STEAM | December II 2014 - A thread for people who don't like sale side posters.

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ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (HP_Wuvcraft, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Humble Bundle RPG Edition I can't do multiple keys i need to do the whole thing? i hope you guys like RPGs -- MB-B55D77B96568412E - Taken by derExperte


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Question. A noobish one at it as well :p

If you delete Borderlands 2 GOTY (and any other DLC you purchased) - do you lose any of the DLC (that you have to buy them again) or do you lose those keys, or anything?

I know there's a certain number of times you can download the DLC for BL1 GOTY....or am I wrong..?

When it comes to Steam purchases, you'll only lose content if there was a payment processing error or the publisher revokes the keys. There was also that time Squeenix removed Order of War: Challenge from user libraries because it became functionally useless after the servers were shut down, but even that was partially reversed by Valve since the move left some people without a game they'd specifically paid for (those who obtained it as part of Order of War vanilla weren't so lucky, unfortunately).



SteamGAF™ ARG™ incoming.

are you fucking hype.
guys help me out, whats the best 970? to many versions to know which one is good and which is bad and I know jack shit about this stuff.
Palit GeForce GTX 970 JetStream 4GB
cheapest non-stock version which outperform most other brands
thanks to dr dogg for pointing me to that card!


When it comes to Steam purchases, you'll only lose content if there was a payment processing error or the publisher revokes the keys. There was also that time Squeenix removed Order of War: Challenge from user libraries because it became functionally useless after the servers were shut down, but even that was partially reversed by Valve since the move left some people without a game they'd specifically paid for (those who obtained it as part of Order of War vanilla weren't so lucky, unfortunately).

Oh ok ;o

Well when I meant by keys, I meant to say the Golden Keys to open the rare chests XD.

No. Older games had activation limits but most games do not have them anymore.

Oh ok, but backing them up (the games that do have limitations) rather than deleting them prevents that right?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Oh ok ;o

Well when I meant by keys, I meant to say the Golden Keys to open the rare chests XD.

Ah. I assume they're tied to your save, and the game supports Steam Cloud so you'd have to be particularly unlucky to lose them.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.


The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is back. No Ice Age or Family Guy, though.

Oh no, should've sold or traded my copies for unimaginable profits immediately.

Palit GeForce GTX 970 JetStream 4GB
cheapest non-stock version which outperform most other brands
thanks to dr dogg for pointing me to that card!

Hm, this (unfortunately only German) review reported serious coil whine problems with the Palit and a user review I found somewhere else claimed he had not only whine but also some kind of crackle (but I guess you can have bad luck with any card):

Dr Dogg

guys help me out, whats the best 970? to many versions to know which one is good and which is bad and I know jack shit about this stuff.

Define best? If it's performance then a Galax Hall of Fame wipes the floor with pretty much any variant as they're binned and have stupidly high factory overclocks. If you want price then Palit are a decent OEM with slightly lower prices than most. Cooling performance then a ASUS STIX has a semi passive cooler which doesn't spin the fans ups when at a low temperature but kicks in when needed and has great thermals. MSI's Gaming and Gigabyte's G1 sit in the middle of all those. Of course if you a raving slobbering fanboy like me you'd buy nothing but EVGA GPUs.

As i've said many, many time before you can ask 10 people and they can recommend 10 completely different GPU's. Best thing to do is go with a manufacturer you trust and have a good experience with in the past (for returns and build quality and such) and most importantly go read a lot of reviews AND user impression from the more well adjusted posters at a tech or PC site you trust.
Hm, this German review reported serious coil whine problems with the Palit:
yeah, i read another review mention it but they wrote it is definitely not much and gets lost under normal use in a closed case.
this didn't make it sound bad
i also read another review where multiple vendors' 970 got tested and palit came out very good. but can't find article :/
Define best? If it's performance then a Galax Hall of Fame wipes the floor with pretty much any variant as they're binned and have stupidly high factory overclocks. If you want price then Palit are a decent OEM with slightly lower prices than most. Cooling performance then a ASUS STIX has a semi passive cooler which doesn't spin the fans ups when at a low temperature but kicks in when needed and has great thermals. MSI's Gaming and Gigabyte's G1 sit in the middle of all those. Of course if you a raving slobbering fanboy like me you'd buy nothing but EVGA GPUs.

As i've said many, many time before you can ask 10 people and they can recommend 10 completely different GPU's. Best thing to do is go with a manufacturer you trust and have a good experience with in the past (for returns and build quality and such) and most importantly go read a lot of reviews AND user impression from the more well adjusted posters at a tech or PC site you trust.

by best i mean its not total shit, but not really expensive either. also it can't have that coil whining thing. I looked it up and my god that will get annoying extremely fast. my current graphics card is EVGA actually. its a gtx 640ti, or something like that, I forget. maybe i should get another EVGA, it hasn't given me any problems in the 3 years that I've owned it.

edit: oh god, theres like 4 versions of it tho.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Actually no it doesn't.

There should be a steam-idle.exe file in the same directory as Idle Master. Make sure it's there - if not, download it from the Github page. If it is there, make sure you're launching Idle Master as an administrator if your using Windows Vista or higher.

Some anti-virus programs have been known to delete the steam-idle.exe application based on it's "reputation score". It's not that it contains a virus, just that it's not been widely used.
There should be a steam-idle.exe file in the same directory as Idle Master. Make sure it's there - if not, download it from the Github page. If it is there, make sure you're launching Idle Master as an administrator if your using Windows Vista or higher.

Some anti-virus programs have been known to delete the steam-idle.exe application based on it's "reputation score". It's not that it contains a virus, just that it's not been widely used.

Okay I ran it as administrator and I get this little pop-up image of the game I'm currently idling. Already have the steam-idle.exe, though it doesn't seem to do anything when I run it.

My Steam status still just shows as "currently-online".

EDIT: Oops I'm a goof, I forgot to reload my Steam profile.
Definitely showing up as in-game.

Thanks j.


I've been doing some reading around GAF the past couple of days and listening to some informed arguments. From what I have been able to gather

Shallow combat
Streamlined RPG mechanics
Boring quest design
Good world building
Solid visuals
Story and writing is hit or miss

If you like the streamlined direction Bioware games have been going, then you will probably like Inquisition. If you are looking for something with some depth, then it seems you are better off looking elsewhere.
The good news is, this has been a banner year for RPGs. You don't have to look far to scratch that itch with objectively good games.

So why the fuck is this so acclaimed, especially with so many other great RPGs this year?


A duplicate from HP_Wuvcraft's RPG bundle (thx!).

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (derExperte, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Alpha Kimori: Episode One -- MB-5EA1636F705F552F - Taken by NightmareTrigger


The good news is, this has been a banner year for RPGs. You don't have to look far to scratch that itch with objectively good games.

I've played M&M X and TitS this year, still have Banner Saga and Divinity:OS to play, not to mention games like Dark Souls, Dragon Age: Origins, Baldur's Gate or Grimrock games. Or those Steam RPGMaker titles, which are quite often good, bite-sized fun.

I'm not starved for RPGs, is what I'm saying. Especially Origin exclusives. :\


didn't da2 also get shit on by the press?

The advancements in RPG mechanics would be enough to set it apart, but the real achievement of Dragon Age II is in the story-telling. I could point out the improved combat and graphics till there's blood covering my face, but BioWare is one of the few companies that uses the advanced computing power available to modern game designers to let you actually play a role.
The best RPG combat ever. Not gaming’s best story, but maybe its best storytelling. Darker, sexier, better.
12 hour deals
  • Spelunky 80% off
Community choice
  • Bully 80% off
hear a lot of good things about spelunky. 2,50€. hm.
voted for bully.
In other news, Harebrained Schemes just put up a picture for their new Shadowrun campaign.
Looks like we're getting a Hong Kong campaign after all. Pretty cool.
sweet! always love having cyberpunk themed wallpapers.
would love having that in bigger size.
That saber is so useful...[/]
I prefer if they went this route though...
reminds me of berserk and cloud. neat.
It's the eight and final night of Hanukkah, which mean's it's time for another giveaway. Blitzhex won Half-Minute Hero: The Second Coming yesterday but did not choice a game for today's giveaway. That's why thing's are going a bit different today. Lets go out with a bang:
....aaaand that's about it. I'm a bit over budget, but what the hell.
I've had a lot of fun creating this ModBot streak, I must say.
It also made me look at some games I had no knowledge of before, like The Deer God.
Anyhow, I hope people enjoyed the little giveaway "twist" and the people who won something will have a lot of fun with their games. Happy holiday's! :)
it was really fun and made me curious what's next. thanks for doing this :)
gonna go for banished. it's not a good game guys, don't enter >_>
hope to see you here after sale more!

Dr Dogg

by best i mean its not total shit, but not really expensive either. also it can't have that coil whining thing. I looked it up and my god that will get annoying extremely fast. my current graphics card is EVGA actually. its a gtx 640ti, or something like that, I forget. maybe i should get another EVGA, it hasn't given me any problems in the 3 years that I've owned it.

edit: oh god, theres like 4 versions of it tho.

A few points to note about EVGA's ACX 970's is that one of them had a bit of an issue where the heatsink didn't make full contact with the GPU die so cooling performance wasn't optimal and the newer ones need a bit of tinkering with fan speeds if you want to keep noise down as they're set a bit higher in the BIOS but when doing that cooling performance does drop off as well. They do a reference model with the Titan cooler but only one retailer in the whole bloody world sells that and that's over here in the UK. Don't know what their other blower type cooler performs like but it's a bit on the ugly side.

Also coil whine is a lottery, especially with GPU's packing more and more VRM's and caps on their boards these days. It's become a bit of a blanket term for any noise coming out of a PC but it's by no means a new thing.


Working on 2015 thread from scratch, this means finally sorting out that FAQ and other sections, right now I am working on the main titles and graphics.

Currently I decided to get rid of the stupid thread icons, title reflects colour scheme of Steam now, got rid STEAM and just have the logo, no more transparent lines on pictures.



yeah, i went to metacritic and i was surprised to see an 82 metascore

i guess my memory of it is distorted from neogaf absolutely destroying it from every possible angle lol

To be fair, the first few hours of Skyrim are really impressive.
i mean i'm not trying to say anything bad about reviewers, they clearly favor that kind of rpgs and that's their choice. i'm sure most of the people that read their sites agree with them, so sounds like they're doing right by their audiences

hear a lot of good things about spelunky. 2,50€. hm.
voted for bully.
get it, spelunky's great

like super hexagon or dark souls or vvvvvv or whatever, it's one of those games you die and you die and you die but each time you get one step further and it feels so satisfying when all those steps amount to a new area or a boss or a secret

it's fantastic

Working on 2015 thread from scratch, this means finally sorting out that FAQ and other sections, right now I am working on the main titles and graphics.

Currently I decided to get rid of the stupid thread icons, title reflects colour scheme of Steam now, got rid STEAM and just have the logo, no more transparent lines on pictures.

i liked the lines ;_;
Working on 2015 thread from scratch, this means finally sorting out that FAQ and other sections, right now I am working on the main titles and graphics.

Currently I decided to get rid of the stupid thread icons, title reflects colour scheme of Steam now, got rid STEAM and just have the logo, no more transparent lines on pictures.


Aw I liked the lines over the images. Great job as always though.
Working on 2015 thread from scratch, this means finally sorting out that FAQ and other sections, right now I am working on the main titles and graphics.
Currently I decided to get rid of the stupid thread icons, title reflects colour scheme of Steam now, got rid STEAM and just have the logo, no more transparent lines on pictures.
simpler is good. great work as usual orange!
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