STEAM | December II 2014 - A thread for people who don't like sale side posters.

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first time seeing this red banner when going from a non-de link to steam
no way to disable it -_-

jshackles plz

it shows even on pages on games
so irritating


I have a few hours to kill at work. What are some games that I can play that don't require my undivided attention. Looking for games that aren't timed and that I can play with just a mouse or minimal keyboard interaction and that I can run windowed. I was thinking a puzzle game perhaps, though it doesn't have to be. I was tempted to play some Hearthstone, but that makes my laptop's fan get pretty loud, which is quite obvious in a quiet office.
Just having finished a set... how about LYNE? I see you already own it and have played it for an hour, so I'm not sure if you like it or not :x
I forgot to tell you guys, I got the neatest emoticon from crafting the starbound badge the other day, A PENGUIN!!
the only way i can think of making it any better was if it was a prinny. pls NIS.

UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that fucking blows, then that means its a problem on my end and I have no idea what it is ._.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
first time seeing this red banner when going from a non-de link to steam

no way to disable it -_-

jshackles plz

it shows even on pages on games
so irritating

Extension -> Options: uncheck this box:


This feature was put in place for people that accidentally click into the Steam store in a region that isn't their own and don't have a way (through the UI) to get back to their default (billing) region.
how about Dungeons of Dredmor? or Civ V?

Hmm, I do own Dungeons of Dredmor, though it looks a little more involved than I'm looking for at the moment. I may have to check it out later. Thanks!

Just having finished a set... how about LYNE? I see you already own it and have played it for an hour, so I'm not sure if you like it or not :x

Ooh, yeah I've only idled it but haven't played it yet. It sounds like a good choice. Thanks!


Extension -> Options: uncheck this box:


This feature was put in place for people that accidentally click into the Steam store in a region that isn't their own and don't have a way (through the UI) to get back to their default (billing) region.

jshackles has better support staff than valve lol


May bite on TWD S2. Could someone refresh my memory if S1 had cloud saving? Also never played 400 days DLC. Should I buy that also?

The 400 days DLC is not essential, no, but 1 of the characters from the DLC has an important role in Season 2.
You will see others as well, depending on your choices, but only 1 is actually relevant.

Both seasons have Steam Cloud saves, I'm not sure if season 1 had the feature from the beginning, though.

Dr Dogg

Yay, Mom's heart is history! This time I had a huge controllable tear, so I just ran around the room and let it do its work :D

For a second there I thought your poor old mum was having a heart attack and you're dancing round the room singing 'ding dong the witch is dead' when I get the feeling you're talking about Binding of Isaac.


For a second there I thought your poor old mum was having a heart attack and you're dancing round the room singing 'ding dong the witch is dead' when I get the feeling you're talking about Binding of Isaac.

Haha this time I forgot to add that I was talking about the game. :D
Another day, another bunch of sadness for deals.

Depending on where you live*, you'll be fine.

I've had three root canals in my life
mostly due to nerve damage caused by a car accident I was in 16 years ago
and they're not too bad. *The first one I had was in southern Alabama and that was an experience.

Thanks for the encouragement. Dental care in Alabama sounds incredibly ironic.

And terrifying.

Protips: Get the crown. It's expensive, but it's absolutely worth the price. Also, don't use the pain meds they give you afterward unless you really need it. Not only does that lessen the chance of addiction, but you'll have a few left over for emergencies! :)

Dentist didn't give me the option, so I guess that's good. Insurance is picking up most of it which is good, cuz that shit is not cheap.

I paid full price for 4 a couple months ago.(ugggghh) Having to wait until June to get the crowns since the insurance has a 12 month inaugural period before it covers major work.

Holy Shit. That sucks dude.

I refused to pay the high price for a digital copy of Dragon Age Inquisition, so today I paid 60€ for a physical copy.... though i was looking for a Steam Wallet card or a nice SSD at the store but I couldn't find anything else to buy as a present. Hopefully it's as good as it's hyped to be.

It is.
Extension -> Options: uncheck this box:[/]
This feature was put in place for people that accidentally click into the Steam store in a region that isn't their own and don't have a way (through the UI) to get back to their default (billing) region.[/QUOTE]
oh. it was not from steam but es? weird that it showed just now for the first time.
here i thought steam added that feature, haha.
but it was you. it was you all along [s]austin[/s] jshackles


I refused to pay the high price for a digital copy of Dragon Age Inquisition, so today I paid 60€ for a physical copy.... though i was looking for a Steam Wallet card or a nice SSD at the store but I couldn't find anything else to buy as a present. Hopefully it's as good as it's hyped to be.

The game got absolutely torn to pieces in The RPS GOTY thread.

Even the people defending the game were making massive concessions for the story, gameplay, etc.


The game got absolutely torn to pieces in The RPS GOTY thread.
Even the people defending the game were making massive concessions for the story, gameplay, etc.

So, is this second DA2? Great press reviews, gets absolutely slammed by anyone who played more than 3 hours?


So, is this second DA2? Great press reviews, gets absolutely slammed by anyone who played more than 3 hours?

I've been doing some reading around GAF the past couple of days and listening to some informed arguments. From what I have been able to gather

Shallow combat
Streamlined RPG mechanics
Boring quest design
Good world building
Solid visuals
Story and writing is hit or miss

If you like the streamlined direction Bioware games have been going, then you will probably like Inquisition. If you are looking for something with some depth, then it seems you are better off looking elsewhere.
The good news is, this has been a banner year for RPGs. You don't have to look far to scratch that itch with objectively good games.


DAI isn't as good as Origins but is nowhere near worthy of the backlash it is receiving in some threads, and certainly not the new DA2.


Question. A noobish one at it as well :p

If you delete Borderlands 2 GOTY (and any other DLC you purchased) - do you lose any of the DLC (that you have to buy them again) or do you lose those keys, or anything?

I know there's a certain number of times you can download the DLC for BL1 GOTY....or am I wrong..?


Question. A noobish one at it as well :p

If you delete Borderlands 2 GOTY (and any other DLC you purchased) - do you lose any of the DLC (that you have to buy them again) or do you lose those keys, or anything?

I know there's a certain number of times you can download the DLC for BL1 GOTY....or am I wrong..?

No. Older games had activation limits but most games do not have them anymore.

Dr Dogg

DA:I is alright, not great but certainly not as bad as I've seen it painted. Definitely leans very heavy on the action side of things, story is much more focused than 2 and the cast are certainly more enjoyable too. The reason it has resonated so well with a lot of the press is that it's very easily digestible mechanically, narratively and thematically.

Though if anyone even thinks about saying it has a tactical combat option I really would err on the side of caution with that opinion. Tacked on would be an understatement. You can't queue actions, the camera is a bit fettered until you get the hang of it, party assignments and behaviours are thin on the ground and sometimes don't work reliably. The advance time/fast forward option in a nice feature which somewhat mitigates the lack of queuing but it just adds to the tedium of having to constantly micromanage party members and the battle and ends up taking longer than it should.
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