i really liked dead space 1, the industrial look of the ship and isaac's armor and the novelty of its ui and the whole severing mechanic thing, pretty great combination of cool stuff. i even watched the terrible movies since i thought the story was kinda decent
but dead space 2 felt too familiar to me, unlike the first game the space station/spaceship/whatever in 2 looked like a million other ships i had already seen before, lots of lights and neon signs and other space ship-y things, like a sci-fi rapture or something. you got to visit a scientologist church thing and a creepy elementary school and whatever, you get a machinegun and laser guns and whatnot with a very mecha-like suit which looked badass, but it's nothing like the crazy entrails of the crazy mining ship from the first game
also speaking of severing, i just cut my finger (small cut, not like a slice lol). outch haha
Played on a hard enough difficulty, Dead Space has some pretty good scares/tension.
I mean, you know that something is coming, but you don't know from where or what, and some things can kill you real quick. Which can be fairly scary, especially when ammo is low.
Also, at that point, the stomp is pretty useless except for getting some loot out things that already dead.
yeah like, you enter a room, blood on the floor, you see like 6 different fragile-looking vents, which one is it gonna be!?
I just get spooked really easily. Horror games aren't really my thing.
i'm like megacoward and i was fine with dead space
dead space is pretty chill