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STEAM | May 2015 - Paid Mods? We hardly Nuuvem!

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Stormy Grey
Interesting, goes to show how the Konami boycott thing is so....moot for lack of a better word.

I don't think Boycotting Konami is going to matter in this case anyways. After The Phantom Pain, their video gaming production schedule is supposedly going to take a nosedive while they concentrate on the arcade sector in Japan as well as their other, alternative revenue streams. Can't boycott what won't be really there in the first place!


Played a lot of Witcher yesterday (~ 10 hours lol)

The game is good. Not sure if I'd think the same coming from Witcher 2 as first experience but it's the reason I play chronologically.

I am now at the gates of Vizima town and boy was the "beast" bossfight a struggle :O
Died sop many times. Finally realized that running away in the tiny fighting area until my health regained just to land a couple hits was the best choice. Looked awkward and not worthy of a witcher but eh. I win, he looses.
Playing on easy since I want to ride through the game but boy are the descriptions wrong! No way I would have survived this easy without potions. They are super useful even at easy difficulty.

Really liked how suddenly the game changed from super mundane tasks to basically giving me choice of eradicating the whole town. Wow.

Shagged the witch in the cave and chose the lesser evil. The reverend, the fatty and the merchant were some disgusting people. Enjoyed slaughtering them.

Hope Vizima ends up less empty fields and more dense, urban area. This game really is an RPG gem.

Vizima gets pretty dense during one of the later acts. There are so many NPCs running at once it still chokes on modern rigs trying to run all of the scripts for them.

There's a lot that is hard to stomach with Witcher 1, but I agree, it's quite the gem. And you've got so much more to still see!


I'm definitely going to boycott the last game koji pro are putting their hardwork into, that'd show them

I brought up that same line in a Konami thread recently and there were some who replied that all the moola goes to Konami anyways as Kojipro dissolves by the game's release.


^ nice

All i know is that w/ my 290x, Hairworks causes about a 20-30fps hit even when on just Geralt. Everything else on Ultra.

Basically the same performance loss as I get with a 970 (pre-patch though). Almost useless tech, just like TressFX was (I was using AMD GPUs back when Tomb Raider was released) unless you have a really high-end GPUs and even then, I'd go for downsampling, more AA etc. before any of this hair stuff because this is so expensive performance-wise.

Played a lot of Witcher yesterday (~ 10 hours lol)

The game is good. Not sure if I'd think the same coming from Witcher 2 as first experience but it's the reason I play chronologically.

I am now at the gates of Vizima town and boy was the "beast" bossfight a struggle :O
Died sop many times. Finally realized that running away in the tiny fighting area until my health regained just to land a couple hits was the best choice. Looked awkward and not worthy of a witcher but eh. I win, he looses.
Playing on easy since I want to ride through the game but boy are the descriptions wrong! No way I would have survived this easy without potions. They are super useful even at easy difficulty.

Really liked how suddenly the game changed from super mundane tasks to basically giving me choice of eradicating the whole town. Wow.

Shagged the witch in the cave and chose the lesser evil. The reverend, the fatty and the merchant were some disgusting people. Enjoyed slaughtering them.

Hope Vizima ends up less empty fields and more dense, urban area. This game really is an RPG gem.

Veggie, you're making me seriously regret skipping this game. It will probably soon be the only piece of witcher fiction that i haven't experienced yet and i will really want to. Would be hard going back from tw3 to the jankiness though.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Can something be done about the frame rate in Jet Set Radio steam version?


Veggie, you're making me seriously regret skipping this game. It will probably soon be the only piece of witcher fiction that i haven't experienced yet and i will really want to. Would be hard going back from tw3 to the jankiness though.

Play it. W1 is really good game :D
Sadly no, since animations are hard tied to the 30FPS framerate, if you doubled the number of frames a second you'd also speed up the entire game itself.

or even if you did find a way to unlock the framerate, the animations would still run at 30 fps so you would have a really weird experience. Kinda like when you unlocked the framerate on Bioshock and all of the ragdoll was done at 30 fps, it just looks choppy and off.



Played a lot of Witcher yesterday (~ 10 hours lol)

The game is good. Not sure if I'd think the same coming from Witcher 2 as first experience but it's the reason I play chronologically.

I am now at the gates of Vizima town and boy was the "beast" bossfight a struggle :O
Died sop many times. Finally realized that running away in the tiny fighting area until my health regained just to land a couple hits was the best choice. Looked awkward and not worthy of a witcher but eh. I win, he looses.
Playing on easy since I want to ride through the game but boy are the descriptions wrong! No way I would have survived this easy without potions. They are super useful even at easy difficulty.

Really liked how suddenly the game changed from super mundane tasks to basically giving me choice of eradicating the whole town. Wow.

Shagged the witch in the cave and chose the lesser evil. The reverend, the fatty and the merchant were some disgusting people. Enjoyed slaughtering them.

Hope Vizima ends up less empty fields and more dense, urban area. This game really is an RPG gem.
Did the same. Thumbs up!
Also I heard the beast is a lot easier with the weapon oil you can learn from the witch.


Finally again on my PC.

Many thanks to all the folks posting tips on which monitor tech to choose.

Going from 1366x768 to 1920x1080 is a ginormous shift.
There is so much space suddenly!

Did you know that incredibly many pages have empty place on the sides at full-hd?

Even browsing Gaf is different. There's so much info on a single line and images as well!

Still trying to get used to this resolution. It's the firs time I have 1080p as a normal resolution for windows. Crazy. Totally recommend it to you all.


I was really surprised to see so many pages not having "widescreen modes" like they have "mobile modes".

It looks a bit weird when about 50% is empty, haha.

Nice! Mine came just today, so we are not that far apart :D

Wow that is a huge leap for you. I haven't yet watched any movies but something sci-fi with many effects would look cool I'm sure.
Maybe I'll watch some Elite or Star Citizen gameplay :eek:

I've installed Firefox again recently and now noticed one feature Chrome is REALLY missing: a bookmarks sidebar!
Seriously, Google, why isn't this a thing?


It's so handy when you are on 1080p since you can still see the whole web page without horizontal scrollbars, yet you have quick access to your bookmarks.

Unfortunately, to date Chrome doesn't have this.
There are some extensions that try to mimic it.
There are is a good one but paid. Sadly Google Wallet doesn't support PayPal...
No PayPal support in 2015... wat?


Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Sadly no, since animations are hard tied to the 30FPS framerate, if you doubled the number of frames a second you'd also speed up the entire game itself.

or even if you did find a way to unlock the framerate, the animations would still run at 30 fps so you would have a really weird experience. Kinda like when you unlocked the framerate on Bioshock and all of the ragdoll was done at 30 fps, it just looks choppy and off.

aw, that sucks. Such a blemish on a cool as hell game


So the 600+ improvements for W3 was the Day 1 patch according to the developer. Sounds like folks with 1.03 are all getting improved FPS and less crashes though. Look forward to trying it out and seeing if I get the small FPS dips anymore when I get home.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
I always wonder if people who have trouble with the Beast fight know you can blow out the Barghast spawning fires with Aard, so you can one-on-one the boss. I wonder this because it's not something the game or even the (I think) Brady guide that came with the game mentions.

Also reminded that the two things I really wish Witcher 1 had were fast travel and/or a horse.


Is it just me or was the Humble store Spring Sale very tame?

I checked every day and didn't see much of anything compelling.
I admit it was ok for some +1s for 60-99c, but I'm not into the whole game count thing.
The patch would want to fix a lot of stuff.

The Witcher 3 - Keeping it Real

- It is buggy as hell and crashes consistently in really bad places.
- The combat is janky as fuck. It sucks.
- Everything that isn't combat is even jankier. That isn't even a real word, but it exists because of The Witcher 3. Want to get on your horse? Good luck with that unless you are in the exact right spot at the right angle. Want to loot something? Well you need to stop exactly in the right spot and press a button 5 times until it starts to loot and you just find junk anyway. Want to walk around inside a building? You'll hit every wall five times like you are drunk...which isn't even consistent with the lore.
+ The writing is excellent.
- The writing might be brilliant and subtle too! But when you have to hear the same conversation 5 times over, because it crashes 5 times just after, you realise the skip function doesn't even work consistently.

It still shits all over Dragon Age... but its a 7/10 at best and its best is probably 2 or 3 patches away.


That's a pretty big deal. They're trying to reclaim some space from Twitch.

I just want 60FPS functionality on the iOS app. They mention in that post that it's on its way "in the coming weeks."

I think that YT invested a lot more time and money in YT Live after Amazon purchased Twitch :D


Paper Dungeons is 3,59€ on HB. Steam got a (very long) demo, great game.

Is it just me or was the Humble store Spring Sale very tame?

I checked every day and didn't see much of anything compelling.
I admit it was ok for some +1s for 60-99c, but I'm not into the whole game count thing.

Can't confirm, scrolling through today's offers and I'm seeing nice prices for cool games.


Oh nice, Witcher 3 patch.
I have only had one freeze on Witcher 3, at the very beginning when the card player is talking about his uxenfort education, but I'll take any and all improvement of course.
aw, that sucks. Such a blemish on a cool as hell game

If they ever port JSRF then you'll have your 60 fps. You'll also have an infinitely better game and possibly the best Sega game that came out on the OG Xbox. It depends on how you feel about Orta and PSO.

But it's definitely much better than the original. So damn good.


If they ever port JSRF then you'll have your 60 fps. You'll also have an infinitely better game and possibly the best Sega game that came out on the OG Xbox. It depends on how you feel about Orta and PSO.

But it's definitely much better than the original. So damn good.

Even though I got so frustrated by the original that I quit about 2/3 of the way through, I'll give JSRF a try if it hits Steam. Better controls and 60 FPS would be fantastic.


Unconfirmed Member
So apparently, only me, Jase and any SteamGAFfer with an MGS inspired username or avatar are gonna get MGS PP on Steam?

I'll be buying it
at 75% off in the distant future ;_;

Is it just me or was the Humble store Spring Sale very tame?

I checked every day and didn't see much of anything compelling.
I admit it was ok for some +1s for 60-99c, but I'm not into the whole game count thing.

I managed to buy Steam Marines and Halfway, both of which would have ended up on the to buy list during the summer sale otherwise, so I'm satisfied. Some of the other discounts have been reasonable and good ($6 for Phantom Breaker seems like a good deal), but the sale isn't that amazing.


There's a mumble neogaf server? The more you know.

Also how do I get into the neogaf steam group?
Trust me, no one ever uses this mumble. Beside occasionally a couple of LoL players, my friend and I go in there pretty often to just chat and hang out.

Though as you can see, sometimes morningbus and Nabs like to have their Tea Time. (At random hours)

it really irks me when like you choose 'no reward' and you get a super sword in return

that's super lame, i'm trying to be a phiantropist here, you can't give me a material reward for that
They're poor villagers, as you said. What are they going to do with a super sword? Of course they should give it to me, a damn witcher. Also give me that super suit.

Supposedly the "Super Patch" was actually the day one patch, but this one seems pretty hefty:
"menu handling" :O does this mean no more crashes?? OMG.

What makes you think that? There's a metric ton of GAFfers on my friends list who wishlisted it, though that doesn't mean 100% intent to buy, but still:
Ma! Get the camera! I made the list! :O

I'm definitely going to buy it
when it hits a good deal on Nuuvem
For me it is:
If its get decent review, wait for a sale.
If its Metal Gear Solid 3 level of good. Get it immediately.

Edit: wait, Phawx :O you played Umbra? How was it?

I mean can you give us an impression? Or will the men in black cart you away if you even mention it?

You are a saint for typing these up like this.
It sure makes it easier to figure out how much of a bundle I own. Thank you. :)

COTN sounds like an alien character from a forgettable Trek episode.

And CON sounds like what advisor company KLEI likes to do to people...

If SotN is good enough for Symphony of the Night, then CotN is good enough for Crypt of the Necrodancer, IMO. ;)

For me it is:
If its get decent review, wait for a sale.
If its Metal Gear Solid 3 level of good. Get it immediately.

For me it is:
If it's a MGS3 level of "good", skip it.
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