game is legit guys. Honestly, probably my third favorite Metroid-vania game of all time, behind only Super Metroid and Symphony of the Night. There is so much stuff to do and collect, tons of secrets and things, and even whole sections of the story you can miss/skip. There are even (technically) multiple endings.
I'm really glad this game has come to PC. And it's free so you should all be playing it.
It's a cool game. I won't use Epic Games Launcher so I haven't checked, but did the challenge rooms make it intact? The leaderboard elements of the game on 360 were great. I still haven't quite grinded out level 50 even after like 5 or 6 game completions (speed-run, alternate ending, multiple 100% runthroughs) hahah
Yeah I was just messing around. About 6 years ago now I sold almost everything I owned and packed up the rest and drove across the country - literally as far away as I could from where I grew up because that place was absolutely terrible. I don't regret it one bit. I kinda like it here, but this country has some serious problems. I've actually been giving some thought to moving to yours once both my kids are out of college (about 4 years from now). Seems nice there.
I really think almost anyone can benefit from moving to a different country, or to somewhere unfamiliar. The sense of perspective helps you appreciate your home more for its strengths while also exposing you to the different ways life can be. My home wasn't bad, but I'm really glad I'm here now. I have mixed feelings about America as a whole, but I am very grateful for the opportunity I have here and there's much to love about this country's people, spirit, food, diversity, nature, and culture... and for me living in a city that's one of the cultural capitals of the world has been a blessing... and not just because I got called a drug dealer on national TV. I have no idea where I'll end up next. There are so many states here I haven't explored yet... and so many countries outside America. Maybe Scotland or Iceland or Norway, I've always wanted to live even further north than I grew up. Or maybe New Zealand or Australia, both of which I love. Vegemite is cool. Who knows, maybe my wife will leave me and I'll bum around from country to country. Life has a funny way of throwing weird opportunities at you.
For anyone reading who is unhappy at home and considering some drastic move to change things in their life, I recommend it highly. Any opportunity you can get to live abroad--an exchange program, grad school, being a mail-order husbando, whatever--do it.
If anyone is in my neck of the woods, I'd be happy to grab a beer or play some You Don't Know Jack.