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STEAM | May 2015 - Paid Mods? We hardly Nuuvem!

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Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Umm, yikes. Why would you say it's boring, exactly? For some reason, I always thought it was a shooter with diablo elements (collectable guns, etc). I hadn't followed it too closely, and I remember it getting a fair amount of hype, especially since everybody was all excited when the sequel came out.

For me the shooting is same-y. There's very little variety or "fun" difference in the shooting.

It's literally: Shoot enemy in the head until bar depletes. Look at loot that dropped. None of them are better than the gun you more than likely bought. Rinse and repeat.

If the loot drops in a lootwhore title is bad, why would I go through the monotony and unfun gameplay? You screwed up there. Then again if the gameplay isn't fun (whereas the gameplay in Diablo is engaging despite being isometric and top-down hack and slash/click-a-click-a-click) either, why should I play it?

Not to mention the cringe-inducing horrible "comedy."


Bad Rats is $0.19


SteamGAF hates Borderlands.

Morningbus and StallionFree = all of SteamGAF?

Edit: Followed the bread crumbs back and it wasn't the same ol' same ol'

Nah it's not that bad. It's a decent God of War-esque action game.

Nope. It would have been a decent God of War-esque action game if it wasn't unpolished, buggy and rushed out the door by a studio that was shuttered immediately afterwards.

How necessary is it for the Borderlands games to be played in order? I've been curious about the series, but don't know if it works just as well to jump in on 2.

It's not important that you play Borderlands 1 before 2. B1 is light on character and story, at most you'll be missing out on the connection you'd have with some of the quest givers because they were characters you played as in the first game.

The first Borderlands is a good game, it is worth playing but you can skip it without any real consequence.


Morningbus and StallionFree = all of SteamGAF?

Edit: Followed the bread crumbs back and it wasn't the same ol' same ol'

Nope. It would have been a decent God of War-esque action game if it wasn't unpolished, buggy and rushed out the door by a studio that was shuttered immediately afterwards.

It's not important that you play Borderlands 1 before 2. B1 is light on character and story, at most you'll be missing out on the connection you'd have with some of the quest givers because they were characters you played as in the first game.

The first Borderlands is a good game, it is worth playing but you can skip it without any real consequence.

Maybe it's bad on PC but I really don't recall have any real issues on 360 when I played ages ago. Pretty sure I even got the 1000G on it.


Morningbus and StallionFree = all of SteamGAF?
Nobody ever counts me, even when I'm jumping up and waving my arm in the air.

Blands is repetitive and bland as fuck, and the "billions of weapons" is a marketing gimmick, since there's almost no difference from one weapon to another. The second is slightly better than the first, but still meh overall.


For me the shooting is same-y. There's very little variety or "fun" difference in the shooting.

It's literally: Shoot enemy in the head until bar depletes. Look at loot that dropped. None of them are better than the gun you more than likely bought. Rinse and repeat.

If the loot drops in a lootwhore title is bad, why would I go through the monotony and unfun gameplay? You screwed up there. Then again if the gameplay isn't fun (whereas the gameplay in Diablo is engaging despite being isometric and top-down hack and slash/click-a-click-a-click) either, why should I play it?

Not to mention the cringe-inducing horrible "comedy."

Yeah, I really wanted to like BL2 but the shooting mechanics are just so stiff and boring.

Not to mention my entire playthrough consisted of getting weapons that were basically the same as the last one I had but with higher numbers. Really dissapointing loot system.

Edit: Weirdly enough, I did 3 full playthroughs of BL1 and enjoyed it alot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well, that worked out!


Morningbus and StallionFree = all of SteamGAF?

Edit: Followed the bread crumbs back and it wasn't the same ol' same ol'

I generally don't agree with Stallion at all, but in this case I do.

The Borderlands series is extremely monotonous. I can see how it appeals to the mainstream and that is where it found its success.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Maybe it's bad on PC but I really don't recall have any real issues on 360 when I played ages ago. Pretty sure I even got the 1000G on it.

When I say Boredlands is bad, I'm not talking about the port(s). I'm talking about the game itself. It's just... bad. I really don't get the hype toward it beyond "OMG SHOOTING ENEMIES TO DEPLETE BARS FOR LOOT THAT IS TERRIBLE! OMG!" :/

Yeah, I really wanted to like BL2 but the shooting mechanics are just so stiff and boring.

Not to mention my entire playthrough consisted of getting weapons that were basically the same as the last one I had but with higher numbers. Really dissapointing loot system.

You joke, but either they fixed that in the second or you're crazy. The first's drops LITERALLY were worse than the guns you were able to buy in stores. RARELY did you get a better "worth equipping" gun from normal loot drops.


How necessary is it for the Borderlands games to be played in order? I've been curious about the series, but don't know if it works just as well to jump in on 2.

I never played the first one and played the second one a ton and never felt like I was really missing anything. And you're right, it's a FPS with Diablo loot elements, and skill trees.

It is DEFINITELY more fun in co-op, I felt like it was a bit grindy if you want to really level up for different builds on different characters. But I'm an altaholic so it's really my own fault, right?


When I say Boredlands is bad, I'm not talking about the port(s). I'm talking about the game itself. It's just... bad. I really don't get the hype toward it beyond "OMG SHOOTING ENEMIES TO DEPLETE BARS FOR LOOT THAT IS TERRIBLE! OMG!" :/

You joke, but either they fixed that in the second or you're crazy. The first's drops LITERALLY were worse than the guns you were able to buy in stores. RARELY did you get a better "worth equipping" gun from normal loot drops.

Lol I was talking about Force Unleashed. I've never been a fan of borderlands but I can understand why others like it. The world is interesting enough and for a lot of people loot is all they need as a driving force.


The Borderlands series is one of my favorite loot-based, open world first-person shooters.

The first game is arguably more fun because it's super broken. Revolvers are OP.


You joke, but either they fixed that in the second or you're crazy. The first's drops LITERALLY were worse than the guns you were able to buy in stores. RARELY did you get a better "worth equipping" gun from normal loot drops.

Sorry, what I should've said was 'When I DID get better weapons, they where only the same weapon I had before with higher stats'. I omitted the majority of the loot which is normal 'grey' stuff.

Edit: I forgot to mention I can't stand BL2's "humor" but it's not a big of a deal as it's gameplay/loot.
Thanks man for the impression. You would think the 2nd one would be an improvement over the 1st? I'll think about purchasing this. Thanks again.

Yeah, I think that they tried to focus (the first K&L had some levels in which the squad command feature didn't work so well) but sadly that ended up hurting the game's quality.


It's kind of funny how kickstarter is forcing everything to be on PC for sure. Maybe after a while it'll become the standard all around.


And this, my friends, is why asking random people on the internet if something is "worth it" is absolutely fucking stupid.

Call me biased, since I'm the one doing the asking, but I kind of disagree.

Initially, I was asking about the importance to playing the games in order. I figured in case there's some sort of a plot to them, it'd be nice to get a quickie answer. Since two of the answers involved implications that the game was terribly boring, I was just asking for clarification. I can't quite fathom why, in a thread often filled with all sorts of tangents and non-game related talk, someone asking for clarification on a previously-posted opinion has ruffled your feathers so. Their opinion is as good as anybody else's.

Only YOU can judge if something is worth it. Only YOU know what you like and don't like. You could love Borderlands or you could hate it, you'll never know unless you decide to take the leap and play it. How much money and time are you willing to risk on the game? Again, only you can decide.

Personally, I'm really against wasting any time or money on something that I'm not going to like. That's kind of why I, and I assumed most people, don't just purchase games at random.

Do some research because the opinions you get from asking random strangers on the internet is pretty much the same as the ones that have already been posted here and there all over the internet already. Watch some gameplay videos. Try a demo. Stop being stupid. :D

The problem with wading into other threads (and I've gotten burned by this in the past) is that you run a huge risk for spoilers, especially on older games/movies/TV shows. They're probably talking more about the game itself instead of posting their own mini-reviews.

Not to mention that, for the most part, people who might be posting in an active thread are going to be the ones who actually like the game. I know that I don't make it a point to keep up on threads about games that I don't like. Not really a good sampling of opinion to ask a group that's skewed towards liking a game what they think about it.

Gameplay videos are good to get the general feel for the minute-to-minute gameplay, but that hardly tells you anything about the experience as a whole. I could watch a 30-minute video of Left 4 Dead, and the game would look like a fun and interesting zombie shooter. However, after playing Left 4 Dead for 12 hours, I'm of the opinion that it's a bland, repetitive shooter with a horrendously toxic multiplayer environment and a terrible online setup.

Sure, I guess I could sit down and watch hours and hours of gameplay videos of a certain game to really get a feel for it, but then we're getting back into the whole "time wasting" thing.

Try a demo? Sure, post a link to a demo for either Borderlands game. I can't seem to locate one on Steam, and I don't see anything about one on their official site, either. It actually would be really nice if the concept of a demo was anywhere near as popular as it used to be. Now, I just have to wait and see if there's ever going to be a free weekend of a game if I don't want to just blind-buy it.


Bought Double Dragon: Neon

Any more games from the weekly deals worth owning?

Puzzle Dimension (FANTASTIC!!), Edge, Dream Machine, Alpha Protocol, Betrayer, Bulletstorm, Terrorhedron (no idea but it's -95%), Toki Tori, Teslagrad, Back to Bed, Ultratron, Nightmares from the Deep.... need more?

Morningbus and StallionFree = all of SteamGAF?

Oh the list is very long and full with persons that have proven to possess impeccable taste. I'm on it too.


For me the shooting is same-y. There's very little variety or "fun" difference in the shooting.

It's literally: Shoot enemy in the head until bar depletes. Look at loot that dropped. None of them are better than the gun you more than likely bought. Rinse and repeat.

If the loot drops in a lootwhore title is bad, why would I go through the monotony and unfun gameplay? You screwed up there. Then again if the gameplay isn't fun (whereas the gameplay in Diablo is engaging despite being isometric and top-down hack and slash/click-a-click-a-click) either, why should I play it?

Not to mention the cringe-inducing horrible "comedy."

Nobody ever counts me, even when I'm jumping up and waving my arm in the air.

Blands is repetitive and bland as fuck, and the "billions of weapons" is a marketing gimmick, since there's almost no difference from one weapon to another. The second is slightly better than the first, but still meh overall.

Yeah, I really wanted to like BL2 but the shooting mechanics are just so stiff and boring.

Not to mention my entire playthrough consisted of getting weapons that were basically the same as the last one I had but with higher numbers. Really dissapointing loot system.

Edit: Weirdly enough, I did 3 full playthroughs of BL1 and enjoyed it alot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

...and thanks for the clarification, guys :)

It's one of those things where I know that some people are fine with the loot for loot's sake, but for me, if there's nothing interesting to do with it, then I kind of lose interest.

I don't know how applicable it is to Borderlands, but the complaints of the game being stiff and repetitive reminds me of my one experience with World of Warcraft: watching someone else play. I was visiting a friend of mine whose husband was with a group of people going through some fairly advanced dungeon. After talking with the husband about the game in general and getting more of a feel for what it was about, my friend and I headed off to the dining room to talk so that we wouldn't interrupt him. About half an hour later, I was passing through the living room to go to the bathroom, and I saw the same large monster on the TV screen that the husband had been fighting the last time I was in the room. I figure that his group had gotten killed and had worked there way up to this boss again, but he tells me that no, they'd been fighting this monster the whole time.

And that's the point that I knew that WoW just wasn't the game for me. I don't know if I'm just getting too old, but I've got very little patience for dullness in games these days. I'm not expecting everything to be Hotline Miami, but when there's too much unnecessary fluff, it turns me right off.
Counter-point to all of the negativity about Borderlands. I think Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel are fun as hell to play alone and moreso with friends. Borderlands 2 is my 4th most played game on Steam at 330 hours. It's my most played coop game this side of Diablo 3.

Because 2.1 million copies doesn't likely even recuperate their investment in development, nevermind marketing. Even if all 2.1 million of those copies were sold for 60$, which they weren't.

There's a reason Sega has 42 f2p games coming in the next year.


Is there anynkind of modo scene forma alpha protocollo?already have the game on 360..thr only reason tonget IT on PC would be that,especially since it's a game with lot of potential but also a lot of bugs
Sorry, what I should've said was 'When I DID get better weapons, they where only the same weapon I had before with higher stats'. I omitted the majority of the loot which is normal 'grey' stuff.

Edit: I forgot to mention I can't stand BL2's "humor" but it's not a big of a deal as it's gameplay/loot.

The Borderlands series is one of my favorite loot-based, open world first-person shooters.

The first game is arguably more fun because it's super broken. Revolvers are OP.

You people suck. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to ride my favourite meat bicycle.


im on that list as well. i literally spaced out playing the first one.

I never played the first one and played the second one a ton and never felt like I was really missing anything. And you're right, it's a FPS with Diablo loot elements, and skill trees.

It is DEFINITELY more fun in co-op, I felt like it was a bit grindy if you want to really level up for different builds on different characters. But I'm an altaholic so it's really my own fault, right?

Yeah, I really wanted to like BL2 but the shooting mechanics are just so stiff and boring.

Not to mention my entire playthrough consisted of getting weapons that were basically the same as the last one I had but with higher numbers. Really dissapointing loot system.

Edit: Weirdly enough, I did 3 full playthroughs of BL1 and enjoyed it alot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Nobody ever counts me, even when I'm jumping up and waving my arm in the air.

Blands is repetitive and bland as fuck, and the "billions of weapons" is a marketing gimmick, since there's almost no difference from one weapon to another. The second is slightly better than the first, but still meh overall.

Oh gee wilikers, would you look at this.
It's like people have various opinions and some think it's great, some think it's okay, and some think it's absolute garbage.

Surely I can make up my mind from these random opinions that I couldn't have found by simply googling "is borderlands worth buying?" and picking a result that didn't sound like it had spoilers. -_-;


The Borderlands games are fun in that way where you can't stop playing them but you're not really sure if you're having fun, but you want to continue playing them.

I did nearly every mission and side mission in BL1&2 solo and couldn't stop playing it until the level curve in BL2 breaks it and enemies one shot you while taking 3 clips to take down.

But i think i loved it up until that point.

I'm not sure.
ugh, that dinosaur game will support the Rift according to their press release, but Morpheus support gets highlighted in the threads thanks to the PSblog post


kinda doesnt matter, weirdly

you never feel like you're fucking up cause of controls

Game that amounts to a bullet-hell rogue like with emphasis on dodging, fast-paced action, and tons of enemies and bullets on screen?

I would argue that a high frame rate should be fundamental to the design.
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