Vampire: The Masquerade
Do I pick this up now Steam Gaf?
it's not as great as the first one but it's sweet
if you're going to buy it, be sure to install this patch
Vampire: The Masquerade
Do I pick this up now Steam Gaf?
Haven't played it yet, but doesn't every player in the Jackbox stuff require using a tablet/phone for their input device?Fuuuck, why is the YDKJ game on the Jackbox online only for multiplayer? I mean, pretty sure more than one player can use the keyboard!
They discussed morale levels and stuff like that. Like motherbase soldiers don't like it when Quiet is around or wtvr. So there will be some story and some type of roleplaying elements involved I'm guessing.
I'm sure they can die during missions but I doubt they will be gone forever. It would suck because there doesn't seem to be a lot of buddies. Only showed 4 so far I wonder if they will have more.
Not enough details apparently they can die forever though.
Looks like Kojima is gonna release another version of the mission. MGSV is gonna be amazing. The replay value will be big.
Do they expect to get a lot of money from that?
Like the playerbase must be minimal at this point.
Even the all-time peak is quite low, for such a "big" game.
I can't wait for MGS V. I better not get soiled in between the time it comes out on Steam.
I better not get soiled
And the curren peak is only that "high" because of the sale. Normally it's around 350
They're probably just trying to recoup as much money as they can from the brand and assets. Did Evolve meet financial expectations?
It's really going to be hard to do GOTY awards this year. I already have Witcher 3, Skylines, and Clicker Heroesaiming for the top
Sorry if this has already been posted here, but Lightning Returns got delayed to Fall:
I hope Type-0 HD comes out first.
.I believe they are working on remaking this dog.
Explains the delay.
Holy shit.
One less reason to get a console. I thought this was an exclusive.
On the same topic, I will never forget how I got destroyed in the Transistor release thread for mentioning the PC version. People would continually come in and say they were going to have to buy a $400 console for this game. Informing them there was a PC version during the height of PS4 zealotry was a mistake.
It never was, but it always gets confusing when the console manufacturers get involved with marketing. They are motivated to only advertise their product, so the PC version ends up getting swept under the rug.
With No Man's Sky, Hello Games had their studio flooded and were having trouble meeting development milestones. Since Sony was supporting their marketing campaign, they felt obligated to release that version and admitted to putting the PC version on hold.
The announcement of the simultaneous release at the PC press conference was huge for this reason.
On the same topic, I will never forget how I got destroyed in the Transistor release thread for mentioning the PC version. People would continually come in and say they were going to have to buy a $400 console for this game. Informing them there was a PC version during the height of PS4 zealotry was a mistake.
Another thing I learned from that thread. The light blinking on the DS4 during the Transistor's narration was the next coming of God.
You did also get banned for that PC comment.
dat spelling mistake
I would blame my phone but that's a pretty great mistake.
You did also get banned for that PC comment.
It's super effective though. Multiplat games always get stuck in my head associated with the conference I saw them in.
You can get banned for mentioning other platforms for a game?
This is the second time you've brought that up, why do you continue to do so?
Watching a Twitch stream of Reddit room #1 in the minigame.
64 million.
64 million.
I think the comment was about Grief not understand how somebody could play a Bethesda game (Fallout? Elder Scrolls) on a console.
Just for the sake of it, not everyone has an interest in PC gaming.
Cause I still find it very shittywhat you write.
.How are Damned and Blood Bowl?
Transistor can be ran on pretty low end pcs. Makes sense in the case of people going "I gotta pay 400" when they probably already had something to run it.
PS4 zealotry is real and annoying
even for VitaGAF, stay safe SteamGAF
I think the comment was about Grief not understand how somebody could play a Bethesda game (Fallout? Elder Scrolls?) on a console.
Just for the sake of it, not everyone has an interest in PC gaming.
Cause I still find it very shitty what you wrote.
PS4 zealotry is real and annoying
even for VitaGAF, stay safe SteamGAF
I'm sorry, I don't see anything wrong with asking why would anyone play a Fallout or Elder Scrolls game on a console?
I mean, seriously, why would anyone do that given the choice?
I think the comment was about Grief not understand how somebody could play a Bethesda game (Fallout? Elder Scrolls?) on a console.
Just for the sake of it, not everyone has an interest in PC gaming.
Cause I still find it very shitty what you wrote.
I'm sorry, I don't see anything wrong with asking why would anyone play a Fallout or Elder Scrolls game on a console?
I mean, seriously, why would anyone do that given the choice?
Not everyone has the choice, but clearly whoever banned him had a problem with what he wrote.
PS4 zealotry is real and annoying
even for VitaGAF, stay safe SteamGAF
I honestly think it was because I was directing that comment at Shinobi, not necessarily the content of the comment.