Scary Movie 2
Saw: The Final Chapter
I was wondering if we'd get any big name movies on Steam besides the Mad Max films.
Scary Movie 2
Saw: The Final Chapter
New Dragon's Dogma DLC?
Time for Dino Crisis
Is Resident Evil Origins something new?
Just hope someone is able to go through it all before they patch it up.
Will Kingdom Hearts Final Mix games come too?
Didn't DD on consoles have DLC for like weapons and stuff? That's probably all that is.New Dragon's Dogma DLC?
"dino crisis" -> no matches
80543 Hard Reset Redux <- I assume this is why it's in bundle.
69382 NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Souzou Sengoku Risshiden <-- some Koei stuff
I think it's just 0+1 HD pack.
I assume SteamDB guys downloaded everything before they started leaks.
What if both sets are the same frequency?
In the other thread Danganronpa 1 and 2 are apparently part of the leak.
There it is... oh my god.
There it is... oh my god.
If anyone can call their packages, I am not sure if Valve was that.
I bet it's codename for Ricochet 2..Must be some third party dev trolling
I'm gonna assume it's a JP dev and Forth is some engrish
Don't get the big deal of Half Life 3 we know they have been messing with it for awhile now. Just because it's on SteamDB doesn't mean that it's soon. Games can sit in SteamDB for however long they want.
Is this a troll from steamdb?
Don't get the big deal of Half Life 3 we know they have been messing with it for awhile now. Just because it's on SteamDB doesn't mean that it's soon. Games can sit in SteamDB for however long they want.
It's just feel surreal.
I feel like that HL3 leak kinda make the other leaks just meaningless rumours.
New Dragon's Dogma DLC?
How can I screw around and look through the list?
Check and see if there's any Trespasser.