Won't happen. Dev already confirmed that there is no Shovel Knight sale this time. Stop waiting and buy it already.
If I am going to wait, I'll just buy the cross-buy PSN version.
Won't happen. Dev already confirmed that there is no Shovel Knight sale this time. Stop waiting and buy it already.
Total War: Rome II & Company of Heroes 2 bundle for 20$ at
Total War: Rome II & Company of Heroes 2 bundle for 20$ at
Total War: Rome II & Company of Heroes 2 bundle for 20$ at
Two of the buggiest and poorest RTS sequels of recent times for the price of one. Buy it.. what could go wrong?too many
Has Gunslinger been a daily deal yet? I really hope to catch a 80%-90% discount on that..
Really depends what you're looking for in a game.
Rome II is ok nowadays.Two of the buggiest and poorest RTS sequels of recent times for the price of one. Buy it.. what could go wrong?too many
Realistic political simulator?
I'm really into Grand Strategy games, but i dont know if i will like this one. I've seen some videos and read some reviews but i'm not 100% convinced.
Total War: Rome II & Company of Heroes 2 bundle for 20$ at
That bundle is worth $748, I say! Two ridiculously good can get [Call of Juarez Gunslinger + Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon] for $7.48. I don't think it will get cheaper than that.
hopefully not because thats what I paid last sale and I haven't even played them yet ;-P
If I am going to wait, I'll just buy the cross-buy PSN version.
Democracy 3 yay or nay?
I've bought a few games cheaper from nuuvem and activated them with a vp but just read that steam can ban you for that.
I'm worried now :-(
That bundle is worth $748, I say! Two ridiculously good games.
wait,so now for activating games you purchase from nuuvem you have to use a vpn or it does not work?
I've had intermittent problems via web client all week. Today it said my credit card was rejected - even though I was using Steam wallet, and I don't even have a card linked.Is the steam payments system down? I've tried to make a purchase on my Debit Card, Credit Card and paypal and all aren't going through.
The Resident Evil deals at greenmangaming were good enough for me to bite. RE4 is 7.5e and RE6 is 5.6e after coupon. I really doubt there would be a better deal for either of those on Steam during this sale, even if they happened to show up in a daily.Off-Topic, but has this been confirmed?
Still waiting for a daily/flash for Resident Evil 4 or Dragonfall.
I'm losing hope in CS: Go going on sale![]()
Is the steam payments system down? I've tried to make a purchase on my Debit Card, Credit Card and paypal and all aren't going through.
Does someone keep track what was on sale when? I would like to know dailies, community and flash sales of last two days before today.
Anyone has tried Verdun? Any good?
A just as good bundle.
- Command & Conquer
- Command & Conquer The Covert Operations
- Command & Conquer Red Alert
- Command & Conquer Red Alert Counterstrike
- Command & Conquer Red Alert The Aftermath
- Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun
- Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun Firestorm
- Command & Conquer Red Alert 2
- Command & Conquer Red Alert Yuri's Revenge
- Command & Conquer Renegade
- Command & Conquer Generals
- Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour
- Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars
- Command & Conquer 3 Kane’s Wrath
- Command & Conquer Red Alert 3
- Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Uprising
- Command & Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight
Also get OpenRA for remasters of the old C&C games with online and Dune 2000. (doesn't include the single player campaigns)
There is also a fan remake of C&C Renegade.
Origin of course.
Does Steam Greenlight access count as a +1 or is it 'software'?
Check GameDealsReddit here: and change the days as appropiate
thanks a lot
It seems I haven't missed that much, although why there are only one set of flash sales, if they change every 12 hours?
thanks a lot
It seems I haven't missed that much, although why there are only one set of flash sales, if they change every 12 hours?
I think its the cheeoest I seen definantly grabbing it yeahhhhh tech demo on you tube looked like a blastWreckfest is a fantastic game and well worth the money. Cant wait for the final product.
Wreckfest is a fantastic game and well worth the money. Cant wait for the final product.