Does Return to Castle Wolfenstein still hold up these days?
Yea, very well, especially visually
Does Return to Castle Wolfenstein still hold up these days?
Yea, very well, especially visually
Ummm, Witcher 3 was 38 euros for me and now it's suddenly 60 euros discounted to 43 euros.
Games are always 50 euros here, what is this shit all the sudden?
Crimzon Clover WORLD IGNITION is so goddamn good. Best shmup currently on Steam no doubt.
Better than ikaruga?
Ummm, Witcher 3 was 38 euros for me and now it's suddenly 60 euros discounted to 43 euros.
Games are always 50 euros here, what is this shit all the sudden?
I think Steam might be the go for Witcher 3. If last time was any indication they let us redeem a GOG copy.
They sent keys out to at least one bundle group that I know of (but maybe more). Seems the devs are a bit scatterbrained and, about 8-Bit Commando steam key... I'm not gonna get it, even if it was in greenlight bundle? This trend I don't like, don't like at all.
The dream is dead.Sorry guys but HL3 has been canceled via Tomodachi Life.
Sorry guys but HL3 has been canceled via Tomodachi Life.
Ummm, Witcher 3 was 38 euros for me and now it's suddenly 60 euros discounted to 43 euros.
Games are always 50 euros here, what is this shit all the sudden?
Sorry guys but HL3 has been canceled via Tomodachi Life.
Does anyone have Cognition episode 2?
I have 1,3,4 but I don't have 2, and there's no way for me to buy episode 2 individually that I can tell, and I'd rather not pay $30 just for one episode that I'm missing.
If someone would be so kind. I picked up 1 from a giveaway and bought 3/4 but I didn't want to be greedy and get episode 2 at the time.
They sent keys out to at least one bundle group that I know of (but maybe more). Seems the devs are a bit scatterbrained and incompetent.
LONG thread here:
Summary:thanks, but not gonna read all that.
I won't die without this game, just noticed it on playfire list and remembered that I haven't got the key for this game too. Oh well
I tried to get into The Witcher 2 and got bored in the first castle/siege type mission right at the start.
Should I restart without the combat mod or keep going with the mod? The mod seems to make things buggy but I don't know what it's like without it.
What say you?
Scamco has priced Witcher 3 PC version at 49.99€. This 59.99€ price tag is all CD Projekt RED deciding PC games should cost that much from now on. Well I guess EA/Ubisoft/Activision had already decided that previously but now smaller publishers are jumping on the 59.99€ wagon. Meanwhile gamers are jumping off that wagon, trying to find ways to circumvent this (increasing) regional pricing.
Gamers: "Where are our keys?"
Devs: "Contact the bundle sites."
Gamers: "No, you have to send the keys to them."
Devs: "Sorry, we don't know what we're doing."
Just Ctrl+F the name of your bundle site for information on if/when the dev will send them keys.
I don't know about you, but I'm not buying any game with base price like that, not until all games cost that in all parts of the world and even then, I won't probably.
It's sorta funny how we still complain (and will in future) about games being 50, and somehow publishers think that we will be fine with 60? That's ridiculous. For the record, 60 is almost $85.
I don't know about you, but I'm not buying any game with base price like that, not until all games cost that in all parts of the world and even then, I won't probably.
It's sorta funny how we still complain (and will in future) about games being 50€, and somehow publishers think that we will be fine with 60€? That's ridiculous. For the record, 60€ is almost $85.
I tried to get into The Witcher 2 and got bored in the first castle/siege type mission right at the start.
Should I restart without the combat mod or keep going with the mod? The mod seems to make things buggy but I don't know what it's like without it.
What say you?
Alan Wake's fog/wind effects are still really cool. Game is definitely flawed and repetitive but the atmosphere of the locations is top notch.
Plus I can run it at 4K/60FPSso the IQ is great.with AA set to 2X instead of 8
you're 780 Ti arrived I'm guessing? I havea highly overclocked 780 here, you should drop by the screenshots thread.Just no more watch dogs screenshots pls
Hah. I just tried the same. Managed solid FPS on medium/1080p. Time to upgrade
I'm weakfor 13 keys
ive never seen anyone complain about 50, unless you are talking about compared to 50 dollars. Console versions of those same games cost 70 here, so 50 was always a nice difference (again, notwithstanding the dollar - euro conversion)
60 has also always existed on PC, in the form of COD games. its just spreading now to other triple a games aparently. but its not a new thing
in fact, going back to consoles, they have it even worse. we at least get a 50 dollars = 50 euros deal. console games aparently means 60 dollars = 70 euros lol
and now I feel like rewatching Babylon 5
you never have seen me complain about 50? I'll do that all the time and don't even get me started on console games prices.
I tried to get into The Witcher 2 and got bored in the first castle/siege type mission right at the start.
Should I restart without the combat mod or keep going with the mod? The mod seems to make things buggy but I don't know what it's like without it.
What say you?
Kind of a different flavor of shmup, it's up there with the best anyway.
9 month pre-order huh
9 month pre-order huh
If I uninstall a game, would the file erase?
9 month pre-order huh
If I uninstall a game, would the file erase?
If I uninstall a game, would the file erase?
Lets say if I do uninstall? Would I lose achievements?
Lets say if I do uninstall? Would I lose achievements?
It took me 26.4 hours to 100% perfect hexcells plus with cheating or moving forward through levels without perfecting them. Great game, but fucking frustrating. I feel like my IQ went through the floor. A few hours were spent drinking though. Completely the fault of the game
The only thing I didn't care for was the last major mechanic that told you how many blue hexes were in the radius of that hex. Specifically those levels where that's basically all you had to go on. Still, satisfying game.
The intro to the game was the worst by far, definitely push past it.
9 month pre-order huh