While the performance and scaling of The Witcher 3 is mostly great (with a few oddities that tweaking in the GUI doesn't quite give the results I'd expect) the really story is this...
21:9 support out the box! Cutscenes are pillar box to 16:9 but I can live with that and more of a sign CDPR have taken multi-monitor and ultrawide monitor setup in to account (Max Payne 3 and GTA V still have the best blending for multi-monitors even though MP3 fucks up on 21:9 during cinematics).
Can you CA what is monotone?
I was actually just wondering if Dr. Dogg could CA my avatar
Of course, nothing is safe!
no Dogg. I won't give it. I can't.
My eyes.
Well to be fair there's about 10 other peeps who will poke you in the eyes regardless if you don't
Every single one bleeds my eyes, its a terrible curse I would't do to even my worse enemy!
We're doing this for change! We're doing this for progress!
@Dr Dogg - hmm but disabling UAC means I can't use the Scan app on my PC

so that's a problem. I haven't been following GeDoSaTo for months now - is it still limited to DX9? perhaps I should look into DSR for my Boosbeck Infinite Downsampling
Well of course if you have issues with certain applications getting a bit finicky with it disabled don't do it. At the moment GeDosaTo is only available in DX9 games (though you can user a wrapper that converts OGL calls to DX9). Basically here's what I do, set my DSR Factors in the Global Settings under Nvidia Control Panel and leave them be so they are always available and when I use GeDoSaTo, even if they use the same resolution it will take priority over DSR. Just set it up and those resolutions are available to your system so you never have to faff about again.
Anyway to lock Alien Isolation's framerate to 30? I can't get a consistent 60 FPS no matter how much I lower setting so I might as well boost the graphics and play at 30 like the console version. AMD GPU.
Riva Tuner Statistics Server which is bundled and a key part of MSI Afterburner will do the trick. It's not tied to any specific vendor so will work on AMD, Nvidia, even Intel integrated GPU's.
Install the latest version above ^ and then when it's up and running find RTSS in the System Tray (the little up arrow to the right on the Task Bar) which should be a blue box with a purple 60 on it. With it open you need to create a profile for Alien Isolation by adding the executable to the program by pressing the big + icon to the bottom left. Navigate to where AI is installed, selected the exe and then to the right hand side you should see an option for 'Framerate limit'. Key in what you want, press enter to confirm the change and then minimise RTSS and hey presto, framerate capped.