STEAM | December II 2014 - A thread for people who don't like sale side posters.

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Hmmm Lords of Shadow 2 is at its low recorded price (according to ITAD dot com) over at Nuuvem for around $5. It's region locked though to the Americas.

Worth jumping in?
I checked this game out only to be reminded of something that really frustrates me. Why do publishers/stores not include videos with gameplay? Even including gifs would sell me on a game much more than that cinematic on nuveem. Like that gif bayonetta posted. It's awesome, I'm interested in the game now and know what it's about. I'm much more likely to impulse buy after that verses the lord of shadows video.


irresponsible vagina leak
I checked this game out only to be reminded of something that really frustrates me. Why do publishers/stores not include videos with gameplay? Even including gifs would sell me on a game much more than that cinematic on nuveem. Like that gif bayonetta posted. It's awesome, I'm interested in the game now and know what it's about. I'm much more likely to impulse buy after that verses the lord of shadows video. Combo Vid. (Too lazy to make gifs right now)

I like those odds!


I checked this game out only to be reminded of something that really frustrates me. Why do publishers/stores not include videos with gameplay? Even including gifs would sell me on a game much more than that cinematic on nuveem. Like that gif bayonetta posted. It's awesome, I'm interested in the game now and know what it's about. I'm much more likely to impulse buy after that verses the lord of shadows video.

I'm the same way. I need to see game play stills for video before buying a game. A lot of the deal sites show trailers, which most of the time don't have actual game play in them.


Man, I'm kinda tempted to do something like that next time I use modbot. Just dump bad rats in there as well and call it a mystery.
Morning guys, what did I miss?
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 2 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (NingenJanai, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage -- MB-D2E2618EB643D9F6
Pixel Hunter -- MB-39C22A0CDEE49A27



Member Combo Vid. (Too lazy to make gifs right now)
That's cool thanks. It also proves my point. I'm much more interested in the game now than before. Could I have gone and found some gameplay for myself and then come back to nuveem? Sure, but I didn't. Its that initial impression that theyre failing at and I bet it has lost them more than a few sales.

Also why is the mobile site gimped on steam? I swear these companies don't want my money.


listen to the mad man
I tried a bunch of bundle fodder I'd been sitting on today:

Poof - Crashed on launch. Would not recommend.

Muffin Knight - Like Super Crate Box--almost exactly, down to the powerups--but with more forgiving and slow gameplay and level ups and upgrades and all the typical 2014 gameplay stuff. I'd recommend Super Crate Box over it.

8-Bit Boy - Platformer which despite the name is not inspired by NES platformers, but by DOS/Amiga platformers. Big, bright graphics. Terrible, sloppy controls. Level design meh. Found more frustrating than challenging. Music grated my nerves. Would not recommend. Looked like maybe 50 short-ish stages, I got to World 3 Level 4 (out of 5 worlds).

Meltdown - Online multiplayer isometric Smash TV but with slower and more methodical, more forgiving gameplay. 30 Missions, level ups and prestiges and unlocks up the wazoo. Played 8 missions, seemed pretty samey but fun in a mind-numbing kind of way. Multiplayer was pretty laggy and with no friendly fire or competition over loot drops or anything it felt more like two people playing their own games at the same time. Looks great, though, great style, and fun dubstep music. This is a meh-to-maybe.

Boson X - Infinite runner with a behind-the-shoulder camera angle, level-based progression, trippy primitive smooth graphics and an Amplitude/Frequency/Tempest style lane switching system. I liked this a lot, very polished, looked and felt great... but 18 levels and I finished 7 in the 40 minutes I played, so if you're not going for score attack I think this will be short (basically you build up a gauge to 100% to finish a level, but you keep playing until you die, so you can build higher and higher gauges). I definitely recommend this if you like Pivvot, Super Hexagon, Canabalt, that one Unicorn game from Adult Swim, etc. Really can't overstate how nice this one looked.

Canyon Capers - Another Amiga-inspired platformer, apparently a remake of an earlier game. Also has messy, floaty jumping physics and dull level design. The weirdest thing is that when you jump, your character flips, so you're constantly looking at this distracting rotating sprite. The levels aren't really play-until-the-end levels, they're sort of self-constained mazes and you have to get all the items in the maze to be able to go through the exit gate. Looked like maybe 30 stages, I got about 10 of the way through. Would not recommend.

Potatoman Seeks the Troof - This is basically a flat sidescroller where you have a guy that can jump and you have to avoid enemies and obstacles. It's not a platformer because there's no platforming, but you do jump. It's based on frustration platformers, so expect enemies to randomly break pattern or do something nonsense to kill you. There's a lot of text but it's mostly pseudo-philosophical nonsense. I found this frustrating and definitely like it felt it was funnier than it was. Won't run for me on Windows but ran fine on Mac. Would not recommend.

And some non-bundle fodder from yesterday

The Counting Kingdom - This is a neat little puzzle game. You have a 5-by-5 grid with your castle on the left hand side. Monsters stream in from the right. Each monster has a number on its body. You have cards with numbers. You need to select a continuous line of monsters that sums to one of your cards--so like a 1, a 2, and a 1 monster can be used with a 4 card. You can combine 2 cards to get the sum. You can discard a card to draw (but if you discard, the monsters advance on your castle). Some squares on the grid double a monster's number when they step on it. Every time you kill monsters more spawn, but you can't know where they'll spawn or what numbers they'll have. Near the end of the game you've got cards like 50 and you're trying to do... 7+8+4+11+17+2+4+6 in your head and trying to find the right number. Looks fantastic with a great, vibrant PopCap-style presentation. One problem... it's clearly made for people with the math skills of maybe a Grade 2-Grade 4 level (ages 7-9 or so). It's very easy and very short. So, uh, parents of SteamGAF, consider this for your young children?


i've been watching (more like listening while i work) jeff green for about 80 episodes now going through both dark souls 1 and 2 and it blows my mind that with more than 200 hours collectively between both games he still doesn't know how to backstab

that's just amazing
Boson X - Infinite runner with a behind-the-shoulder camera angle, level-based progression, trippy primitive smooth graphics and an Amplitude/Frequency/Tempest style lane switching system. I liked this a lot, very polished, looked and felt great... but 18 levels and I finished 7 in the 40 minutes I played, so if you're not going for score attack I think this will be short (basically you build up a gauge to 100% to finish a level, but you keep playing until you die, so you can build higher and higher gauges). I definitely recommend this if you like Pivvot, Super Hexagon, Canabalt, that one Unicorn game from Adult Swim, etc. Really can't overstate how nice this one looked.

I played this one for the first time today as well, I really liked it too. Gave me Race the Sun vibes.


i've been watching (more like listening while i work) jeff green for about 80 episodes now going through both dark souls 1 and 2 and it blows my mind that with more than 200 hours collectively between both games he still doesn't know how to backstab

that's just amazing

I plat'd both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls and never backstabbed or used magic (except on ng+ runs for trophies, where i learned how easy pyro was).

I'm melee all the way, preferably something like the Meat Cleaver, though in Dark I used something a bit faster.

I knew how to backstab, I just preferred straight up duels.


Potatoman Seeks the Troof - This is basically a flat sidescroller where you have a guy that can jump and you have to avoid enemies and obstacles. It's not a platformer because there's no platforming, but you do jump. It's based on frustration platformers, so expect enemies to randomly break pattern or do something nonsense to kill you. There's a lot of text but it's mostly pseudo-philosophical nonsense. I found this frustrating and definitely like it felt it was funnier than it was. Won't run for me on Windows but ran fine on Mac. Would not recommend.
That's disappointing to hear. I had it on my wishlist based on the amazing trailer.


Stormy Grey
Can someone please explain me the difference between all of the Strike Suit games? Appreciated.

Strike Suit Zero is the original game, a story based spacemech shooter that had some issues but was mostly well recieved. Strike Suit Infinity removed all of the story and concentrated on being a more arcade-centric experience. So imagine more score chasing and survival than progress. The Director's Cut of Zero changed the campaign around some, made some balance changes and added some new pretties. I believe it was the version of the game designed for the Playstation systems and then later made available to PC players as an upgrade.


Strike Suit Zero is the original game, a story based spacemech shooter that had some issues but was mostly well recieved. Strike Suit Infinity removed all of the story and concentrated on being a more arcade-centric experience. So imagine more score chasing and survival than progress. The Director's Cut of Zero changed the campaign around some, made some balance changes and added some new pretties. I believe it was the version of the game designed for the Playstation systems and then later made available to PC players as an upgrade.
I see. So rather than sequels in the traditional sense I should get one or the other
or both
or all three of them
depending on what I want from it.
Thank you! It was really puzzling looking at three entries (specially when one is a director's cut of another that's also available) and not being able to figure out the differences.
Collected all of Chico's Tapes in Ground Zeroes... I'm not okay with this.

I still know practically nothing about the series (I did grab the HD Collection off eBay as soon as I finished my first playthrough though), but that ending still hurts. I hope it's something like the whole thing was in his head during his coma, and she really makes it out alive or something. I dunno if Kojima would pull shenanigans like that though... I can't wait to hopefully get revenge, I am so hyped for Phantom Pain.

On a related note, there was that big "leak" post earlier, I'm just wondering how credible this guy is? I know there's that Boat guy whose leaks seem to be pretty reliable, but I'm skeptical of this guy. Even though I just bought the HD Collection for Xbox, I'd be thrilled to get it on PC. That much info just seems a little too good to be true...


Axel Hertz
Strike Suit Zero is the original game, a story based spacemech shooter that had some issues but was mostly well recieved. Strike Suit Infinity removed all of the story and concentrated on being a more arcade-centric experience. So imagine more score chasing and survival than progress. The Director's Cut of Zero changed the campaign around some, made some balance changes and added some new pretties. I believe it was the version of the game designed for the Playstation systems and then later made available to PC players as an upgrade.

Yet, there's no way to update to the "Director's Cut" version of the game? I see nothing on the Steam page.


lol got invaded right before lighting the bonfire after the anor londo archers

fortunately i got to beat the guy (none of my parries actually registered lol) so free kindle!


Stormy Grey
Yet, there's no way to update to the "Director's Cut" version of the game? I see nothing on the Steam page.

I think "Upgrade" was perhaps an odd way for me to put it, since the whole situation was sort of strange. When the Director's Cut first hit, owners of the original were given a very large (I want to say over 80%) discount to pick up the Director's Cut, but the deal only lasted for a few months. It was always a separate app as far as I know, so there's no upgrade path so much as there was a "Hey, thanks for buying the old thing, have new thing!"

This is the first time since then I have become aware that the original SSZ is still available for purchase.


wow got lautrec on two parries, so cool

smough and ornstein don't seem too hard without a shield but i tried to kill smough first and mega ornstein doesn't take much damage from my lighting spear
I'm hoping in some messed up reality, one of these Bad Rats giveaways is actually Ziggurat. I just can't take the disappointment of another copy of Bad Rats.
The Counting Kingdom - This is a neat little puzzle game. You have a 5-by-5 grid with your castle on the left hand side. Monsters stream in from the right. Each monster has a number on its body. You have cards with numbers. You need to select a continuous line of monsters that sums to one of your cards--so like a 1, a 2, and a 1 monster can be used with a 4 card. You can combine 2 cards to get the sum. You can discard a card to draw (but if you discard, the monsters advance on your castle). Some squares on the grid double a monster's number when they step on it. Every time you kill monsters more spawn, but you can't know where they'll spawn or what numbers they'll have. Near the end of the game you've got cards like 50 and you're trying to do... 7+8+4+11+17+2+4+6 in your head and trying to find the right number. Looks fantastic with a great, vibrant PopCap-style presentation. One problem... it's clearly made for people with the math skills of maybe a Grade 2-Grade 4 level (ages 7-9 or so). It's very easy and very short. So, uh, parents of SteamGAF, consider this for your young children?
I actually picked this up for my little sister a while ago, she really enjoys it.
I would also recommend it to other members of SteamGAF with young ones around.
wow got lautrec on two parries, so cool

smough and ornstein don't seem too hard without a shield but i tried to kill smough first and mega ornstein doesn't take much damage from my lighting spear

Just thinking about these two makes me never want to replay Dark Souls


wow got lautrec on two parries, so cool

smough and ornstein don't seem too hard without a shield but i tried to kill smough first and mega ornstein doesn't take much damage from my lighting spear

Trying to block against them was asking for trouble even with a shield, iirc.
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